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Car scratchers...

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Is it possible for your work to install cctv on the perimeter of the building where some of you guys park? Or is it a place that grudges spending a penny?


Thats pretty poor that though, no need for sh1t like that.

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Befriend someone in Redhill sainsburys who can apply for a Euro car park pass, and park it there for free everyday ;)

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Ugh. Its not ideal really. I heard of similar problems in a road up near where I work. Staff of the company were struggling to fit into the provided parking so were spreading out into some neighbouring roads, with one set of residents actually slashing tyres and keying cars. Its outrageous really.


Not sure what to suggest really.. a day or two off work hidden in a van with blacked out windows watching for these chicken sh^ts?

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I have a drive way with a drop curb and everything and people still insist on parking in front of it. Some people try and block it as little as they possibly can by going about 2mm away from the next car parked in the road. But there have been times when I've got home from work and not been able to park in my own drive way because someone has just parked in front of it like it's not even there. Well annoying!!! :bad-words: These people are the ones I have polite words with and they're normally perfectly decent people that just popped into the shops for five minutes. I would never dream of causing damage to their cars, aside from the fact it would br glaringly obvious who did it it's just not on no matter how much inconvenience has been caused to you.


Is it worth trying to open up some kind of dialogue with the residents? Some might be disabled or have young children and you could agree not to block their houses. At the very least it would make you guys seem less faceless and they might understand your position a little better if you show an understanding towards theirs. I'm sure it is just a few losers with nothing better to do though that are carrying out the damage.

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Redhill sucks as its got quite a large town centre, but absolutely no parking that won't cost less than a tenner a day. Where abouts do you park? Is it on that road opposite the ford garage - Grovehill Rd or Garlands Ave? I used to park there when I worked in Redhill and came back one day to find the biggest dent ever in one of my doors (luckily it was a sh*tbox astra). Close to town, but not nice roads. Do you know anyone who works in Halfords? Or maybe try parking on the other side of town, Linkfield Lane (opposite the water building) is quite a nice road even if it is a 5 min walk to the centre. Other than that, maybe enquire about the railway station parking.

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I have a drive way with a drop curb and everything and people still insist on parking in front of it.


Yeah I had that too when I lived in Ipswich. Strangely enough it was always the Housing association dross in the street opposite that did it. Sorry, but they were dross, total and utter. One family got moved on for selling drugs, another got kicked out because their kids were throwing rocks and eggs at cars and pedestrians and yet another got put away for attempted murder.


And that was in a 'good' part of Ipswich! Why do the local councils insist on housing pond scum in respectable areas?

It's not like Ipswich has a shortage of massive council estates to park these people in or anything.




Meldrew Wire

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Redhill sucks as its got quite a large town centre, but absolutely no parking that won't cost a over tenner a day. Where abouts do you park? Is it on that road opposite the ford garage - Grovehill Rd or Garlands Ave? I used to park there when I worked in Redhill and came back one day to find the biggest dent ever in one of my doors (luckily it was a sh*tbox astra). Close to town, but not nice roads. Do you know anyone who works in Halfords? Or maybe try parking on the other side of town, Linkfield Lane (opposite the water building) is quite a nice road even if it is a 5 min walk to the centre. Other than that, maybe enquire about the railway station parking.


Yeah, it was Garlands rd I think that it got keyed on. Work has got a car park, but it's limited to 70 spaces for upper management so I've a few promotions yet... Quite annoyed as when I went for the interview they said yes there was a car park, but didn't mention there was 0% chance of getting a space there!!


Was thinking about clubbing together with all the people who park down there and getting a van with a video camera in the back of it or something to park there and record for a few days...


But it's not a regular thing so no doubt nothing would happen while we were recording it... Sods law...

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I have lived on a road that was access only and as it was fairly close to the train station; people would park their cars there all day, drove me up the wall as they park opposite my drive and as the road was so narrow I could not get off.


Not that I ever keyed anyones cars etc but I did leave a few notes pointing out there lack of consideration.


As for what to do about it, if you have a laptop and a USB camera then it would be fairly easy to conceal in the car and record people walking past, either that or if you can get a group of workmates together and pay for a private detective/security to monitor the road for a few days with cameras.

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Much I hate to say this, but I too feel for the residents. Office workers should not park in residential areas, whether they're inhabited by slackers or rich people. IMHO, it's the employer's responsibility to sort out car parking, if not then it's the Pay&Display, I'm afraid, as is the case with Coventry Uni for example, also located right in the city centre with no dedicated car parking, other than for the top bosses, of course. There is no right for free parking for office workers.



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Residents have absolutely no right to 'claim' a section of the Queen's [public] highways as their own. If they don't like someone parking in 'their' spot, tough schitt. They should get a feckin job and grow up.

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Residents have absolutely no right to 'claim' a section of the Queen's [public] highways as their own. If they don't like someone parking in 'their' spot, tough schitt. They should get a feckin job and grow up.


I agree. I can't park outside my flat or even on my road due it being a 20 min zone and there's no parking in Croydon where I work. But I don't beeatch about it and destroy other people's property. I think it's mainly cos I'm 8) :wink:

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I park outside my flat on the quiet road and walk to work, which also has ample car parking for everyone, so I reckon you're all a bunch of whingers :lol:

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I have a drive way with a drop curb and everything and people still insist on parking in front of it.


Yeah I had that too when I lived in Ipswich. Strangely enough it was always the Housing association dross in the street opposite that did it. Sorry, but they were dross, total and utter. One family got moved on for selling drugs, another got kicked out because their kids were throwing rocks and eggs at cars and pedestrians and yet another got put away for attempted murder.


And that was in a 'good' part of Ipswich! Why do the local councils insist on housing pond scum in respectable areas?

It's not like Ipswich has a shortage of massive council estates to park these people in or anything.




Meldrew Wire


I have noticed my area of Ipswich go down hill a lot over the last ten or so years. There was someone sat in a car outside my parents house shootin up not so long ago! :shock: and they keep finding loads of needles in the church yard near my house where all the Sunday school kids play. It's terrible. I've tragically lost a couple of friends to drug use. They're still alive but not in the same way they used to be.... And judging by some of the things that have happened in this town recently if the worst thing someone does to me is park outside my house I'll count myself lucky.

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Ugh. Its not ideal really. I heard of similar problems in a road up near where I work. Staff of the company were struggling to fit into the provided parking so were spreading out into some neighbouring roads, with one set of residents actually slashing tyres and keying cars. Its outrageous really.


Not sure what to suggest really.. a day or two off work hidden in a van with blacked out windows watching for these chicken sh^ts?


I'm with Jim on this one. Get a blacked out van.


Then when you catch them, bundle them into the back and drive them to the middle of a bleak, deserted moor. Obviously you will need balaclavas. Play WHAM! on the stereo all the way, very loudly, saying only that you like it because it "gets you in the mood".


Then strip them and chuck them out in the middle of nowhere, before disappearing... :batman:


If this doesn't sh1t them up and end the keying then I don't know what will.


Or you could open up a friendly dialogue and invite them in for cheese and wine


Or leave them notes on their windscreens insulting their mums... :lol:

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I'm with Jim on this one. Get a blacked out van.


Then when you catch them, bundle them into the back and drive them to the middle of a bleak, deserted moor. Obviously you will need balaclavas. Play WHAM! on the stereo all the way, very loudly, saying only that you like it because it "gets you in the mood".


Then strip them and chuck them out in the middle of nowhere, before disappearing... :batman:


If this doesn't s**t them up and end the keying then I don't know what will.


Or you could open up a friendly dialogue and invite them in for cheese and wine


Or leave them notes on their windscreens insulting their mums... :lol:


Now one of those ideas I like a lot. I'll leave it to your imagination which one...

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