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The Love Of A Corrado (Give It A Read)

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Explaining The Love For A Corrado....


You know the majority of people these days in these tough times economically and of course all the troubles going on in the world, one of those things that constantly is being thrown in our face is mpg figures, the higher the better, for some mpg is the new bhp and its something which I find particularly sad, the sheer lack of even the more upper class of car on the roads today has fallen, the deep floor rumbling sound of an impreza is no longer a common sound invading and pleasuring the ear but yet I was asked how do I describe my passion for what I do, how do you tell someone what you do actually feel, how do you describe that buzz you get, all those little things that come with having a passion and I answered the question with a direct relation to the corrado.


For some a car is just a car, a means of transport, saving them from public transport, and its a luxury the majority of us enjoy but to others who have a real passion for performance cars the corrado is quite simply perfection, any corrado owner reading this right now will immediately relate to that, sure it has its little niggles now and then, we take the good with the bad which again a direct connection to the music industry, the bad times may very well be bad but its more than worth it for the good. The 1st time I seen a corrado was actually Dr. Forinor's and at the time I was fairly fresh off passing my driving test and owned a peugeot 106, which at the time was something of a gift from above, all of a sudden I had this freedom and this little machine which was nippy for a little 1.1 but putting that aside I had no idea what this machine was, I seen the vw badge but thats where the similarities stopped. Being young my idea of a performance car was a peugeot 106 gti which I had my sights set on and then one evening was given my very 1st experience of a corrado, the handling, that sheer roar from the vr6, the whole theatre, it felt like a rocket ship to me back then and before I knew it I was back in the car park, from that moment on I was hooked. I knew one day I wanted to own a corrado, the more I experienced it the more I craved it, the whole atmosphere of just the corrado itself whether it was standing still or on the move roaring its way around town It grew into a passion, a true love for the car......


The same with my music, I got my 1st experience of really producing in july 2005 and in the time I have been doing it, it has grown into such a passion that simply trying to explain someone is so hard because until they really do experience the highs and the lows, much like ownership of a corrado they never really do understand. Owning a corrado to me is something special, there is just something about this car that just completes life, its more than just a machine that will take you from a to b, time and time again this simply amazing piece of german engineering puts a smile on your face, the whole theatricle experience, the feeling of the car, how it makes you feel is priceless, a true, deep and heart felt passion for quite simply one of the best cars ever made and will forever hold its place amongst the greatest of the greats.......and quite simply remain a timeless classic.


The End

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Nice read.


My thoughts...


For me my love for Corrado comes from my 1st car which was an 83 Mk1 golf gti 1.8 in lahasa metalic green, not a bad 1st car for an 18 yr old lad. Because of the many thefts of them in the 80's and the crazy insurance prices for them it'd had 1 owner for every year that it had been on the road because most people only kept them for a year and then got rid. Its fair to say that it had been given a good hammering in it's lifetime. If i remember correctly i was the 18th owner and she was on about 150k so the engine was nice and loose. It really went like the clappers, seeing off xr2's, xr3's, Novas etc that my mates had and it was so much more credible than the other hatches. The previous owner had fitted some larger wheels and wide tyres and a set of boge lowered and uprated shocks which made it sit nice and low and handle like a go kart. The car lasted about a year before the block gave up due to my enthusiastic driving. Looking at the simple mechanical layout of this car made me think hmm i can fix this up myself, which i did, rebore, rebuilt head, gearbox etc. the vw bug had grabbed me.



And so, on to the Corrado... Many years later i got hold of my first Corrado purely by luck. It was a totaly standard white J plate G60 with bbs wheels, it was 16 years old, with 1 owner from new and a full vw service history. I saw it on the back of a breakers lorry in my town and rescued it from the crusher for the princely sum of £100 :) i was in love again. It had blown its charger and the speedo showed nearly 200,000 miles! I contacted the previous owner to see if he had the history and service books etc. Turns out that the owner was an elderly man who had never driven it hard, had always had the car serviced and mot'd at his local vw and used it just to go to the shops, visit relatives and to go caravaning with his wife, hence the mileage. He said that he had dropped it into 3rd to climb a hill with the caravan in tow and he heard a loud bang and clatter. Looked under the bonnet to see a nice hole in the top of the charger. He took it to vw to see what the ploblem was and vw gave him a rather hefty quote, so he decided to scrap it. I then spent many hours and many £'s getting it back on the road in good order, but sadly after 2 years of ownership i slid on a bend in the wet at low speed and flattend an iron bollard. Car was bent beyond repair, ooops! I now own the car in my sig, which again i have spent 1000's on and countless hours of graft and greif.



Lately i have been toying with selling and getting an audi a4 because i now have a 6 month old baby, but at the moment i just cant bring myself to do it, i just keep on spending and loving it :) it really is a drivers car.



For me driving a Corrado is like a drug, and repairing them is like some sort of car related obsessive compulsive disorder i dont know which one comes first for me. One thing i know is that when complete strangers of all ages come up to you in the street when you getting in or out and say "nice car mate" or "i allways wanted one of those" you know your driving something that is a little special.

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Two great reads - cheers guys - I'll be showing these to the wife in an effort to 'get her on side' for pending purchase.


Like you said - if people just 'got it' it would be great......scrap that, it would be pooh, 'cus then.......shhhhhhh....

it wouldn't be our little secret :salute:

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the corrado badge carries respect, many people like them, no one hates them... they are a real drviers car, i never go in my house/shop/work/garage without turning round and looking back at it sitting there, sometimes twice!! The cars are addictive to say the least...


theres somthing that keeps us spending money and time with them, theres something that keeps owners coming back into ownership, they are a very special car imo...


great read guys, spread the corrado love :luvlove:

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I'm gonna get to spend some real quality time with mine today, 2 hour drive north for my best mates wedding tomorrow. :clap: :wave:


I love long journeys in then VR! :luvlove:

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I love long journeys in then VR! :luvlove:


Me too and sometimes i go the long way just so i can drive it that little bit longer :lol: .... possibly a sad thing to do.

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I love long journeys in then VR! :luvlove:


Me too and sometimes i go the long way just so i can drive it that little bit longer :lol: .... possibly a sad thing to do.


in no way is that sad, its sad not to have a nice car you enjoy driving :wink:

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I love long journeys in then VR! :luvlove:


Me too and sometimes i go the long way just so i can drive it that little bit longer :lol: .... possibly a sad thing to do.


in no way is that sad, its sad not to have a nice car you enjoy driving :wink:[/quote:1tuh6jqc]


ha ha ha i agree, not sad at all........ive been known to do a 10 mile round trip to go to the local shop down the road on many an occassion :lol:

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Haha glad to see this thread got a great response :D


its so true though it really is such a loveable car and there's been so many times when couriers have been picking things up to be delivered or just general deliverys they've commented on the car and a few asked if I would sell it, people just look at it with a completely different view and you don't get that boy racer evil glance that the majority of people used to give so many cars with loud exhausts on them.


As previously mentioned it really is such a respected car. I always end up going the long way home :lol:


Just love the car to absolute bits :clap:

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