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Uprated Headlight looms for 2013

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got my connectors so will get my them and my cheque off to you asap. did you pm me your address already though? dont remember seeing it..

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20 minutes to fit even for a cacky fingered old witch like me! Just need to tidy the install up a bit but will have to wait for double sided tape to mount the relays properly...and need to "Bag" the relay block to waterproof it properly.


Even in daylight awesome difference! :thumb right: :thumbleft:


Will be able to run the smoked covers full time now! Especially when I get the Phillips Extreme Bulbs!


Zak, only minor issue seems to be that there's not enough wire on the near-side light run to allow easy mounting of the Relays...

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Quick update on first night trip (Back from teh folks)...






Even with the 2yr old Halfrauds 50% bulbs and the tinted covers, a massive difference from stock, but it's highlighted the fact that my O/S light needs adjusting! Even the sidelights seem brighter!


Got "Flashed" on the A41, so I guess they are a lot brighter!


Quick Adjustment and some Phillips 80% Extreme bulbs and recon will be almost as good as HID's :D

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hi i would like a set of the 3 relay loom but i am currently trying to get some passat connectors as described in the earliers posts. thanks

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  vwdeviant said:
Quick update on first night trip (Back from teh folks)...






Even with the 2yr old Halfrauds 50% bulbs and the tinted covers, a massive difference from stock, but it's highlighted the fact that my O/S light needs adjusting! Even the sidelights seem brighter!


Got "Flashed" on the A41, so I guess they are a lot brighter!


Quick Adjustment and some Phillips 80% Extreme bulbs and recon will be almost as good as HID's :D



I would disagree they will be almost as good as HID's :notworthy:

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  corradog60stage4 said:
  vwdeviant said:
Quick update on first night trip (Back from teh folks)...






Even with the 2yr old Halfrauds 50% bulbs and the tinted covers, a massive difference from stock, but it's highlighted the fact that my O/S light needs adjusting! Even the sidelights seem brighter!


Got "Flashed" on the A41, so I guess they are a lot brighter!


Quick Adjustment and some Phillips 80% Extreme bulbs and recon will be almost as good as HID's :D



I would disagree they will be almost as good as HID's :notworthy:



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lilfuzzer-Yes have cheque thanks


dukest- will PM you now


black dub- will put you on the list if you like? Did you look through the thread as some folk have ordered them from Germany.


vwdeviant- glad you're happy if you PM me what you think needs improving I'll get it sorted.



Hi all,


Hope you all had a good Christmas, mine was cool my little boy got spoilt rotten.


Sorry for those who haven't had yet but I got the MAN flu and nothing happened in my house for the last 2 days.


Also had a problem with some of the connectors, they where rubbish. I sent them back and the new ones will be here in a few days. That puts me back quite a bit so if you don't have yours yet it will be in the new year now. Sorry not much else I can do, I refuse to use crappy parts.

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black dub- will put you on the list if you like? Did you look through the thread as some folk have ordered them from Germany.


vwdeviant- glad you're happy if you PM me what you think needs improving I'll get it sorted.



yes you can put me on the list please and i look through the complete thread to see if it said where to get them from in germany.

is there any chance you can send me a pic of what the loom looks like as i may want slightly longer cables as i have my battery relocated in the boot but have a distribution block in the engine bay and i am also in the middle of smoothing my bay and hidding all wiring.


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Hi black dub,


Look on page 4 to see a pic or the connectors and look on page 5 for the link to the germany company arz-tuning.


Also look on page 8 for a link to the last thread for pic's of the loom.


However if you send me some pic's of your engine bay and tell me exactly what you want I will be about to custom make you a loom to your cars spec and dimensions. If you PM me and send me your number we can have a chat about it.


deltaforce- did I get a cheque from you today????

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could you put me on the list for a 3 relay kit ? Ordered the plugs from ARZ-T today, soon as they are in my possesion i will forward them on to you !

Happy New Year

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dragon green- Tis done but they maybe a few weeks for the next lot. I'm on a course but will try and get them done soon as.


I will be PMing people soon to let them know whose is ready and who will be next. I've gone on a first pay first get basis.

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Just received my loom Zak, looks fantastic, feels great, going to get it on today report back tomorrow, hoping its going to get people flashing at me lol.


Is there any need to get different bulbs at all or has anybody found a good set to use with this loom.

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My loom arrived this morning, thanks Zak! Looks a proper professional job, very impressed indeed!!! Cant wait to fit it, maybe tomorrow if I get a chance.


I've bought some Phillips Extreme bulbs to go with the loom, as far as I can recall, i've never replaced the headlight bulbs, and I have had the car 9 years!!!

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Well loom is now fitted, def looks loads brighter even in the day light as vwdeviant reported, and the car is been used tonight on A, B and motorway roads tonight cant wait, and i am still on standard bulbs, just Halfords own brand and they are prob 3-4 years old, we shall see.


Good instructions, especially like the intro lol.

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Just had a text from my girlfriend. Mines at home waiting for me. :D Will fit tomorrow and put some pics up in my members gallery for those interested.

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  Sonicriot13 said:
Just had a text from my girlfriend. Mines at home waiting for me. :D Will fit tomorrow and put some pics up in my members gallery for those interested.


It really is very very easy to fit, the most time consuming part is actually getting it neat and tidy, the wiring is that easy and i didnt opt for the OEM connectors so i would imagine with the OEM connectors you really must be dumb to get it wrong, as he said they are plug and play with no cutting of wires.

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Cool, thanks for the feedback.


I'm not going anywhere should you(which I doubt) have any issues just get in touch and I shall resolve them.


I've got 3 more almost ready so the next 3 pm's about payment will get the looms. The rest may have to wait a couple of weeks.

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Well to be quite frank, to say im astonished would be an understatement, the difference it has made is so much more than i thought it was going to be. Fact.


Imagine your currently full beam brightness but dipped and your nearly there, with a wider spread of light and obviously brighter, and i was absolutely shocked to see full beam, effin hell thats bright, better than my Merc van with projectors. Bearing in mind i have not changed the bulbs to a higher wattage and as i say they are Halfords own cheapies in 3 - 4 year old. Doubt i will change to a higher wattage it really is that good now, which also means i will protect the film that can get heated away if higher wattage bulbs are used.


I dont mind it this way but on full beam it also keeps the dipped on i think, not checked properly yet?


In my view there is absoluitely ne need for HID kits that can be expensive and dont work correctly with the Corrado lens defractor.


Thanks very much Zak.

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