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Bloody hell

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Bet he only gets a few points and a ban!! :-(


I bet he gets banned for years, 11 points, and a huge fine aswell.


You think the courts will have sympathy for a guy driving a high end Porsche? I don't.

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This bloke's sentence will make interesting reading. One would hope a custodial sentence will be avoided considering the pressure on the prison system, but on the other hand this bloke has become a poster-boy for evil speeding motorists so there will be a lot of "pressure" for a punitiative custodial sentence.


If justice was anything I'd expect a 2-3 year ban, retake test & ma-hoo-sive fine. It will be interestingto contrast this bloke's treatment with that of that Trafpol caught doing 158mph near Telford a year or so ago ("I was testing the car, m'lud...")

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Another one for Britain's hypocritical motorists to get up in arms about. It's pathetic.


Most people speed, most have done 100mph (or faster) and that removes their right to judge this man impartially, imo.


Look at the guy, he's no boy racer chav car theif out on a joy ride evading police. His crime was not excercising his self restraint.


Just because he got himself in the papers with a headline speed doesn't detract from the fact there are 1000s of motorists that do well over 130mph and don't get caught.... he was just the unlucky one.


I bet the road was quiet at the time aswell, but that element was conveniently left out of the report. It is impossible to hit that speed on a congested road.


I don't think people will look up to him and try and emulate it and it's a very minor thing on the grand scheme of things. 10 miles down the road from me a man was knocked off his bike and killed by a HGV....and they're making more of a stink about a man speeding down a quiet road that some idiot truck driver taking someone's life. Stupid f'kin country.

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Looks like he got 10 weeks cuddling up to another bad man in a cell...


He's a bit of a plonker for doing that speed, but I think we've all had a go at reaching silly speeds before, haven't we???

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The problem with speeds like this is other people's expectations. It would be perfectly reasonable for someone to pull out in front of a car they spot in the distance, not realising that it would be right on top of them before they'd even straightened up and could see it in their mirrors properly. For sure the car is capable of being perfectly stable and safe at 170+, but other people just don't expect it to be going that fast.

In germany maybe people *expect* cars to be gaining on them at a net speed of 100+ mph, but not here.

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Hardly fair that fuck!ng cop got let off last year for doing 158mph on a public road and not even on duty

yet another example of its alright for us to do it we are the police! :mad:


Then they wonder why no one respects them :?

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Hardly fair that ****!ng cop got let off last year for doing 158mph on a public road and not even on duty

yet another example of its alright for us to do it we are the police! :mad:


Indeed, that's a whole other kettle of wriggly sealife.

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You just can't do a 170mph on an A road on a saturday afternoon IIRC :? Someone will die, If your gonna gun-it for a couple of minutes do it early on a sunday morning on a quiet motorway or something not on Saturday afternoon :angel:

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I've done the maths.


Supposing you are travelling at 176mph and a badger runs out in front of you, and you hit it with a wheel, your car would accelerate upwards at 104.9m/s*. Admitedly your suspension would mean that the actual car wouldn't lift that quickly, but I think it might make you crash.



* using UK standard badger specs equivalent to ISO 223437

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ok, fair nough we all spe, im guilty of that ill admit, but 170+down a motorway is stupid, i went silly speeds in my first G60 because i was a stupid littl Tw*at who wanted to try out his new fast car, and i KNOW how fast things come towards you at those speeds, and you don have much time to react, sure he might be driving a porsche, but does that mean he can drive safely? My grandparents had all sorts of fast cars when they were old, but i bet you wouldnt want one of them coming up your ar*e at 170Mph, fact is he is a dumbass and got caught. Shoot him.

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I think we've all had a go at reaching silly speeds before, haven't we???


I've had the speedo needle hard against the Odometer reset button past 160mph a couple of times.


As I say, LOTS of people do it..... but they just haven't been caught yet. The media hoo ha is purely because someone did caught and I cannot believe anyone is genuinely "horrified and shocked" by it.


Next week someone will get caught doing 186mph...... then the following week someone in a Veyron will get caught doing 230mph round a Sainsburys car park..... who cares....

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I cannot believe anyone is genuinely "horrified and shocked" by it.


I think the problem is mate we're petrol heads and we think of speed as something that is fun.


Talk to "normal" people, who are not petrol heads, and yes - they generally look quite surprised when you talk about 3 figure speeds. I've talked about it with my girlfriend and when I said i'd done 140MPH at Brunters here in the UK she looked quite shocked.. I just think us guys with cars that can do those sorts of speeds get used to it, and don't think anything of it.


I also think part of the issue is the roads he did it on.. its not like it was even a deserted empty stretch of motorway (where you might potentially have had a little leeway) - It was a stretch of A road between two villages!

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Someone was caught doing 160 something in the 60s in an AC Cobra, hence the 70mph limit being enforced, so these kind of speeds are not new! Plus that copper doing 150 something testing his car, so Brits are well used to high speeds.....thanks to the media making a mountain out of a mole hill like they usually do.


England is a nation of racing. All the best racing teams from around the world come here for our expertise. Some of the best tracks are here......so these dullards that think 100mph is fast had best get the next plane out of here :lol:


Doesn't matter where Mr 911 man did his deed (shame he didn't hit the car's 203mph Vmax!), it would be frowned upon where ever he did and the fact remains it would have been impossible if it were busy, which it obviously wasn't.


Not condoning it...... just think there are significantly more important things the media could be focussing on.

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I agree wholeheartedly.


I don't think speeding is a totally dangerous thing. I think its a time / place thing and the capability of the car and driver. Some lad doing 130MPH in a shagged old 16v Saxo vs someone doing a 172MPH in a 911 Turbo that is built for those speeds are two totally different things. The instant "those speeds are INSANE!!!" arguments from the old guard are, as you say, tosh.

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Spot on, it's that blanket "Speed kills" phrase against "inappropriate speed" argument again!


Doing 172mph in a town (and someone was caught in Ipswich doing well over 150 in a 30 - on a motorbike) where you are HIGHLY likely to crash into something or someone is more outrageous than doing 172mph on a stretch of dual carriageway, where you're only likely to hit a badger at best.....or at worst some cyclist with no lights or visible clothing.


But that's how it is with the government. You were caught doing X, here's the penalty, end of. They do need to look at sentencing on the severity of the whole incident, not just based purely on the speed. For example, doing 172mph outside a busy school at 3.45pm should carry a stiffer penalty than doing 172mph on a deserted dual carriageway perhaps?

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I feel a whole new branch of law coming on: sentencing scales for people caught doing 172mph in various circumstances .. ;)


No sensible observer of the road scene ever claimed that "speed kills" as a blanket policy, it's merely the government and the media that see it that way. (The same media that's permanently fuelled by coke and points disgusted frowns at Pete and wotserface for the odd transgression.) Even the police accurately report whether speed was the "cause", just a "contributory factor" in an accident or whether it was completely incidental.


Having taken the liberal approach so far, I feel the need to add a "but" - and here it is - but there has to be a limit. Not everyone can manage a car at 150mph, and not every car is safe there. Personally I believe that if there is not a single car/pedestrian/cyclist/motorbike/badger within 1 mile of you, go as fast as you like. That means on motorways, over one mile from any junctions, with *very* light traffic, good weather and good visibility. Anywhere else you're taking the piss...

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I agree wholeheartedly.


I don't think speeding is a totally dangerous thing. I think its a time / place thing and the capability of the car and driver. Some lad doing 130MPH in a shagged old 16v Saxo vs someone doing a 172MPH in a 911 Turbo that is built for those speeds are two totally different things. The instant "those speeds are INSANE!!!" arguments from the old guard are, as you say, tosh.



how are they different things ?? how can you classify people ue to what they are driving?? so some lad in a 16v saxo could be Lewis Hamilton while the person in a 911 Turbo could be me (or worse). who would you trust more?? you cant say just because someone is driving a fast sports car that they are ok to speed more than someone who drives a slow hatchback. If they cant hit the brakes quick enough then they are still going to hit someone and be wiping someones skull fragments off the windscreen.

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Yes, the 'speeding copper' debate could be a very long thread indeed. As I followed one yesterday on a dual carriageway with no blues & two's flashing, going well over the limit. Did wonder if I should match his speed and see what the outcome would be, but realised I would be onto a loser. :(


These things always prove to be great marketing for whichever car has the latest speeding record, so Porsche dealers will be rubbing there hands together.


Not sure whether the guys a complete pratt for being caught speeding in the companies car or applaud him for not using his own car to get to that speed. :?

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how can you classify people ue to what they are driving?? so some lad in a 16v saxo could be Lewis Hamilton while the person in a 911 Turbo could be me (or worse).


I mean as in one car is build for doing high speeds (and has the appropriate safety mechanisms in place to help slow it down again) and one is not. Regardless of the skill of the driver behind the wheel, whether the car is capable or not is going to play a huge role in accident avoidance surely!!


How quickly is a 911 Turbo going to stop from flat out, vs a Saxo doing the same, for example?!


Yes - driver skill obviously counts for a lot but the machine counts for just as much!

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I hate all this talk of "Oh, the road was empty and deserted".


Just how did the driver know it was empty? Oh wait, he didn't. :roll:


And also, based on the driver skill, that's also a load of rubbish, because it can highly depend on the person in front's reaction.

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Next week someone will get caught doing 186mph...... then the following week someone in a Veyron will get caught doing 230mph round a Sainsburys car park..... who cares....


:lol: :lol: You'd have to be of your fekin trolley though

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