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Damage Esitmates

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Ok guys just happened 2 mins ago is it a right off or are the insurance company gonna repair it? any ideas?, lorry driver came over into my lane right over till i was scrapeing the kerb and went down the side of me, i feel like sh*t now not hurt just h8 the fact my new car is f***** which id saved months for and wanted since they where introduced anyway heres the pics.

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Thats a write off in the insurance eyes although there is no reason why you couldnt source the work to a decent bodyshop.... reckon on just under £1k worth of damage there.... insurance people will easily double that and 16V 1.8's can be had for under £2k now I believe?



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Never ceases to amaze me how many a$£&holes there are on the roads. :mad:

Any particular reason why this t£$t decided to push you into a kerb? Jealousy? :mad:



Anyway, as Scott says, it's a rightoff as far as insurance are concerned.

So keep them out of it.


A door skin a quarter panel and a good bodyshop who'll do work for "cash" is what you need my friend.


Unfortunately, Corrado bodyparts are very expensive.

Pricing the parts NEW from Euro comes to about £800, then you've got the work on top of that.


Look for someone breaking a Corrado and see if you can do a deal on the bits.


Try and get £2000 out of the f%£ker cash, otherwise you'll go to the cops and do him for dangerous driving. :evil:


Good Luck


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OUCH! mate i can understand how your feeling, its repairable but gonna be costly, i'm pretty sure new wheel arches can be bought from vw and a 2nd hand door can be aquired.

Whats the deal with the insurance was the other guy insured? did he give details?

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Book price on my car for A1 with 120k miles is £2090, its was A1 and had 122k on the clock so hoping it will be repaired if it dont im gonna hunt down that lorry driver and kick his ass.

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oh yeah i got his details, and he pretty much admitted he was in the wrong i think he was asleep or sumit there was no reason for him to be in my lane he just drifted over then crunch, got out and said oh sorry mate, fuking tw*t :mad:

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hmmm, sounds like the lorry driver that pulled in front of my Brother the other day....


Pity he was on a motorbike at the time, which funnily enough, is wrote off too...


Damage looks nasty there. :( I feel for ya bud. :cry:

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I am sorry to see whats happened to you car. There are so many idiots on the road nowadays that I don't feel safe taking my car out anymore :( . Sorry to pile on the bad news but I had very similar accident to yours about three months ago ie new door, rear quarter etc and the bill was over £2500. :( It would be worth trying to get it bought back of the insurers and get in done on the cheap. What I do have is an itemised list of prices for all the bits my car needed so let me know if you want them.



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Yeah, that's a bummer mate - no body shop can repair damage like that to the rear quarter. Your best bet is either to take the money and get another car, or buy this one back from (his) insurance and get the bits 2nd hand (or break it yourself and make some money off the good parts.) At least it shouldn't effect your no-claims as the other guy admitted liability (which he's not supposed to do!!! NEVER do that!). :(

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Jez, really sorry to see that m8.


Did he admit to the accident in writing & did you report it to the Police?

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(The police are rarely interested in RTAs unless someone actually got hurt. They usually tell you to sort it out amongst yourselves and get on your way ASAP.)

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:shock: thats not good matey.. as everyone says its down to the book value, the cars worth more to you than on paper!! I'd try to buy the car back if its a write off & repair it at a decnet but resonably price bodyshop.. do some homework mate.. :)


I'm always watching out for scum lorry drivers, since the last lorry driver killed my old RST conv'd Ford Orion & almost me too, he cut me up at a rounabout, ripped the rear end totally of the car :cry: that was total loss cos I forgot to declare the new lump I'd only had fitted that wk :cry:


Goodluck with it all...

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This is why I keep thinking we should have nothing but agreed value insurance - it is soooo unfair to see things like this.

What annoys me about insurance 'book values' is that they are a LOT lower than what you can go and buy a clean car for. Hope you sort something. Really feel for you! :(

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You can usually convince an insurance company that the value was a bit higher than book.


My mate has his Saab 900 Turbo stolen and burnt out.

Insurance offered him book price, way below what he'd spent over the previous 12 months on restoring the car (full engine rebuild, respray, numerous other work).

The car was in showroom condition. He sent the insurance company photos, copies of receipts for the work he'd had done and cutouts from Autotrader, club magazine showing the REAL value of a car in similar condition.


In the end they gave him £2000 more than top book for it.

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Ok been on the phone to the lorry company the guy was drving for, they asked me what i wanted i said a new corrado, he said hes gonna have a word with his manager, i told him what happened and he called his driver a wa*ker figured out last night he was coming into my lane cos there was a roundabout up ahead and he also needed to be in the right hand lane so without looking or signaling he moved over into my lane while i was there andf sqashed me, so looks like they wanna settle outside of insurance which i suppose saves me getting increased premiums over someone elses mistake how much should i ask for?, book price is £2090.

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Thats not a bad thing settling out like that, but are you sure there not pulling a fast one cos the driver was driving for to long? something seems abit supect to me..


I would take the £££ but just be careful...

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Hmmm maybe he clearly wasnt watching the road, he moved into my lane without indacating or checking mirrors, i was on his side so not his blind side, maybe he was driving 2 long, if they play up im going through insurance and claiming loss of earnings and whiplash as well.

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Mate, just be careful, I'd say either pay the full value of the car or take them to the cleaners!!


didn't the police attend the scene? how did the driver seem to you? was he at all tired?? there must be something that can be done!!?

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Get the full value of the car and bit on top for your hassle!


You're going to have to dispose (what a horrible word) or break the old car, spend money going round to look for a new car. You say that you're going to be without a car for a while etc.


If book is just over £2k, I wouldn't be settling for anything less than £3k!

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Did you get any witnesses stop if so did you get they're names and addresses as if the lorry company decide to muck you about when you go to claim it's your word against theirs and can usually take ages to get a payout. They will probably not want to go therough insurance as trade insurance costs a packet these days my old boss has to pay £88.000 TPFT on his fleet of 17 vans because he has had so many claims he is not allowed to make a claim this year and has to come out of his pocket if a driver crashes!! I would get the lorry firm to pay you the full cost of what you have payed out on your car dont go buy book value as it is usually over a £1k less than they are usually worth try and get as much as you can out of them!!

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Didnt get no witnesses or police to come, but it was clear he was in the wrong he pulled into my lane without checking mirors or signaling, and im sure the highway code or whatever states u must signal and then check if its clear before pulling out, he needed to be in my lane to get to where he was going so its obvious that he just didnt look behind him, i think the reason he didnt look is cos i pulled out of a junction at a roundabout and started to accelerate up the road in the outside lane when hed gone straight over the roundabout it was clear behind him the dumb sh*t didnt think that i might have pulled out of the junction and started to ovetake, im gonna try get as much as possible out of them, what kinda things should i say to them to acheive that?

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To be honest, looking at the pictures (which of course isn't a guarantee :) ) the damage to the rear quarter definitely looks repairable to me - a DECENT bodyshop (ie. one that has a skilled guy who knows how to use a hammer and dolly, as opposed to filler and a spatula!) should be able to knock that out.


Add on a new/secondhand door (painted of course), repairs to the front wing and I reckon you'd be back on the road again :)


Having said that, still go for the full value of the car from the buggers...there's no guarantee that it IS repairable.


But ask around, see if you can find a decent place in your neck of the woods. I can't tell from the photos if the sill is damaged (if it is, I wouldn't bother repairing it myself) but if the sill's OK (and there's no other structural damage) then it shouldn't affect the way the car drives.


Like I said though, worth getting an expert (a proper one :) ) to look at it and quote. Got any classic car restorers round there? That's the sort of place that would have the skills you want.

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Sills are ok, just along the middles section i think, i would want to bother trying to knock that pannel out i dont think it could be done well enough to keep me happy may jast replace all the pannels, uploading day time pics now.

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Dont know if this helps you mate but i know of a breakers near Dartford who is currently breaking a corrado the same colour as your.


Try them if your interested and if it's not to far - (Plumstead VW Dismantlers) 0208-3172330



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thats real bad news mark...

I feel for you dude. I think try to get as much as you can for your damage and as well as that, why not break your corrado for parts for others?? then sell anything left and start from scratch mate..this time with an even better one...upto you, but either way its a real bad hassle and its a shame to be honest.


Someone else on the forum had damage just like yours!! try the bodyshop he used...cos his rear arch was smashed in like yours and they knocked it out like new!

Good luck mate...i'm on msn, so you can cry to me if ya want geezer.

Sanj. :(

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