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VW's 'R' branding just went down in my estimation!

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Ahhhhh let them eat cake Jim..... R50 owners would get car jacked in minutes if they're in London, which lets face it, is where most SUVs end up!


I'd love to buy one and leave it permanently caked in mud, which should send shivers down the spine of any Chelsea soft roader owners.... ask them what 4 wheel drive is. I bet they haven't a clue.


Kev, London isn't JoBerg ya know mate! It's still perfectly possible to spend time in London without getting carjacked!! :)

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whats the problem with SUV's like??..........

Sometimes they're quicker than Corrado's Roddy - definitely in this case :lol:


You ain't wrong Bill. About 18 month ago I was in a car with Wendy and she got proper dusted (seriously) by a V10 TDi Touaregs near Silverstone. She bloody well tried to catch is as well but it was unbelievable quick. It was embarrassing really...


I've kind of hated them ever since, but at least they're not driven by dickheads like the Cayenne's all seem to be.



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Ahhhhh let them eat cake Jim..... R50 owners would get car jacked in minutes if they're in London, which lets face it, is where most SUVs end up!


I'd love to buy one and leave it permanently caked in mud, which should send shivers down the spine of any Chelsea soft roader owners.... ask them what 4 wheel drive is. I bet they haven't a clue.


Kev, London isn't JoBerg ya know mate! It's still perfectly possible to spend time in London without getting carjacked!! :)


I think that very much depends on which parts of London you're talking about... double dare you to park one in Brent, or Camden, or Islington...

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Ahhhhh let them eat cake Jim..... R50 owners would get car jacked in minutes if they're in London, which lets face it, is where most SUVs end up!.


Does mean that they can get to 15MPH even quicker than before! :lol:


TBH there should be a size limit on cars here in London (like Tokyo) then we'd get loads of mental little 850/900cc Bi-turbo loons on the streets.. ah a happier place!


Its all lies! I got into third gear the other day, and then had to brake almost straight away for traffic lights. 8)

However, very late at night, certain parts of London are like an amazing race track and there is lots of fun to be had.

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Yeah, its a rant and a moan and i'm super opinionated and generally stubborn on the subject.


Cor, he's alive! ;)


Have to agree, really. I mean, partly everyone's response to SUVs is jealousy - because of what it represents - i.e. "I can afford to spend £70,000 on a car". You have the same gut response to people poncing past in Ferraris and so on, though in those cases it is tempered by the fact that you respect the car (or not). But at the end of the day the SUV is a pointlessly "look how BIG my car is" car. There should be a ring of car parks around london with lonely SUVs in - owners would be forced to drop them there and pick up a courtesy Renault Twingo to complete their drive into London..


It's like BMWs. Everyone hates BMW drivers, but most people who are "into" cars grudgingly admit they'd love to own an M3/M5. So we really only hate other people driving BMWs because we don't. Yet. If you see what I mean?


A friend of mine is totally anti- german cars. She quite rightly points out that (particularly in the south), if there's someone driving like a nob, chances are it's an Audi or a BMW. I quite rightly point out, however, that something like 40% of the cars on the road round here are Audis or BMWs (and of those, most are company cars, not privately owned)... Lies, damned lies, and statistics?

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Ach it does not look too bad, but I would never have one, no matter how rich I was.


Regarding SUVs in general, during weekdays, they always seem to be driven in towns by little Stepford women. My acts of courtesy on the roads does not extend to them, particularly when they are indicating to be let out in our ridiculously choked High Street.

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The reason people buy SUVs is because they are not important. And they know it. That's why they need a middle management position and a big car to feel important. They can't deal with the fact they are an ordinary person like everyone else. So they hide behind their job and their car because those things make them higher than other people, and they feel they have some kind of influence and authority. Trust me, there's loads of these guys in the insurance industry. But I kinda feel sorry for them in a way. There's a guy where I work. He has the most pointless "find this jumped up little goit something to do so he doesn't mess up anything important" management job, and he walks around the office like he's god's gift. But, he does 12 hour days every day trying to cover up his incompetence, his girlfriend now has to bring his daughter into the office because she never sees him, he sits there talking to himself, and he gets bent over by the managers above him. He is not a happy person. He has no life. And guess what he drives....

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I have no problem with people having enough money to be able to afford expensive cars or anything else.

What I despise is the lack of taste, imagination or free thought that SUVs represent.

SUVs are for rich stupid sheep.

Bigger is NOT better.

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I have no problem with people having enough money to be able to afford expensive cars or anything else.

What I despise is the lack of taste, imagination or free thought that SUVs represent.

SUVs are for rich stupid sheep.

Bigger is NOT better.



I cant believe the level of stereotyping going on here!? Could it not be possible that some people buy them simply because like them, in the same way we like Corrados? I mean come on.... 'SUVs are for rich stupid sheep?' Utter Ignorance.

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I cant believe the level of stereotyping going on here!? Could it not be possible that some people buy them simply because like them


Yeah, I suppose it's possible.... :wink: But that still makes me feel sorry for them.... :lol:

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I have no problem with people having enough money to be able to afford expensive cars or anything else.

What I despise is the lack of taste, imagination or free thought that SUVs represent.

SUVs are for rich stupid sheep.

Bigger is NOT better.



I cant believe the level of stereotyping going on here!? Could it not be possible that some people buy them simply because like them, in the same way we like Corrados? I mean come on.... 'SUVs are for rich stupid sheep?' Utter Ignorance.



Yes. But I'm right.



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There should be a ring of car parks around london with lonely SUVs in


It's called the M25 mate!


I'm with Jim on the SUV ownership.. Fine if you need a 4x4 but these people generally will go for a "Proper" one...


the rest are just noncy school-run badly driven/parked wastes of space owned by people who think that as soon as you have a kid you have to go and buy the biggest car you can...


The advent of the Hummer H3 available in RHD just leaves me cold.....


And also why oh why oh why do 90% of X3/5's have really badly adjusted headlights! They nearly all have one aimed at my door mirrior and the other planted squarely in the rear-view mirror.. making night driving fun.. in Shades... :lol:


Porsche Cayanne is the MOST POINTLESS car on the road today (until Ferrrai release the Enzo off-roader)

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I'm with Jim on the SUV ownership.. Fine if you need a 4x4 but these people generally will go for a "Proper" one...


I take it you mean the only 4x4, the Land Rover. Anything else is just pointless. But I know a lot of parents buy them as they like the feeling of being up high and in something big to protect the kids. Plus there aren't that many big, practical expensive cars out there that I can think of, so many go for the SUV.

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Unfortunately, they don't "protect the kids" if you go into a river or burst into flames.


Nor do they teach them not to be hell bent on materialism or modest and unassuming in character.

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Nor do they teach them not to be hell bent on materialism or modest and unassuming in character.


Guess that kind of rules out all of us that drive Corrados too :lol:

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Well, our two cars have a combined age of 28 years and mileage of 185k - traded in together we would not even get a Fiat Punto! :lol: I would not consider that makes us immodest and brash. :o

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Well, our two cars have a combined age of 28 years and mileage of 185k - traded in together we would not even get a Fiat Punto! :lol: I would not consider that makes us immodest and brash. :o


No I meant the Corrado is not exactly a car that blends into the background despite it's age or value, as you know it turns heads everywhere you go in it, and that could be perceived as immodest and brash could it not? :)

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Yes, I know what you mean, A1 VR6.

I am sure we prefer to be regarded as cool, if not particularly ostentatious. However, you have to reach into your wallet bigtime to keep the thing on the road, :lol:

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'SUV' is an American term and a marketing one at that, 'Sport Utility Vehicle', WTF does that mean?!


They are just wrong on so many different levels.


Go past a School in the morning or mid-afternoon and their everywhere. Yes, great, the mother feels safe with little Johny sat in the back becuase she's high up in a big vehicle, but if you hit a child at 30mph in a 4x4/SUV theres no need for an ambulance.


Warrior owner = little d*ck.


My old mans got an old Land Rover which he uses for the purpose it was built for, towing, off-roading and carrying heavy loads. The only time it gets washed is when it rains. :)

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Just to add to my hatred of "Super SUV's" I'll add the cock in the X5 that almost had the side off me on the M25 when the fact that the maotorway was going down to one lane was posted rom a mile out and he still decided to dive in at 100yrds at about 90 with a flurry of breaklights... cock... and it was 11pm not exactly the busiest time on the roads... cock







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partly everyone's response to SUVs is jealousy - because of what it represents - i.e. "I can afford to spend £70,000 on a car". You have the same gut response to people poncing past in Ferraris and so on, though in those cases it is tempered by the fact that you respect the car (or not)


For quite a lot of people I suspect that's probably true, but the rest of us see SUVs as a pointless vehicle wasting space and fossil fuel resources.


You can't see over or through the bloody things when you're behind one, and when you are unfortunate enough to be behind a Cayenne turbo for example, you've got 4 chuffing great tailpipes blasting 3 billion grams of CO straight into your heater blower / open windows.


Ferraris. Absolutely no comparison. They are very endearing. The colours, the styling, the noises, the heritage and the pedigree. Italian flare. A proper driver's car. No one ever put's posters up of SUVs....


An SUV tank serves no useful purpose other than being an imposing fashion accessory to bully car drivers with and show off wealth.....and drop the little f'ckers off to school with. "Ooh look, my Mum's Cayenne is bigger than your Dad's little weener of a Freelander" and so on.....


I love the technology of these things and the mental power some of them have, but 90% of them are bought purely because some A list celeb' makes them look trendy, not to mention the elivated driving position gives some owners an inflated sense of self importance.....looking down on the minions below....and with that comes arrogance and disrespect as Jim pointed out. When was the last time an SUV driver yielded on a narrow country lane and drove up the verge as they're designed to do? No.... they expect the car driver, with minimal suspension travel, to do the impromptu off roading.....and half of these idiots have no spacial awareness of the tanks they're driving either, so hog 3/4 of the road width.


Mind you, I would have respect for a muddy SUV with a towing winch on the front, that's for sure ;-)


It's like BMWs. Everyone hates BMW drivers, but most people who are "into" cars grudgingly admit they'd love to own an M3/M5. So we really only hate other people driving BMWs because we don't. Yet. If you see what I mean?


Nope, disagree with that. Take the BMW away from the "BMW driver" and you are still left with an arrogant cnut quite frankly. In other words, it's not the car at all, but the prick driving it. The BMW just brings out the worst in his character because the dollar value of a new BMW makes him think he's above everyone else, even if it is a 318i.


I've owned BMWs and driven new ones, I earn good money and am happy with my lot. I indicate, let people out and use all 3 lanes on the motorway when driving one.


It's not the car, but cars portray the driver's character too readily unfortunately....

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Goes without saying that all real users like Jay2's father are forgiven :lol: - my wife is a farmer's daughter so I know what vehicles are good in the field and for working hard.


Many years ago, whilst driving a horse box, her father kept crawling forward in his own traffic lane in busy Reading town centre after a Rolls Royce, no less, had barged in front of him with no notice - result - an expensive crunch 8).


I suspect he would not have had much time for the townies with their 4x4 baubles. :lol:

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my wife is a farmer's daughter so I know what vehicles are good in the field and for working hard.


And that's the irony.... working hard in a field. A Cayenne or Toureg with all it's grunt and Hi tech wouldn't know what to do in a field :lol: Did you see Clarkson's test of a modern powerful SUV on a 4x4 course? I think it was a Cayenne, but it got stuck on a little stumpy hill......and then a 50s Land Rover half it's size just bombed over it like it was a speed hump :lol:


The closest drivers of these things get to off roading is parking on a patch of flat grass and getting the picnic blanket out.

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I feel now is the time to step in with my opinion.


Ive been watching this thread closely, and Im sorry Kev but you are wrong.


Modern 4x4 are not as light and nimble as a 60s landrover but have you tried to drive a landrover for any distance in either normal trafic or on a motorway?


They are not the same things and you cant compare them.


Also, how about the transiberian Rally, Cayenne absolutly stormed the rally setting a course record for the stages. You just can't say thay Cayenne is not a superior off road machine. It has a fantastic off road system with an aray of gadgets to assist with the demands of an off road obstacles.


Having been lucky enough to drive a Cayenne on Silverstones off road track I was astounded what the beast can do. then to be driven in one round a rally course, it was enough to show me the light.


Ok maybe i dont agree with them on a school run basis, and some of the arrogant to$$ers that drive such vehicles should have been drowned at birth but as a machine, and all round road vehicle and as a wide ranged sports car, they are awsome.


Yes I am biassed but, who isnt?

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