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My Pearl Ghey 16v Gone :( - Introducing "Annie"

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Sorry, no offence intended, but that just looks absolutely ridiculous on so many levels! :lol:


I know its the 'in thing' with the cool kids at the moment but you'll find that the vast majority of people who see that on the roads will think you're a complete tit :lol: Its just one of those things you'll look back on in a few years and think 'wtf was I thinking?'


Each to their own though, and all that jazz :nuts:

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I have to agree with Walesy about the wheels, Jon :cuckoo: :pukeright:


But the wind-deflectors ARE cool, and massively functional I can imagine! No rain coming in the window when your smoking ;)

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Sorry, no offence intended, but that just looks absolutely ridiculous on so many levels! :lol:


I know its the 'in thing' with the cool kids at the moment but you'll find that the vast majority of people who see that on the roads will think you're a complete tit :lol: Its just one of those things you'll look back on in a few years and think 'wtf was I thinking?'


Each to their own though, and all that jazz :nuts:



Meh like I care?


As to "Cool kids", these have been in the pipeline for 3 years, so technically ahead of the game in thought... As I don't have a limitless pot of cash like the "cool kids" who live rent free at home and have massive disposable income...plus the fact this is my only car, it takes a while for big things to filter through... plus there's been a lot of other additions before the "Fancy stuff" like an almost complete suspension overhaul... means I have to be a bit "Canny" about when to buy stuff!


All bolt one stuff so can be changed, not like I've chopped the floors out, or hacked the roof about or anything!


But thanks for the thumbs up on the wind deflectors, the Kwel Kidz hate them! :lol: And no smoking now I have my Recaros..

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Oh come on, i'm sure you didn't expect to put a set of illuminous green wheels on your car and not attract any attention/opinions? :lol:


Its not to my taste in that im not into attention seeking or garish mods, but I also think in this case it just doesn't suit the car - the car is otherwise nice and understated so the wheels don't look right, I think the gold suited it better and it looked really smart on the LM reps etc - just my opinion :shrug:

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All bolt one stuff so can be changed, not like I've chopped the floors out, or hacked the roof about or anything!



exactly, paint the whole car that colour and it wouldn't be a good move. i think it's all about having a bit of fun.

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Oh come on, i'm sure you didn't expect to put a set of illuminous green wheels on your car and not attract any attention/opinions? :lol:


Its not to my taste in that im not into attention seeking or garish mods, but I also think in this case it just doesn't suit the car - the car is otherwise nice and understated so the wheels don't look right, I think the gold suited it better and it looked really smart on the LM reps etc - just my opinion :shrug:



Luminous Green! not that bright :p


As said Porsche GT3RS Green (Or VW Cliff-Grenn/Apple-Green from the late 70's if you are an Air-cooled head, same colour as my 1st Bug!)... As I said was toying with this or the GT3RS Orange for good couple years, this isn't a perminant look, just a bit of a Laugh.


Maybe Camo-pink next year, :camp: beat Dinkus to it! (where is Dom BTW?)

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Not sure Jon, I was all ready to post up a suitable response about not liking them earlier but more I look at them the more I'm not sure. I'm wondering if it's not the wheels themselves but that the Grey looks really wahsed out next to the green......... oh I don't know, think I'm talking crap now! :lol:


I'm also choosing to believe that you made your decision based on the fact it's GT Beetle Apple Green rather than Porsche GT3RS Green :wink:

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Porsche green, Apple green, Beetle green, Incredible Hulk Snot green - call it what you want its still not the right colour for wheels on your car IMO :gag: :lol:


Anyway, it's you that has to drive around in it and have it parked on your drive, so if you like it then thats all that matters :tongue:


Dinkus is apparently in the middle of a move to Canada so is pretty busy! :camp:

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Sorry but honestly I thought they were green wheel trims when I first laid eyes on them. I only realised they were D90's when I saw the porsche emblem. I don't like but a least we all know what green wheels look like on a grey c now. :D

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Good Job I like Marmite then eh? :tongue:


And they're 928's NOT D90's!


2010 year of Acid Yellow then? :lol:


whats the difference? are d90's all silver/polished and 928's green? : :wink:

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And they're 928's NOT D90's!


Oh yeah! :lol: I'm not very scene! Can you tell?

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J, what size are your compo's?? I want to try em on.... ideas poppin up in my head again! :clap:

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love the notchback mate. i love the whole collection infact.

i have a 1972 bay camper and a project 1976 bay camper(love hate relationship with the 76). the old aircooled vdubs are great but cant beat the raddo :D :D :D

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Yeah forgot to mention the 72 ex Austrian Postal Van Bay I had.. but as that ended up with me getting plod involved to access the RAF-run business park (ex Airbase) to recover it from the "restorer" who was in fact breaking it.. probably best forgotton...


Hopefully goes into Di-Natek for paint next week! :clap:


Still need the four allen bolts for the rear spoiler though so I can put on my new one...

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Well the know case for "Something shiney breaks something oily" occured again on Saturday...


Taking the out-laws back to Standstead to fly home so 4 up and luggage.... throws the bottom Rad hose off the waterpump... :censored:


Fortunatley I caught it by seeing the water temp rising past 110. But no coolant light despite not having any coolant left in the engine? Got it over and shut down (mfa showed 152 o/temp though :shock: )... 3 miles from the Airport on the side of the M11!


Turns out HIC didn't include break-down cover on my insurance (despite me asking them to) so I'm £160 poorer getting the car home on a flatbed.

The in-laws managed to make their flight by us waving down an off-duty black cab from the hard shoulder!


Re-connected the lower hose yesterday filled it with water and it started (didn't want to re-start when the recover bloke turned up). Runs ok and comes up to temp and fan kicks in, but have an air-lock somewhere :( as water light wouldn't go out!


However I'm worried why it threw the pipe (jubilee still attached too!) so will get it booked into Nirro and have them check it over to make sure H-Gasket's not failed (no Mayo on cap etc) and if it's ok, change coolant, oil etc..


If it's failed... then looks like it'll be ABF time!

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Doesn't appear so as comes up to temp etc... fans on... and pipe stayed attached on my trial to temp/fan on...


Any quick way of testing to see if pump's failed internally?

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Runs ok and comes up to temp and fan kicks in, but have an air-lock somewhere :( as water light wouldn't go out!


If you've just got pure water in there, then the light may well not go out, it needs the colant for the level sensor to actually work.


Any quick way of testing to see if pump's failed internally?


If the water is being pumped round to the heater matrix, and is coming out of the little return pipe in the header tank then the pump is running. Did you refil the system correctly through the top hose and let it run up till it was warm with the cap off.


To be honest, I wouldn't go panicking about something being knackered with it until something actually shows up as an issue, i.e. the cooling system pressurising, or oil/water being combined. It's certainly not "Dead" if it's running up and the fans are kicking in and out as they should. :camp: :camp:

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Cheers Tom, is squirting out the little top return tube into the header so I guess pump's ok...


It's booked into Nirro to give it the once over and a oil/fluid change tomorrow, will have them change out the Jubilee clips for proper spring clips on the 2 main cooling hoses too as I think that may have been the issue with the bottom hose. :shrug:

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Sorry to hear that. Hope it is a cheap and easy fix. Good luck.

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