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Flippin Vandals :( pics added

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Cheers for the comments here you lot :? and what i mean when i comented earlier is that although it winds a few folk up to hear me say something like i did what i mean is that if it was REMOTELY racial then theres a pretty damn good chance that who ever did it was british too! so it's kinda 2 faced to do something like that. And as said I personally feel it was indeed just drunken louts rather than someone with issues with the flag.


It confuses me lots though that we see hear people slagging off the country but yet they were born here have a passport here etc and will be happy to have a pension here, Thats the bit i dont understand. I mean i certainly am not being alf garnet like with my comments and i for one wasn't the first to suggest it could be racial, the absolute first thought when i saw the car was not race related or even student related but one of Flippin drunken yobs :bad-words:


I dont need to defend my comments on this matter as i know i most certainly am not in the slightest against other skin/background or whatever, i used to date a black girl many years ago and i wouldn't have done that if i had issues with it. I treat everyone as i'd like to be treated and was brought up never to look down on anyone unless i was helping them up. :? and that is something i always think about throughout my life just to remind myself and tell myself how would i like to be treated.


Cheers for the comments again :wave:

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Shame, these things always seem to happen at the same time. At the end of the day loosing your friend will help put this into perspective.


Its comes down to the treating other peoples posessions as you would like yours to be treated but as someone has said people these days just dont care about there actions.


National service is the way to go, its self discipline that needs to be taught.

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Shame, these things always seem to happen at the same time. At the end of the day loosing your friend will help put this into perspective.


Its comes down to the treating other peoples posessions as you would like yours to be treated but as someone has said people these days just dont care about there actions.


National service is the way to go, its self discipline that needs to be taught.



Couldn't agree more mate to be honest! and yes as i said it really does put things into perspective! normally i'd be fuming but at the end of the day it's nothing when you compare it to his familys loss. :(

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Hey Paul,


So sorry to hear about your mate :(


As for the car that is just cack!! there are some real divs out there and as we know well there are plenty in your (and my adopted) home town. Its things like this I really dont miss about home! No doubt is beer fuelled "jinks" with little thought of what the said pricks are actually doing.


Is there damage beyond the screen mate?

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Thats sad news mate.


But as you say, a car can be fixed/replaced but the loss of a friend is totally different and puts everything into perspective. :salute:

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Shame, these things always seem to happen at the same time. At the end of the day loosing your friend will help put this into perspective.


Its comes down to the treating other peoples posessions as you would like yours to be treated but as someone has said people these days just dont care about there actions.


National service is the way to go, its self discipline that needs to be taught.



Couldn't agree more mate to be honest! and yes as i said it really does put things into perspective! normally i'd be fuming but at the end of the day it's nothing when you compare it to his familys loss. :(


Really sorry to hear about the car Paul, at least they didn't go completely to town on it and dent every panel.


I have to disagree with the National Service comments, from my perspective the military has enough problems without dumping a load of self centered snotty oiks into it that can't be controlled. There simply is not enough resources to deal with them effectively and then they become a burden, the illusion of National Service 'sorting them out' is just that an illusion.


As Corozin already said what's really needed is a massive reform in the way we approach crime, some law of common sense would be a good start and impose that if you break the law you loose all protection that law provides. There is no moral justice in this country and most offenders know their rights under law fare too well.


As for the flag issue I would be hesitant to dismiss it so freely, only because it makes the car stand out from a crowd making it more attractive to smash up than anything else in the area.

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Yeah I reckon you are right there Yan, probably as it attracts attention more than anything else. :roll: And same for the national service issue, i mean years gone by people actually wanted to do it but i'm sure it couldn't cope with the total lack of reluctance it would get from some of these people around these days!


It's something that a lot of folk say though as if it would solve the lack of respect issue but i guess we all know that wouldn't be the case.


Ah well car is as said not too bad and at least the bodywork is still ok so got off lightly really and i'm gratefull for that! :?

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Sorry to hear about this Paul and as you say, could have been worse. Easier to replace a bonnet and windscreen than doors, roof or rear quarters and the main thing is you're ok!

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Have you reported it to the police? There are cameras everywhere and you never know maybe this idiot will be picked up and think twice before doing the same again. Unlikely I know but worth a shot.

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:( That's really sad to see, Paul. Hope you get it all sorted soon. Really don't understand why people do this sort of thing. Idiots :bad-words:

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I'm really sorry to hear about this Paul. Unfortunately we now live in a society where more than ever before people have no respect either for themselves or other people's property. The scrotes who damaged your car not only have no respect, but know full well that even if they are caught they will get a slapped wrist and will not be made responsible for the cost and misery of the damage they've caused to you.


For over 20 years successive Governments have chosen to find new ways to appease the oiks of society. It's never thier fault; were supposed to allow for thier poverty, bad upbringing, bad breaks, lack of education or whatever. In my view the culture of appeasement has gone so far that only very dramatic action will turn this kind of behaviour around.


Frankly I think these people should (if caught) be made to face the full financial damages for what they have done. Failure to repay the damage, or repeat offenses should be met with capital punishment. We shouldn't waste our taxes paying for them to go to prison, and if they won't show proper behaviour then what's the point of putting up with them anymore? In my view if we hanged even just a few of the buggers concerned you'd see some big changes in the crime figures very quickly indeed.


Gets my nod of approval. I was in Saudi and due to their capital punishment there was hardly any crime.

Sorry to hear about both your loses. you don't think it had anything to the Union Jack on your roof that made whoever pick your ride :shrug:


Part of the system used in the Middle East is where the digit of a finger is cut off for any significant theft, moving on to the finger then another finger. The fear of this keeps a lot of lowlife trash at bay. But typically our do-gooder PC society leaders would turn this into exploting human rights. What the hell? Never mind the poor victim, we have to defend the rights of the violent criminal. The innocent should just get on with life...great :cuckoo: Thanks for a balanced and just system :nono: This is a real bugbear of mine and no justification and political correctness will change my view on this. Unfortunately the standards in our society have changed SO drastically that what was severly wrong 10-20 years ago is totally acceptable now, in fact if you oppose it there's something wrong with you, you're intolerant. I mean, if we were lippy to an elder we'd get a clip round the ear. Now, if the kids are impudent, you cant even reprimand them because you'll be hauled up for brutality. What? You're the aggressor now???

Its sad to see that kind of damage, especially knowing the care you lavish on your motors Kip.

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Gets my nod of approval. I was in Saudi and due to their capital punishment there was hardly any crime.

Sorry to hear about both your loses. you don't think it had anything to the Union Jack on your roof that made whoever pick your ride :shrug:


Part of the system used in the Middle East is where the digit of a finger is cut off for any significant theft, moving on to the finger then another finger. The fear of this keeps a lot of lowlife trash at bay. But typically our do-gooder PC society leaders would turn this into exploting human rights. What the hell? Never mind the poor victim, we have to defend the rights of the violent criminal. The innocent should just get on with life...great :cuckoo: Thanks for a balanced and just system :nono: This is a real bugbear of mine and no justification and political correctness will change my view on this. Unfortunately the standards in our society have changed SO drastically that what was severly wrong 10-20 years ago is totally acceptable now, in fact if you oppose it there's something wrong with you, you're intolerant. I mean, if we were lippy to an elder we'd get a clip round the ear. Now, if the kids are impudent, you cant even reprimand them because you'll be hauled up for brutality. What? You're the aggressor now???

Its sad to see that kind of damage, especially knowing the care you lavish on your motors Kip.



:clap: :notworthy:


Paul, sucks about teh damage especially as you were out on such a night...


But at the end of the day, it is "just" a windscreen, and at least your fitter's had some practice now!

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Indeed it is matey, really not too upset about it without sounding not concerned at all, but i bloody love this 8v and yeah it's a bit of a hassle and a few bob but it's not much compared to damage other people on here have had :roll:


Goes in tomorrow so hope to be all sorted for a trip to DG in it on wed's for a little upgrade :norty: :clap: :grin:

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Hi Kip,

Really sorry to hear of your loss, and the damage to the raddo mate :pale:


Dont you be holding Dave & Graham up too much, :nono:

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Gaaaaarrgh, this kind of thread really annoys me because I hate seeing mindless vandalism done to cars and you never catch the f'ckers doing it :bad-words:


And the only person who pays in the end is the insurance policy holder, and then consequently the rest of us policy holders. What is it with spineless tw@ts picking on inanimate objects to prove their manliness?


Telling legally British people to 'Bugger off where they came from" grates me, sorry :brickwall:


Yeah that's a bit of a sore point for me that one.

I was told to "go back to where you came from (and other insults I can't repeat on here)" for years at school mate, and all because my Dad is from St Helena island, giving me darker hair and skin than the rest of the kids. The irony of course being St Helena is a British colony and was an outpost for the British Armed forces for many years!! If they had known I was actually born in Germany, at RAF Rinteln, I can only imagine the abuse would have been worse :lol:

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Yeah it was a pain in the back side Kev and i dont get what folk get out of this kinda thing at all.


My comments on the other subject are i agree maybe a little harsh but what i mean is that i'm pretty sure it was done by a british citizen rather than someone from another country, so i kinda feel if someone does hate the UK for whatever reason and blatantly admits to it, which i seem to hear now and again why dont they go and live where they would be happy rather than disrespect it the people in it as i feel it a little cowardice to do and say bad things about being here but still carry on living here and therefore not making it very nice for everyone else.


It must be very difficult to get through simple day to day life carrying such anger around with you all the time & no one's forcing them to stay are they!


I know i certainly wouldn't live in a place if i didn't like it.


Like i say the last thought on my mind was that it could have been a retaliation as regards the flag on the roof and i'm pretty sure it was indeed just drunk kids having kicks :roll:


And if its any consilation i wouldn't mind slightly darker skin and a full head of hair that you have too :lol:



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Its perception, that flag on the roof is like curry to an intoxicated student, like a prostitute to a sailor, whatever



i would say that it has been the sole reason why it attracted the unwanted attention and the vandalism that now adorns it, the same as max power, Turbo system stickers and re badging your car to something it clearly isnt, as i recall proffesing your love for a particular brand of stereo sent a massive tip to anyone with a mind to break your back window and steal your not so stealth shelf even if they were cheap nasty speakers in it in the 1990`s or the vw badge off your grille in the 1980`s


it should be able to look how it likes, but in current climate and it seems always with cars, if you make it stand out form the norm its like putting a big arrow above it, and someone would rather inflict missery on someone else to make themselves feel better at having a laugh at someones expense than to leave other peoples defenceless stuff alone

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Yep its what i'm thinkin too buddy, had a new one fitted today though so looks alright again :? think i'll be carefull where i leave it in future though.

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Its perception, that flag on the roof is like curry to an intoxicated student, like a prostitute to a sailor, whatever



i would say that it has been the sole reason why it attracted the unwanted attention and the vandalism that now adorns it, the same as max power, Turbo system stickers and re badging your car to something it clearly isnt, as i recall proffesing your love for a particular brand of stereo sent a massive tip to anyone with a mind to break your back window and steal your not so stealth shelf even if they were cheap nasty speakers in it in the 1990`s or the vw badge off your grille in the 1980`s


it should be able to look how it likes, but in current climate and it seems always with cars, if you make it stand out form the norm its like putting a big arrow above it, and someone would rather inflict missery on someone else to make themselves feel better at having a laugh at someones expense than to leave other peoples defenceless stuff alone


Well if it isn't our old friend AQUA G60... You've been banned several times now. Please don't sign up again.



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Yeah it was a pain in the back side Kev and i don't get what folk get out of this kinda thing at all.


All they get out of it is the satisfaction of ruining something because it is there, because it's nice, because it's looked after, because it isn't thiers, because they won't get caught, and because there won't be any real consequences for thier actions even if they are caught.


The Police and Courts increasingly assume in these cases that your insurance will recompense you when considering prosecution and sentencing. But the criminal who caused your damage is (in my view) absolutely no different if not worse to the scrote who decided to take a pee on the War Memorial... indeed I'd argue that in your case the vandalism is worse because it has left you with actual damage to pay for.


The kid who wee'd on the poppies is facing a custodial sentence, but only because he's been villified by the media and (conveniently) because his court trial conincided with this year's poppy appeal. Where's your justice going to come from even if the culprit is caught? Why should your insurer (and your NCD) take the hit and not be recompensed for these costs?


Until scrotes begin to believe that (a) they will be caught (b) there will be some real consequences for this kind of thing (rather than useless ASBOs and community service orders) then the deterioration will continue. That's why I really think we have passed the point where the only message that will get through and change things will be corporal and capital penalties. That may seem extreme to a many people, but if that's not the answer then show me what else will penetrate the tiny selfish minds who commit these kinds of crimes for kicks?

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Its perception, that flag on the roof is like curry to an intoxicated student, like a prostitute to a sailor, whatever



i would say that it has been the sole reason why it attracted the unwanted attention and the vandalism that now adorns it, the same as max power, Turbo system stickers and re badging your car to something it clearly isnt, as i recall proffesing your love for a particular brand of stereo sent a massive tip to anyone with a mind to break your back window and steal your not so stealth shelf even if they were cheap nasty speakers in it in the 1990`s or the vw badge off your grille in the 1980`s


it should be able to look how it likes, but in current climate and it seems always with cars, if you make it stand out form the norm its like putting a big arrow above it, and someone would rather inflict missery on someone else to make themselves feel better at having a laugh at someones expense than to leave other peoples defenceless stuff alone


Well if it isn't our old friend AQUA G60... You've been banned several times now. Please don't sign up again.




He STILL Alive? :shock:


John I get where you are coming from, the recent news of Police handing out Fixed penalties (know as "parking tickets" by the 'yoof') for assults (and in one case a suspected RAPE!) shows just how far this country has fallen in the last 20 or so years...


It's a shame when displaying our country's flag is possibly seen as reason to vandalise someone's property! Just wouldn't happen in other countries. For example in Denmark you will see lots of houses flying their flag, as well as having smaller flags about the house. Does anyone go around torching their flagpoles? Nope...


I am a real advocate of National service too, teach the little feckless scrotes some discipline... Sounjds "old fashioned" but it didn't do my dad any harm and even gave him a real skill he's used his whole life (trained as Radar op, and went on to work in electronics).


Some bleading Heart wrote into the Metro today to say how the courts had destroyed matey's life (the muppet who pi**ed on a war memorial!)! Me, I say serves him right, and maybe just maybe it will dissuade some of the other little fekkers too... Seen the Memorial in the middle of Hertford being used as a skate ramp FFS! :censored:

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John I get where you are coming from, the recent news of Police handing out Fixed penalties (know as "parking tickets" by the 'yoof') for assults (and in one case a suspected RAPE!) shows just how far this country has fallen in the last 20 or so years...


It's a shame when displaying our country's flag is possibly seen as reason to vandalise someone's property! Just wouldn't happen in other countries. For example in Denmark you will see lots of houses flying their flag, as well as having smaller flags about the house. Does anyone go around torching their flagpoles? Nope...


I am a real advocate of National service too, teach the little feckless scrotes some discipline... Sounjds "old fashioned" but it didn't do my dad any harm and even gave him a real skill he's used his whole life (trained as Radar op, and went on to work in electronics).


Some bleading Heart wrote into the Metro today to say how the courts had destroyed matey's life (the muppet who pi**ed on a war memorial!)! Me, I say serves him right, and maybe just maybe it will dissuade some of the other little fekkers too... Seen the Memorial in the middle of Hertford being used as a skate ramp FFS! :censored:


I don't even think it's a question of having the flag on the car mate. It's unacceptable simply for the action whatever the circumstances. There is nothing you can say to me to justify running up onto someone's car and jumping up & down on it. It's just nasty behaviour.


And who are the people who do this kinda stuff? The dregs of society; those too stupid or too malicious to act better than this. I don't even accept the influence of alcohol as a factor - that's just a weak excuse trotted out when they get caught. Perhaps if the penalties were severe enough people would limit thier intake. KipVW doesn't start vandlising stuff when he gets smashed does he? It's all down to having some basic standards of behaviour in the first place.


I agree with your point about the poor little student who's life chances are now wrecked as a result of his conviction. Well so what I say. He should have thought about that before he did his crime. The fact that he was too drunk or stupid to know the difference between right and wrong makes him unemployable in my book anyway. Better if he just drowned himself in the river now and save me paying taxes for a lifetime of his unemployment benefits. At best he should at least be neutered so that he is unable to reproduce any more like him.

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