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Are Corrado's the best looking affordable car ever?

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I just can't stop looking at them, they are fantastic.


Come on, show me something, that can be bought for similar money, that still looks as good today as it did when it was originally released. I bet there nothing to beat out favourite VW coupe.

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Best looking - Definitely :thumbleft:

Affordable - yes (to buy) :) To maintain - No :twisted:


but i get the biggest smile on my face as soon as i put my foot down in second gear at 3000rpm :shock: - mmmmmm!!!! :D 8)

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Corrados are not that good looking.

Muscular is the best thing you can say about it... (Donning flame proof suit.)


Excellent value for money now that they're old though, can't argue there. Lots of performance and not bad looks for not much dosh. Pity about the reliability (none) and the running costs...


Or did you mean to put that apostrophe there? In which case, "Are Corrado's whats the best looking affordable car ever"?

And how do you know my mate Corrado Barbieri?! ;)

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it depends what you like in a car, they're good looking the same way that the lancia delta integralle, aston martin vantage and the Evo are good looking, very masculine agressive :twisted: looking, which in my book is a good thing!

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I reckon that the design team behind the Corrado got it spot on... 8) The looks, proportions and general asthetics of the car are brilliant... There isn't an angle these cars look bad from (apart from underneath, a view I've had of mine far too often recently! :roll: ) Yes, they're somewhat angular and muscular looking, but that's not a bad thing in my opinion, but I think it's part of what has kept it looking as fresh and distinctive as it is today without becoming dated and naff looking (take the Ford Probe for example!)


As for the affordable part, I don't know of any other 8+ year old performance car in the Corrado's league that would cost much less to keep running... It's all relative... My first Corrado cost me hardly anything to keep on the road, my current G60 has cost me a small fortune, but I'm doing this one properly, rather than scrimping on bits and bobs, so I can excuse it... 8)

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I had always wanted one, remeber seeing them on the motorway when I was alot younger & seeing the that rear spoiler go up & down, the way they looked, that was it, I had to have one!


as Henny says the design team did get it spot on... :D :D :D

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I've always liked the extra little touches here and there like the spoiler, the big rear armrest the door mirrors and the standard exhaust tailpipe for a 1990's car it definately had some very nice touches :)

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I always wanted one, but the Corrado design (particularly now) mainly appeals because it's a little retro. That whole angular thing is coming back (started by the Focus, probably), and therefore the Corrado comes back in fashion. How OLD did the Corrado look in 1995? Yes it did, be honest.


I like it for it's subtlety. Particularly in a dark colour, no-one really knows that they're looking at a nigh-on 200bhp sports car. The small spoiler, the quiet way the exhaust looks meaningful without being OTT, the slight muscular flare around the wheel arches, the low-slung appearance..


It's subtle. Most sports cars are designed to either look like a playschool kid's idea of what a sports car should be like (i.e. all spoilers, gills, lights, fins, air ducts etc etc - can you say "Imprezza"?!), or to sell to a woman (all curves and swooping lines). (Maybe I just offended 90% of the readers here, but hey, I'm allowed my opinions! ;) )


Each to their own, but I would never go further than describing the Corrado as anything other than muscular and understated...

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Nothing comes close! Just look at those lines! From the side of the bonnet all the way up to the spoiler- perfect from every angle :D 8)

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I had always wanted one, remeber seeing them on the motorway when I was alot younger & seeing the that rear spoiler go up & down, the way they looked, that was it, I had to have one!


SAme here mate :D


I love them, and virtually everyone comments on its looks, and why they stopped making them.


All round winner IMO :)



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My brother always takes the piss saying my car looks like a delorean :mad: :lol:


What does he know, i love the looks. One of the main points that attracted me to them. Do look a bit dated now but i like old cars so suits me

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Do look a bit dated now but i like old cars so suits me


Same here :wink:


Everyone keeps saying to me to get a newer car, but I've never been into new cars... :roll:

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My brother always takes the p*** saying my car looks like a delorean


Well it was designed by the same bloke.

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I think the C is a stunning looking car even today.


I reckon the best looking affordable car is the Mazda RX-7 but the C runs it pretty close IMHO. :D

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i find when people ask what car ive got and i tell them ive got a corrado most of them say "whats that then???"and other comments i get is...god your car looks menacing when it comes up in the rear view mirror :D

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Personally I don't think the corrado is a terribly good looking car from the production line. I wouldn't of bought my car if it didn't look like it did, & Imo is very good looking car, & does look pretty menacing. Unfortunately I haven't fallen in love with my corrado like I did my RS turbo. Some of you now may be thinking I am mad here, but for me my RS had some kind of "X" factor for me the corrado hasn't. I don't know what it is, but I just love them.


The Corrado is a good car & I'm enjoying owning it, unfortunately for me my company has just moved quite a long way from where they were when I bought it. For me the kind of car I like to keep is a spotless one, & I think all these extra day to day miles will take it's toll on a car with near perfect body work & spoil it. I will see how it goes, but I can see her going some time in the new year to make way for a little work horse for me to commute in, so I can get myself another RS to use at weekends. I would be sad to see it go :cry:

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i find when people ask what car ive got and i tell them ive got a corrado most of them say "whats that then???"and other comments i get is...god your car looks menacing when it comes up in the rear view mirror :D


Yeah, my dad described it as "evil" and "threatening" the way that it just appeared in his rear view mirror on my way home one day... :twisted: ...and then said it was "awesome" the way it just pulled out and dissapeared off into the distance staying flat around the corners... :wink: 8) He wasn't a happy bunny about that 'cos he was under the mis-conception that his Hyundi Coupe was faster than my G60 'cos it was "a newer 2 litre" than my 1.8.... He forgot about the effect that the blower has though! :roll: :lol:

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did someone just call the corrado retro? that's it, it's for sale... :p


a quote I once heard about the Corrado


"it's so ugly...it's beautiful" :D

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when i parked my corrado next to my mk2 crx...... the corrado lost by a BIG margin on looks im affraid.


but its still a good car


You come across as having lost a fiver and found 5 pence when it comes to comparing your CRX to your Corrado :lol:



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I think what that Top Gear bloke said about it was on the right track.....it was a sales flop because it was too expensive but it still has the right ingredients to make it desirable......today. And like he also said, corrados are quick.....today.


My own personal feeling on the C is the handling and looks (except the ugly tail lamps) are excellent. Never a dull drive in a Corrado but the rest of the car is so-so. The engines are excellent when running right, a pain in the butt when they're not. The seats are fabulous, the rest of the interior, cr@p.


So the C is a bit of a liquorice allsort of good bits and bad bits but as a complete package (accepting the rough with the smooth), it's unbeatable at the price.



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when i parked my corrado next to my mk2 crx...... the corrado lost by a BIG margin on looks im affraid.


but its still a good car


One word "specsavers"

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crx vs corrado looks-wise is no comparison. the corrado owns the crx all day long. there is a local guy here with a crx that is done. full kit, all the twinkly shiney bits, 18s (right out to the edge of the fenders..nice) lime green paint and everytime i see him when i'm in the corrado... he's already staring at me. his eyes never leave the corrado the whole time. that says it right there.


about the corrado looking old? name another car design that appears less-dated than a corrado that is 15+ years old. these were designed in '88 were they not? interesting that someone mentions how dated probes look now... i worked with a guy who drove a probe.. and when we got to talking about the corrado, he said he thought i bought it brand new, he thought it was a 2002 or 2003 and he couldnt understand how i could afford it! when i told em '90 he thought i was joking or mistaken. :lol:


the guy that designed the delorean also did the scirocco... but was he also directly involved with the corrado? i always thought that the corrado had similarities with delorean styling because the scirocco looks so much like the delorean, and the corrado was modeled somewhat after the rocco. would be cool if the same guy did all three... interesting bit of trivia. was the delorean made at karmann too? if so i'll have to buy one. then i'll have all three! always wanted to get one, first mod: flux capacitor!! :twisted:



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I just can't stop looking at them, they are fantastic.


Come on, show me something, that can be bought for similar money, that still looks as good today as it did when it was originally released. I bet there nothing to beat out favourite VW coupe.


You're probably asking the wrong people - I think you might get a slightly biased response :-)


What you need is an independent source, like the BBC's motoring programme, what's it called again....


Oh yeah - they certainly reckoned it was alright - or did they just say it was the only "acceptable" one of the bunch of 80s/90s coupes...


Nip over to the calibra forum and ask them what they think !!!


(Has anyone been on there since the Corrado top gear article poked fun at the Calibra???)

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