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Too true. I was talking to my folks about this - my dad clearly remebers when drink driving was acceptable and he remebers driving back from the pub, everyone having had a skinful in cars with no seatbelts and people sitting on laps of other passengers. Its terrifying really. Even he cringes when he thinks about what could have happened.


There was an awful lot less cars on the road then.

Doesn't make it right ,I know.Maybe it just seemed that unless you were absolutely blitzed it was ok to drive-you probably wouldn't be pulled.We live in different times.I'm sure most people my age will agree when I say that police presence(on the roads)was minimal to say the least compared to today.

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My Dad used to have 8-9 pints and drive home :roll: - and you wouldn't have been able to tell he had been drinking either - somehow :?


The only thing that made him stop was when he became a magistrate :lol:


There wasn't the stigma attached back in the day - whereas now, quite rightfully - it's really looked apon shamefully by society.

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We seem to be blameing the roads in this country for all our problems with accidents etc etc. New speed limits here, there and everywhere.


But it's not the roads, or the fast cars, it's the bloody people driving them!


I present exibit A!


'Stands down off small wooden box and wanders off'

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Fkn idiot. As corozin said, I'd be ashamed to know the guy. And as someone else pointed out, he should be sat down with people who've suffered a bereavement through idiots like this. If that were me i'd feel like tearing my licence up. Tosser.

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I once drove after having a skinful when i was 19 at uni - and nearly killed the other 5 people who were crammed into the car. it was only a straight road home from the pub, but somehow i managed to go down a cul-de-sac (not that i knew it was). it was only because i thought i was going a bit fast that i started to brake, then saw out of the fog a load of bollards coming for me. i only just stopped in time..... scared the sh1t out of me and everyone else. if i hadn't started braking i'd have probably been still accelerating and killed everyone.

i felt a complete tw@t, parked the car and told everyone to walk home.

these days i won't get in a car if the driver has had a drink, just too scary, even after one pint. i think most people drink/drive at least once, but most learn their lesson and never do it again. i'm glad this d1ckhead did't hit anyone or hurt himself. i hope he gets a b1tchslapping from his mates.

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I learnt my lesson drink driving, Got stopped on the mile or so it was between my house and the local, copper recognised me as my old man was a DI at the time. Copper quickly called my dad, who turned up, punched me in the face, broke my nose and knocked me sparco. Lesson learnt, reminded everytime I look in the mirror thanks to my wonky nose.

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Wow. At least you're big enough to own up to it, and not change it into a "smacked my nose into the windscreen" accident


Like (I suspect) many people I have to admit that I have in the past (and I'm talking 15-20 years ago now) driven once or twice whilst over the limit... not much but it was certainly enough. To tell you the truth the experience of not being in full control was so scary that I learned very quickly not to touch a drop.


In that sense, I can understand if someone who is a similar age to the age I was then makes the same mistake as I did, and is unfortunate enough to have an accident. However it seems clear that in this case this isn't the first car he's trashed whilst wasted and as such clearly hasn't learned his lesson and as such is a complete tool.

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What a waste... nothing at all to be proud off...


Im just glad he screwed up the car & not some innocent person life.. :roll:

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