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EU vote for lower emissions in 4 years

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Now I'm not sure exactly what this means but it looks like Motor manufacturers are going to have to drop average emissions far faster than they thought:

BBC news item


130g/km in four years time, that could mean many more diesel cars and so diesel climbing even higher in price compared to petrol?

Makes the V6 VW petrol engines look even less likely to survive and things look bad for the remaining UK car industry too, we'll all be in 1 Litre Kias soon :gag:

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And yet car pollution is such a small part of Co2 emissions, why don't they target industry further, oh yes of course I forgot about the money.....

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Not to mention aircraft flight,


It's all bullshit anyway, I am yet to be convinced that an increase from 320 ppm (parts per million) to 380 could even possibly have as major affect on the climate as supposed boffins say, yes that is an increase from 0.000320 to 0.000380% of air being CO2 at ground level.

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It's the same for recycling that they are pushing for home owners - its only around 10% of total landfill (cant remember exact figure) that is generated by households, the rest is industry and they are doing feck all about that.

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Just Brussels [still] trying to remove cars from Europe.


Porsche recently made a statement that if this ridiculous 130g/km law comes in, they are moving production out of Europe.

And as Porsche are a major stake holder in VW, they will follow them, along with Audi, BMW, Mercedes.....goodbye 10s of 1000s of jobs, goodbye european economy.


And I say good on them. If they are to be penalised very heavily (financially) for not making engines as clean as 130g/km, then I would also tell Brussels to go f'ck themselves.


I hope it happens. The useless jizzbags in power in Europe need a big wake up call, in the shape of a meat cleaver round the side of the head......or financial ruin.

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Just Brussels [still] trying to remove cars from Europe.


Porsche recently made a statement that if this ridiculous 130g/km law comes in, they are moving production out of Europe.

And as Porsche are a major stake holder in VW, they will follow them, along with Audi, BMW, Mercedes.....goodbye 10s of 1000s of jobs, goodbye european economy.


And I say good on them. If they are to be penalised very heavily (financially) for not making engines as clean as 130g/km, then I would also tell Brussels to go f'ck themselves.


I hope it happens. The useless jizzbags in power in Europe need a big wake up call, in the shape of a meat cleaver round the side of the head......or financial ruin.


Shame it will never happen, crazy amounts of money wasted in Europe, mostly by the likes of Kinnock being the unelected EU commissioner that he has - they hold all the real power too. Bloody breeding ground for failed politicians - no wonder they keep trying to feck everyone over.

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Shame it will never happen, crazy amounts of money wasted in Europe, mostly by the likes of Kinnock being the unelected EU commissioner that he has - they hold all the real power too. Bloody breeding ground for failed politicians - no wonder they keep trying to feck everyone over.


I believe there is published reseach which proves that if Neil Kinnock were to stop opening his mouth there would be a measurable reduction in the entire planet's CO2 emissions

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If human CO2 emissions stopped dead tomorrow it would take over 100 years for there to be any noticable effect on the world's climate, and then it would be very small. How are green taxes and offsetting (which is the biggest joke in the world) and targets on car emiisions going to make any difference?


The fact of the matter remains that the world's climate is constantly in a state of fluctuation. It is always either getting hotter or colder. If the scientists are saying that the world is warming up the natural processes that cause this must be the biggest contributing factor anyhow. If at this present time the world was naturally getting cooler without human emissions it would still be getting cooler with them, perhaps a teeny but slower. There is no way human CO2 emissions would reverse the natural process of the world's climate cooling down. So it's gonna happen regardless of what some tw@t politician thinks. In my more cynical moments I think it is just about raising revenue, which I suppose will come in handy when they nationalise our f*cked up banks because Mr Brown's bailout has failed (which it will).

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