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Driving and swearing

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Guys you obviously haven't seen Ali G Indahouse, pretty shit film granted, but the bit when the police car goes by when he's in his R5GTT and secretly sticks his fingers up as it drives by is brilliant. My friends and I adopted this method and use it to alleviate the pressures of driving.


How to do this: When some c.u.n.t (usually a BMW driver) cuts you up, don't get angry, just put your two fingers up towards the dash/doorcard (so only you know your doing it) pointing at the car in question. You will find a smile comes to your face and your road rage is suddenly lost. Believe me i've told friends, parents, relatives about this and it works so well. "Mum remember what I told you," fingers up, big smile, happy days.


Lets keep those blood pressures down. Enjoy.

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Guys you obviously haven't seen Ali G Indahouse, pretty **** film granted, but the bit when the police car goes by when he's in his R5GTT and secretly sticks his fingers up as it drives by is brilliant. My friends and I adopted this method and use it to alleviate the pressures of driving.


How to do this: When some c.u.n.t (usually a BMW driver) cuts you up, don't get angry, just put your two fingers up towards the dash/doorcard (so only you know your doing it) pointing at the car in question. You will find a smile comes to your face and your road rage is suddenly lost. Believe me i've told friends, parents, relatives about this and it works so well. "Mum remember what I told you," fingers up, big smile, happy days.


Lets keep those blood pressures down. Enjoy.


Wait til you've got another decade or so of driving in the UK under ya belt mate. You'll soon be leaning out of the window shouting at other drivers! :)

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If I'm delivering pizza, then there are no excuses for p1ss poor driving....

"Out of my way oxygen thief!"

"Encouler putin merde!" (sp?)

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The one time I called some a c0cksucker through an open window he chased me for about 10 miles whilst going purple behind his steering wheel. It was a close run thing.


PMSL :lol:


I am so bad at swearing when I'm driving, in fact I'm so bad at swearing all the time. I am trying to cut down but those naughty words just keep coming out of my mouth :oops: I hardly ever use the see you next tuesday word though, if I call someone that then they've really pissed me off :lol:

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if a copper see's you sticking your finger out of your car you can get 3 points 60 pound fine on the spot

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I prefer giving the finger with a straight face more satisfying to see the look on the other persons face when you calmly do it,it usually goes red.

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if a copper see's you sticking your finger out of your car you can get 3 points 60 pound fine on the spot


What if you are swearing at the copper? :lcop:

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Yup but then I swear a lot anyway - not proud of it just tend to use f instead of saying err.


I blame my work environment...


As for the f****** w****** in the s***** s*** micra in front of me doing 45mph then no, not really ;)


Although I have found the VR to be more, er, theraputic, when it comes to removing these issues.

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i swore at an old codger the other day, he had the cheek to have a go because I was "blocking the junction" - fack off, he had two sherman tanks worth of space behind my car...


anyway a volley of yoofful abuse later, he looked away sheepishly. As did I when I realised I was on the phone to my mum (bluetooth headset) at the time... :oops:

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if a copper see's you sticking your finger out of your car you can get 3 points 60 pound fine on the spot


What if you are swearing at the copper? :lcop:


What if you're pointing at something? :)

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I used to swear a lot in my last rado, mostly when b strds in SE london cut me up, and there is nothing worse than thumping the horn in anger, and it doesnt work.


I cannot describe how angry that used to make me feel. There are no words.

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tend to swear a lot when i'm on my own in the car but try to hold back when i have any passengers!


it did catch me out though when i first got a motorbike and i was sat at the lights with some f****r not going on green or sat in a yellow box or something. having uttered a few choice words the drivers of at least 2 or 3 cars turned to stare at me.. turns out your not quite so soundproofed with just a helmet on!! :D

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A colleague taught me the best way to deal with your rage and not get yourself into trouble is to blow any offending motorist a big kiss.


It works beautifully, they don't know what to do.

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was cut up by someone in a fiesta on a mini-roundabout and they blew me a kiss, made me want to catch up with the cheeky bugger to give him a beating tbh....

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A colleague taught me the best way to deal with your rage and not get yourself into trouble is to blow any offending motorist a big kiss.


It works beautifully, they don't know what to do.


Yeah this works a treat. I did this to a car full of rudys when I tried to change lanes and they wouldn't let me infront cos they thought i was cutting them up, the guy in the back was giving me deathstares, trying to look like fiddy cent, i was laughing and blowing kisses at him. he started to look confused and eventually he turned away. pmsl.

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I have never really understood rage in the car.


Yes of course other drivers and some of their antics do wind me up, but I don't really let them bother me - never saw the point. Always considered it is heart attack material.


However there is one exception - driving too close to me behind really makes me mad - shouting and swearing can happen then.

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I was thinking about this the other day - I realised that when I'm on my own i just mumble swearwords endlessly whilst driving - very odd, a bit like i'm giving a tourette-laden description of the journey...


"oh here's mr stupid prick in a micra who can't drive, oh and look he's trying to..." etc etc :lol:

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I find that I tend to lean a lot towards road rage and it's clearly a big distraction, sort of like talking on the phone. Yelling makes you even more distracted so the simple cut off way is safer the way I see it. Just do it and be done with it.


Two years ago though when I was younger and much more careless, I was with a buddy and this guy about my age with a full car cut me off for no reason on an empty road in the city (it was past midnight). I caught up to him and he gave me a proud look. Then the next thing I know we were exchanging various signs of insult. By then there were a few cars around and since he was on my side of the lane, my friend handed me his then empty mickey and it smashed against his door :roll: . Even though we were out numbered they didn't pull over but the look on the driver's face was priceless.


We were both driving beat up cars by the way and am in no way trying to look tough behind a computer but I thought it was a funny childish experience to share.

Needless to say I use my conscience a lot more now, since those days.

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