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Golf GTI Noticed More?

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My C's currently in at PSI for a raft of upgrades for a week and I've got their courtesy car in the mean time.


It's a Black MK3 Golf GTI 16v with grey leathers, it's quite nice, if it wasn't for the canoe like handling I wouldn't mind owning one.


Anyway, back to the point;


From driving around for a few days, I've noticed it gets quite a bit more attention than the Corrado does? Now I know they're nice and probably reasonably rare (16v)? but surely the Corrado's more of a 'ooo look a.....' car?


Do you think its because more people are aware of Golf GTI's? I still get the occasional 'a VW what?' from some people, so I suppose its possible.


Maybe the Corrado's more stealthy than I first thought! :wink:

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how strange, i was having the exact conversation with my missus when we took the corrado out for a drive yesterday, and i was explaining the corrado is a much more rare/sporty car and gets noticed more than my golf VR6 (mk3). Usually i get at least 2 or 3 people a week come up to me and say something like 'you dont see many of them anymore' or 'that ones in good condition' etc. But recently morer people have been remarking on the golf instead of the corrado?


do you think that the corrado has past its phase of being a so called timeless classic and the mk3 golfs have become the new mk1s? apart from the fact that mk1s had shoddy brakes whereas mk3 have shoddy suspension??!!??

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No, I reckon its the general non-motoring public doesn't really know what a Corrado is, let alone spot one. Where as the Golf GTI has so much publicity and is still sold today (as in the model still exists).


Most that have an interest in cars will probably spot the Corrado.


Thats my theory anyway!

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yeah, i thought about that angle too, but then the fact that people think ooo theres a corrado what a fantasic car etc, could be down to programs such as top gear which give the car a quick boost up the 'cool scale' but after a while gets forgotten again. and turns into another 11+year old VW. whereas the golf gti brand has been going since 1970 something?? and everyone knows them.

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Na, I think one of the best things about the 'rado is just that most people have no flippin' idea what they are. People who do recognise them know that they're something special and a bit understated, those who don't just don't. I love that about it. It's sort of stealth fast, which is classy. Compare and contrast to, say, a Scooby, which is about as stealthy as the US army invading a small middle eastern state.


I had a Mark 2 Golf GTi before and people generally knew what it was and all its image baggage, but you don't really get that with the corrado. People who know what it is tend to respect it, some people recognise that it has nice lines, but most people don't know and don't care.


I suppose it depends whether you want to be noticed or not really...

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yeah i said that to my missus as well, if you own a corrado and people know its a corrado, they also know they didnt make any slow ones (bar the 2.0 8v) and so leave you alone/show respect whereas if you drive a golf it could be any engine inside it, mine is completly debadged so it could be a 1.4 under the bonnet (not much respect) but as it happens has a 2.8 supercharged VR6 (big respect) but nobody is any the wiser.

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I think it is due to recognition of the GTi brand, however it is not like the mk.III is the pinacle of the brand though.


As for Corrados they are fairly steathly I suppose and most people don't know what a scirocco is let alone a Corrado!

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What's a scirocco? [runs]


lol :lol:


I think its because the golf is a well know car and is everywhere so people know what they are, they also know that a gti is a better model.

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I noticed the same about mk3's when out in my mates... also after having a go in it I've decided I quite like them - they deffo need coilovers but even when you add the cost of them to the buying price it still makes for a good looking dub for not much money 8)

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do you think that the corrado has past its phase of being a so called timeless classic and the mk3 golfs have become the new mk1s? apart from the fact that mk1s had shoddy brakes whereas mk3 have shoddy suspension??!!??


MK3 becoming the new MK1??, it's like comparing Westlife to The Beatles! :wink:


The MK3 has always had a small following if compared to the MK1 & MK2. The reason is VW pretty much undercooked it (VR6 apart).......they took all the bit's that made the MK1 & MK2 so special, out.


Corrado, on the other hand is a stonewall future classic!

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..From driving around for a few days, I've noticed it gets quite a bit more attention than the Corrado does? Now I know they're nice and probably reasonably rare (16v)? but surely the Corrado's more of a 'ooo look a.....' car?


Do you think its because more people are aware of Golf GTI's? I still get the occasional 'a VW what?' from some people, so I suppose its possible.


Maybe the Corrado's more stealthy than I first thought! :wink:


The Corrado's stealth factor is 11.There are very few people today who know what it is,but the ones that do-invariably have only good things to say about it.As you've already said,the Golf is current and ergo has a big following,it's amazing how many people are transfixed with the Golf-for me it's quite a dull car.

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We`ve got a MKIV Golf GTI with lowered suspension big wheels all the toys and it seems to get more attention than the Corrado :shock:

It seems to be more recognisable to people as a Golf GTI so it must be fast :!:

Wheras the Corrado still seems to get the "nice Scirocco" looks from the uninitiated :!:

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I took my dad out in my car a few weeks back and he couldnt believe the amount of people that look at my corrado, people in cars driving by, pedestrians, even animals :lol: but i think maybe because mine is slammed on uber wide wheels that people notice it more :D

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I think it's just because you were in a different car and more aware of onlookers...... most GTI drivers are considered t0ssers where I live because they're always tailgating people and driving like knobbers round the towns, so they were probably judging you in the Golf, not admiring the car :-)

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I like the fact that a lot of people don't know much about it, and that they don't massively stand out... hopefully it makes it less desirable to the type that are out nicking cars... while still getting us the occasional chuftie from those in the know...

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I've found the same ! Nobody bats an eyelid when I'm out in the Corrado, but every boy-racer and his dog seems to fall over themselves with excitement when I drive by in the Golf VR6. Thing is, it's a standard 5-door with original BBS wheels, although it has been lowered slightly, but the local chavs seem to think it's some kind of automotive Holy Grail.


I've had them run out in the street beside it clapping FFS!


Incidentally, when I used to own Sciroccos everyone seemed to think they were Audi coupes for some reason (other than the silver one I had, which was 'the DeLorean from Back to the Future' apparently...). Nobody seems to have a clue what the Corrado is at all.

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I've had them run out in the street beside it clapping FFS!


And you think this is a positive experience??


Some chav comes running out in front of the Corrado clapping and I might find that I need a new bumper ... The amount of acceleration I perform to hit him would be proportional to the cheapness of his trackie..

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