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Toads 16v and VR6 of doom.

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Interior refitted.


Emptying of all the crap inside.


If I were you mate I'd do those in the reverse order. :wink:


Would be good to see the old girl back on the road! :D The only time I've seen it not at your Corrado farm was at Edition 38 in 2007!

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Went out in the Beiges Golf yesterday, reminded me how nice they sound which has given me a bit of impetus.


Nearly owned it 2 years, and drove it for 6 months at the start! Lol.


Oh, and stop being a pedant, Helen.

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Engine won't even be back in by then. And I won't be able to afford wishbones and bushes till June's payday.

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Well, you can sit in it and I'll tow it around with a tractor if you want?


Sounds like fun. Can we get a CD of VR6 noises on the stereo just to add to the illusion? :lol: Have you still got that thing I drove last time I was there? Can't even remember what it was called. The thing with the funky gear box.

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Well, the VR has broken cover... I blew the tyres up and dragged it out the shed with the tractor. Nearly destroyed it through careless use of big bale string as a tow rope :lol: Just washed her ready to start to strip tomorrow.


The paintwork has deteriorated badly, and the seats had a little mould on them. Got somewhere to park it out the way that is a little more suitable, but not ideal.


In other news, a large scrap bin was delivered today, so I have to finish stripping the 2 shells I have left, squash them with the tractor and drop them in... By this time next week. Good job I haven't got to go back to work till Monday :D

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About time :) Keep us posted with progress and pictures of the VR matey :)

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Well, the VR has broken cover... I blew the tyres up and dragged it out the shed with the tractor. Nearly destroyed it through careless use of big bale string as a tow rope :lol: Just washed her ready to start to strip tomorrow.


The paintwork has deteriorated badly, and the seats had a little mould on them. Got somewhere to park it out the way that is a little more suitable, but not ideal.


In other news, a large scrap bin was delivered today, so I have to finish stripping the 2 shells I have left, squash them with the tractor and drop them in... By this time next week. Good job I haven't got to go back to work till Monday :D



No way?

So the cow shed was no good for it then?



Nice to hear the show is on the road.

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:) Cheers guys...


I might have sourced a few more parts for her over the last day or two which will bring it a lot closer to getting back on the road....


Can't wait to hear her running again to be honest...

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Well, I've made a start.


Didn't play today as it was a bit damp and I had a few other things to do, but here's some pictures of it appearing looking a bit sorry for itself and the engine being removed.


The engine bay was in a bit of a state from being sat around in damp conditions and me half pulling it apart a while back to change a guide for the timing chains.

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No worries... When are you coming to visit?


There might be a few more corrados around here when you drop by...

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No worries... When are you coming to visit?


There might be a few more corrados around here when you drop by...


Will be the 28th if that's alright matey.


Wish I was allowed to bring my Corrado to join in the fun. :( Unfortunately mine is also in bits now and not likely to be back on the road by then. Also Lucy refuses to take it on holiday anyway.

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It's all right, they won't have arrived by then so you won't be missing out!


What are you doing to yours at the moment?

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Suspension overhaul, clutch, release bearing and pressure plate, service, trying to replace all the interior bits that are missing and a load of other stuff. Not getting very far as I am so horrendously busy at the moment it's not even funny. Regretting starting it all to be honest because now it is not drivable and I have no idea when the hell I'm gonna get time to fix it. And to make matters worse the clutch has started slipping on the Golf now too. :censored:

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Suspension overhaul, clutch, release bearing and pressure plate, service, trying to replace all the interior bits that are missing and a load of other stuff. Not getting very far as I am so horrendously busy at the moment it's not even funny. Regretting starting it all to be honest because now it is not drivable and I have no idea when the hell I'm gonna get time to fix it. And to make matters worse the clutch has started slipping on the Golf now too. :censored:


Sounds a good little list mate... I know it takes a while and is frustrating while you do it, but it will be worthwhile... The golf is just teasing you. Teach it a lesson by taking a dump under the bonnet...


Do you need interior bits? I'm about to scrap my two breakers, and I have loads of bits you can snuffle through. I'll do you a special price too....

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Right... 16v time.


Today I replaced the timing belt, water pump, thermostat and elbow put some newer hopefully less rattly pulleys on, and fitted new aux belts.


Unfortunately, the elbow that fits on the throttle body split as I removed it. Hoping that the new replacement (£50 plus vat :shock: ) will be in tomorrow...


Here's some pics of the process...

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Suspension overhaul, clutch, release bearing and pressure plate, service, trying to replace all the interior bits that are missing and a load of other stuff. Not getting very far as I am so horrendously busy at the moment it's not even funny. Regretting starting it all to be honest because now it is not drivable and I have no idea when the hell I'm gonna get time to fix it. And to make matters worse the clutch has started slipping on the Golf now too. :censored:


Sounds a good little list mate... I know it takes a while and is frustrating while you do it, but it will be worthwhile... The golf is just teasing you. Teach it a lesson by taking a dump under the bonnet...


Do you need interior bits? I'm about to scrap my two breakers, and I have loads of bits you can snuffle through. I'll do you a special price too....


Sounds good mate. There are a few bits I still need so will have to have a snuffle round the Corrado farm. I will get there in the end. You got any suitable alloys hanging around?


My Golf is just playing up because I keep threatening to sell it. :lol:


Those pics are reminding me of my trip to G-Werks. Nice shiny new belts and water pump. :cheers: You have more valves than me though....

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Picked the elbow up this morning, fitted it and ran the car up to temp to check everything was correct. Then just drove it. Aimlessy for 20 miles. Was brilliant.


Thought about the VR calipers. The white VHT pain turned out to be rubbish, and after looking at the hammerite painted 16v calipers, and how well they have lasted over 2 years of abuse, I've cracked out the white hammerite, and am painting the first caliper to see how it turns out. The ones on the 16v didn't have long enought to dry. This shoudln't be an issue on the VR ;)


Also started to make new door membranes for the VR. When I've got one fitting well, I'll make a pattern and put some up for sale here. :)

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Good work Sir :salute:


Might take a couple of those membranes off you ....

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Have I fallen into Toad's trap here? :lol:


I was trying to think of membrane jokes but most of them were pretty wrong.

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