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Help me decide on a business card design

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Hi guys. spent yesterday messing about with some business card designs. Now im no graphic designer but im fairly happy with this design but just dont know exactly which one to pick.. and as im getting 1000 printed i want them to look right


So can you vote on which is best and also leave feedback if you have any.




Sample 1



Sample 2



Sample 3



Sample 4




these have all been cropped as they would be by the printers and have been shrunk for web display.





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1 & 2 you can see you kneeling down taking the photo...

4 has what looks like a slightly naff (no offence to the owner) estate in the reflection...

So I'd say 3... with the nice bush. :)

The Porsche looks cleaner too (which is kinda the point).

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2 or 3 I reckon.


Not entirely sure about the font tbh mate? It looks a bit 'classic car' to me for some reason. But then perhaps that's exactly what you're going for? Personally I would go with a more 'modern' font.


It looks good though.

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hmm all things i haddnt even noticed


cheers andi :roll:


Isn't that the point of feedback? ;)

They're still cool mind, just think 3 is the best of the bunch for me. 8)

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I think the writing looks best on the left.


Why don't you get a few done with different cars (i.e. 200 aston, 200 porsche, 200 something else)? I did different sets with my company logo in different colours and it always went down well that people could choose their fave.

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Sample 3,


The car looks better positioned and the reflection has a no jaged lines, which compliments the car. Also, the reflections in the others all have white guttering and red bricks which may not reflect the image you are going for.

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Sample 4. Research has shown that peoples attention is always drawn to the bottom right hand corner of a document - you're clearly better having your contact details there

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I would have said 1 or 3 - as you are offering a valet service, there is no point having a photo of headlights while the text goes over the nice clean bonnets.

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No2 is the best composition, imho (that bright glint is in just the right spot in that part of the frame) but you'd really have to clone out your ass from the background ... (Having looked again I can see how #1 would work well, too.)

It's hard to take pro-looking pictures. You have to control not only the item you're photographing, but in the this case the objects around it too because it's reflective.

Ideally you'd have no object reflections whatsoever, in a white room with even lighting (to avoid showing up any spots of dust that might be there). But of course, all this costs time and money...

Do the owners of the cars in question know you're using their cars in your promo material? You will need their permission, I'd say ..

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No 3 for me. Just looks classier to me than the others. The bodywork has the best reflection and therefore looks more professional imo.

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very nice.. makes mine look a little crappy


not sure id get away with using the car badges quite so large.. would probably run accross some copyright issues??

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hmm i have to say the 3rd one of mine was actually my leaset favorite...


greenys ones really are great though. what font is it?


want to try something along those lines now. would love to use the aston badge but not sure i would get away with it??

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ok im getting fed up of doing these now but im pretty sure im going to go with the wirst one of these few but did the others just for comparison






this is my favorite font so far though and my favorite pic / fade ratio.

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Think most of them look great on a PC but you have to consider printing costs. To get these printed to that sort of quality you need a Gloss coated business card and a good print process, ie litho. Alot of printers use digital print process to print business cards now to allow for the quick turnaround and short runs that customers require.


To get a litho printer to do them properly you'll need to hunt around and get a large number done at once. But about the best ones cost wise are Printing.com But bear this in mind when designing a business card!!!!!


However on the side of which looks best - I like g60greeny's first 2 as the water on the bonnet symbolyses what you are doing better ie - the water. Whereas the others make you look like a car dealer!!!!!

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