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Got a letter from the police (UPDATE Wed 4th Feb) ....

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seems a bit dodge to me baring in mind i dont actually use CD's in my car, i haven't had CD's in my car for almost a year, could they have thought it was something else looking like a CD? or is this even true, not tried the website advetised on there.


Bit sus to me...

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Get a legit phone number and call the local fuzz or council. If it's dodgy it wants clamping down fast. Could be someone using the awareness scheme for foul play.


No harm in checking....

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Hi dude, I just removed the copy of the letter as it's not a good idea to publish your full name, address and registration details online!


Maybe remove the address from the copy of the letter and re-post it?


(obviously, if you want to re-post it with your full details then thats up to you mate!)

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errrr, yeah i know it had my full name on it, but that wasn't my real address, i dont live at downing street, the prime minister does lol.


I might ring the police tomorrow, just seems bit odd as i dont use cd's!


altho from the site, http://www.sheffieldsafercommunities.net, I did find this paragraph,


'Use of the Vulnerable Vehicle Scheme, where vehicles seen to have property on display are contacted by the DVLA to alert them to risk and direct contact with owners of these vehicles from Sheffield police'




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:lol: - I didnt even read the address, just saw it and whipped the pic out of your post :lol:


I'll whack it back in your first post mate :grin:

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Lol! nice smilie Neil :lol: ps you'de probably do a better job if you lived at 10 downing street :grin:

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Sounds like a "legit" service, but at the end of the day they're just collecting your name and address details, and selling you "security" crap. They also offer the dubious level of protection for your details of only allowing "law enforcement agencies, major lost property services and also airport baggage handling organisations across the globe" access to the data. Erm so that's pretty much everyone right? Gee thanks.


The advantage? If you lose your bag with your keys in, they can find out where your house is to rob you! ;)

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They've done this at my work in Sheffield too. Roamed the car parks checking out cars. My letter stated I had 'items of value' in the car at the time of checking. The only thing it could have been was my crook lock. Seeing as I was blocked in by about 5 cars I didnt think it was going anywhere. Thats the only thing I ever leave on display in my car.

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If that letter is for real, then all i can say is what a complete waste of time and money. Why don't "they" devote the combined cost of all the staff and administration involved in such a scheme, to actually employing more police in an attempt to stop crime from being commited in the 1st place?


As a well known author and novelist says "you couldn't make it up".



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They have a point - in SOME cases. There are still idiots who leave laptops in their cars. Those idiots make it worthwhile for the inner city idiots to smash your windows just in case. If it was common knowledge that there just won't be anything in the car, then they just wouldn't bother and they'd go and rob old ladies instead..

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Its just simple crime reduction advice. We have a big problem over here with peeps leaving their Sat-Nav's in the windscreen... :cuckoo:

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Lol! nice smilie Neil :lol: ps you'de probably do a better job if you lived at 10 downing street :grin:


Yeah, just scan in and post up all the new manifestos and get the Corrado Forum to assess them for you!


Petrol - free,

Speed limit - .... etc



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Just to let you know guys, I've actually worked with this company, promoting their bike security products on one of our sites, bikeradar.com


They're absolutely above board, all kosher etc.etc. They are quoted/linked to in all this crime prevention promotional stuff because most of the police forces officially endorse them as a way to avoid theft/recoup lost valuables etc.



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I love the way it's from a DCI - you really would think they'd have better things to do!




Dear Supercharged,


Its not and they do.


It is not a personal letter from a DCI, it just has its name on it. A DCI does have much better things to do, hence some civvie or newbie cop would have created/ammended some generic template.




Mr. Policeman.

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