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VW's 'R' branding just went down in my estimation!

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OOOH they've lowered it by a whopping 20mm! So it only stands a full country mile in the air now!


Load of Toss... aimed at footballers/ lottery winners and the Yanks...

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I'd buy one


When it costs nearly £70,000?


And would be outperformed by a rechipped £20,000 Golf GTI..?


I clearly don't understand the mindset of SUV owners / wanters. The only think I think when I see them is 'tragic' quite frankly!

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Ugh, I can see the appeal and why they've done it, but ugh I wish they wouldn't.


It's almost enought to make you want to go out and buy a Fiat 500 instead :lol:

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SUVs are here to stay, so get used to seeing more of them on our roads, but if I was forced to have one, it would be R50 8). As far as SUVs go, that's a good looker imo.


I saw a slammed Cayenne Turbo around my local area recently, well, I say slammed but about the same height as a Focus C max, LOL!, but it looked very cool I thought. I suspect a trend of slamming SUVs will follow, once the obsession with 32" rims passes....


I don't care how w@nk an SUV looks or how pretentious and pointless it is.... but 32" chrome rims are just a pot of pure, concentrated toss.....

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They may well be here to say.. but so will my opinion that they're just complete sh!t. Top Gear magazine put the SUV owners 'market' quite nicely in their import it / deport it section this month I have to say.


And yeah.. i'd rather have a Fiat 500!

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Ahhhhh let them eat cake Jim..... R50 owners would get car jacked in minutes if they're in London, which lets face it, is where most SUVs end up!


I'd love to buy one and leave it permanently caked in mud, which should send shivers down the spine of any Chelsea soft roader owners.... ask them what 4 wheel drive is. I bet they haven't a clue.

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Ahhhhh let them eat cake Jim..... R50 owners would get car jacked in minutes if they're in London, which lets face it, is where most SUVs end up!.


Does mean that they can get to 15MPH even quicker than before! :lol:


TBH there should be a size limit on cars here in London (like Tokyo) then we'd get loads of mental little 850/900cc Bi-turbo loons on the streets.. ah a happier place!

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I'd buy one



And would be outperformed by a rechipped £20,000 Golf GTI..?



It wouldn't be outperformed in real world driving rather than the traffic light sprint. I would imagine the in gear increments are something special

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Usually can't stand SUVs, but this is quite 8) I like it :)


Me too Cazza, if I had to have one this would be it 8)

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i like the thought of it slammed on some 20x12" rims... still probably look small in the arches! although if there was a way to lower the c of g enough to make it compete with a golf on the twisties it could embarrs some seriously expersive machinery with that much grunt!

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whats the problem with SUV's like??..........


my missus gets her new Freelander 2 next week..............I feel safer in the knowlege she's going to be driving one of them up and down to the stables where her horse is than her driving in her SportKa presently especially with the amount of times she's felt intimidated driving lately

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whats the problem with SUV's like??..........


Sometimes they're quicker than Corrado's Roddy - definitely in this case :lol:

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Not afraid to admit I've been left behind by a few especially mid range, that's not to say I wasn't pissed off at the time though :lol:

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Heh.. well Top Gear magazine said this about the BMW X5 this month:


The X5 ranks a close second to the Porsche Cayenne as the car most likely to be driven by nasty urban social climbers with jobs in IT recruitment and lifetime memberships of sh!t new golf clubs. We need to get rid, fast, of the sort of car that only exists to belittle normal human beings with its jaw-dropping vulgarity and sheer arsey pointlessness.


I think for me personally the general attitude of the owner is pretty much what does it for me. Not implying this is anything like your good lady of course Rodders! But just think how often you end up with something like an X5 or one of those stupid Warriors or similar attached to your rear bumper. Think when the last time someone driving one of those exhibited good road manners.. like letting you out of a junction or even acknowledging you for giving way, etc. Unfortunately for me there just seems to be a lot of these types of car where I live, mostly driven by muppets so my judgement is probably a little clouded on the matter.. but i've just honestly never seen one feature or any element of anything in the SUV market that has ever made me want one over my slowly dying, 179,000 mile little rattly red Rado.


It often comes down to the 'safety' argument Rodders but where do you draw the line? You might have a super safe euro NCAP 5* hatchback, but nothing is going to stop a big SUV from ploughing over the roof of the car. Safe for the drivers of the SUV.. great.. shame about the hatchback eh? But then another SUV maker makes something bigger, thus rendering the now comparatively small SUV unsafe so everyone needs to upgrade again. Before we know it, we'll all be driving round in articulated trucks like Chris Eubank..


Yeah, its a rant and a moan and i'm super opinionated and generally stubborn on the subject. But you know. Its peoples own money.. let em spend it how they want. Good for them. Some people spend thousands of pounds on home hifi, or designer clothes. We all tick differently.

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