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Model corrado

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got my model out the box and they not 100% perfect in my eyes, could be better.


maybe i'm a perfectionist, but i was a little disappointed at some parts, i'll get pics, just thought i'd let people know.

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on mine, it has a funny mark on rear bumper, looks like its been touched with something while paint was wet.


Rear spoiler is all knobbly along the bottom, like its been sprayed while sat on some paper and got bits stuck to it, needs sanding smooth


and there is silver paint on the rear quarter where someone has slipped while painted the rubstrips

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Bloody hell that sounds pretty bad :shock: all that is ... well WAS fine on mine :lol: now the whole paint job is dodgy :roll:

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i'll probably have it sprayed anyway, so can sort these bits out, they only tiny things, but still i noticed them


whats up with you paint? how did you paint it? and what paint did u use?


i thought they made one in your car anyway?

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Nah they only do dark burgundy and aqua blue. Althought the burgundy is similar to mine its not blackberry so i wanted to spray it anyway!


I just used halfords primer, halfords mixed blackberry spray paint then lots of lacquer. It looks ok but i just didnt get the finish i ideally wanted due to not having proper spray guns and not having a proper heated room to spray in so it dried a bit matt. I have got it shiny with quite a bit of lacquer though but still not perfect. Im going to give it a T-cut to see if that will help. I tried a less abrasive polish which made it a tad better but still not great!

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when i've sprayed with cans i've done a really light coat, then let that dry, following by a wet coat, then as thats almost dry give it a dusting of paint while standing a bit futher away


people say to flat back the paint before laquer when you spray with metallics but i've found that to be crap? odd

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OK, 3 models arrived today from my mate in Germany, all nicely packaged in a big box, that the models had originally been shipped in all the way from China.


Note the red circle :-) Shame it didn't turn out to be true. When I unpacked the models they were of course VR6-models :roll:


Yes, the detail is stunning but not perfect, as each one has some minor imperfections. Still, they're not bad, given they've been assembled by China's finest youth labourers :wink:



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why would you want 3?


'Cause I'm greedy :lol:


No, 2 are going to others, notably Jim and Supercharged, who'll lay their mits on one this very weekend.



Tempest (Eric)

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I was down in Weymouth on the weekend and they had the Revell metal kits in stock for £24.95


I couldn't decide on the black one or the blue one, so bought both. As you do. :D

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Looks good. Yours hasnt got the beige/cream seat centres like i had :? that would of saved me some time, i had to paint mine all black.

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Ahh well thats handy then :lol:


I still havent found any wheels for mine, tbh though i havent bothered looking! I will have to start looking about a bit more because its not my car with the speedlines on lol.

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