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how pi$$ed would you be if this happened to you

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What the effing hell?!


I think I'd probably have a 'Falling Down' moment quite frankly. What the hell is wrong with people?!

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3months ago I would have been happy as could have saved me money on a respray. ;)


If it was my new car I would have gone balistic however!!!

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Good grief! I think i feel a bit sick :( i really dont like to see this kinda thing at all, but reminds me of when i was at my mates house one summer evening, the car was parked 3 meters from where i was sat and i heard the clifford chirp just as 3 guys walked past so just to check i want to look just in case and the scruffy so & so's had all spat huge greeny's on it just coz it was a nice looking car! I shouted to them as they were only 30 yards away and they legged it.


Jealousy me thinks but as said he could have hacked someone right off too! but that aint hard these days is it?

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Not that keen on the new shape Scooby myself but thats takin it a bit far :bad-words: I see he has had it repaired :shock: I would have been looking for a replacement

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Id be furious if that hapenned to me but agree that doesnt happen for no reason..


Jealousy isnt enough to do that..

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god thats awful... not a huge scooby fan but its a horrible thing to see done to anyones pride and joy. If he did have enemies they certainly knew how to hit him where it hurts, poor guy.

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The only saving grace is his insurance will cover it. If someone did that to a corrado its a Write off everytime. I think they are cowards and probably just kids.

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I feel sorry for the guy, having to come out to that in the morning. Though like above he's probably pished someone off, especially if no other cars, other then the other on his drive, had it done to them.


Still its a bit of a cowardly thing to do.

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as said above, that's too much trouble to go to to just be a jealousy attack, someone's gone out of their way to buy paint and paint stripper and spread it over every panel, my bet is he's upset someone too.

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Still its a bit of a cowardly thing to do.


Yep. Rather than ringing the door bell and sorting it "man to man", the spineless coward vandalises a defenseless, inanimate object instead. Round of applause for the big hard man.


Or the car was parked outside his bit on side's and it was the wife who poured Nitromoors over it. A woman scorned and all that.....Women know exactly where to stick the knife in :lol:

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Still its a bit of a cowardly thing to do.


Yep. Rather than ringing the door bell and sorting it "man to man", the spineless coward vandalises a defenseless, inanimate object instead. Round of applause for the big hard man.


Or the car was parked outside his bit on side's and it was the wife who poured Nitromoors over it. A woman scorned and all that.....Women know exactly where to stick the knife in :lol:


aye i bet he's only told one half of the story.

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New car or not I'd go spairs man. I'm talkin in the front bush with the paintball marker for the next month when the motor was back. Been shot at, been jumped, had a ball bat taken to me once, but F**K with my wheels and it'ed be three or four of my best mates to talk me off of walkin' the block for the little pr**ks.

Individuals who comprehend the possibilty of this act being O.K. need to have whats left of the malfunctioning brains removed via logging chainsaw.

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That has to be a revenge attack of some description. He's clearly annoyed someone a hell of a lot. As has been said, definitely not a few mindless vandals, someone has spent quite a lot of time doing that. Needless to say, I'd be livid if that had happened to my car..

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Still its a bit of a cowardly thing to do.


Yep. Rather than ringing the door bell and sorting it "man to man", the spineless coward vandalises a defenseless, inanimate object instead. Round of applause for the big hard man.


Or the car was parked outside his bit on side's and it was the wife who poured Nitromoors over it. A woman scorned and all that.....Women know exactly where to stick the knife in :lol:



I had a feling it was a woman too....... he says that he has not upset anyone but then again I suppose he hardley going to write "im a right nob me, could be anyone"


I did feel sick when I read this post, hope I never upset anyone that much :(

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Feel for the Guy, but his insurance will cover it.

But on a personal note, if that car was parked on my drive, I would have done it myself. Butt ugly motor.

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Feel for the Guy, but his insurance will cover it.

But on a personal note, if that car was parked on my drive, I would have done it myself. Butt ugly motor.


Yeah the new impreza is a right dog!

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Yeah that's true. He could have done it himself to get the insurance for a new car.... one less ugly :D


Popped it up on the net for a bit of "Oh my god, look what' someone's done to my car" drama, logged with fuzz for a crime number, phone call to insurance.....


Sorry, that's just my cynical side!

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Why cynical. Honesty never hurt anyone.............well not that I know of.

Lets hope the guy who owns the scooby never comes here. he might get a complex

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