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Model corrado

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I still need to get one of these sorted. I ordered one a while back, but the website I found sent me a very polite letter saying the order couldn't be processed or something, so I need to find a new place


edit: just ordered one from a website provided in this thread :)

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Go to one of the shows, the usual model seller now sells these, too, as seen at Ultimate VW in Telford.



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not read the whole post but most of you seem the be paying more than this for your corrado models had two of these today


corrado model


delivery was about 8 days ,not seen cheaper .talked to the model shop owner at U/Dubs and he said that he could not get them for this price




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yeah but thats a "corrada" :lol:


maybe thats why hes not selling many :lol: and the price is staying low ,don't tell him .i came accross it looking at die-cast vw's



Rob :)

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They had the Revell models in a local modeling shop here in Coventry today, selling at £25.



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They look like the pre-production models, as those pictures are taken from an early Revell catalogue, that I picked up around Xmas, whilst I was over in Germany.


Currently available models all seem to have those strange silver-coloure side trim strips.



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hmmm that one on ebay has black side trim aswell, has anyone brought one off that ebay link?


both mine came with silver side strips but worked out just under £38 delivered for two as he reduced postage for extra items




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Yep, same here, plus interior repainted to match that of my real C, smoked the real lights, gave it white side repeaters, chromed gear knob, chromed and shortened roof aerial, printed out 1/18 scale versions of my real C's number plates and stuck those on; still to do: find Momo corse steering wheel, Momo Arrow alloys, implement ELRA, Corrado footmats, side markers.


Crazy? Me? Nah :lol:



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got mine today....











Need to glue the arial in, and paint the whole thing white!


how easy is it to remove everything to paint it?

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I ordered mine from that model millennium place a while back, and it arrived the other day.


Am well impressed. Detail / scale is spot on. Especially impressed with the spoiler, the logos on the foot mats and the engine detail. Oh, yeah the exhaust tip looks like my Magnex too! Its all very impressive.


Only thing i didnt like were the silver rubbing strips on the edges. How did you get them off 3corsameal? Thinners?


Would love to find a set of 1:18 6 spoke wheels to look my Borbet C's.

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Same here, just painted them over on mine,too. Still in 2 minds as to whether I should spray mine in alpinewhite.



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still not got mine yet, been 2 weeks so far, from Grand Prix Legends

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haha, like it 3corsameal,


Im painting mine white, wondering whether if there is a model spray paint i should use that may be thiner the car paint as it may look too thick?


any advice?

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