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New series of TOP GEAR Sundays. Series Comments

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Said it before guys, you need to RE-REGISTER!!!!! When i went this time the person who got tickets had only registered about a couple of months ago.


They have changed the way the system works now, no longer a queued waiting list!


You register before a series for the reserve lise, they email the whole list, you follow the link click on the date you'd like to go, its done on a first come first served basis, so the sooner you respond the more likely it is you'll get tickets, if sucessful you get a phone call in a couple of weeks asking how many tickets you would like (up to 4)

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So, obviously a hardy few will register their thoughts at the TG interweb site for the 'who has produced the most great cars' conundrum, posited on tonight's show... and even more certainly, knowing the CF, none of us will really agree on those suggestions - let the debate/bickering/bitchslapping commence!!!


I'm off to research my carefully considered answer... possibly mulling over p0rn at the same to keep my brain active :lol:

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That was a pretty crap episode to be fair.. :(


I'm not even going to be fair... I'm just going to wholeheartedly agree with you sir.

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I'm an hour ahead, so I don't even watch TopGear till 2200hrs, so I don't get to bed on a Sunday till at least 2300hrs...


I honestly doubt if I'll watch it at all next week. I used to burn every episode to DVD, now I don't bother even wasting a 50cents blank DVD. :|

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I didnt see the first 10 mins of it but it was dogshit


they came out at the middlesbrough ground yesterday as well as there is an exhibiton on at the mima art gallery in the town centre, on show is a lambo diabo, hammonds land rover defender and an old ferrari (can't remember which) and the red bull f1 art attack.

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tbh i enjoyed that more then the one i saw last week. Ok it was more the entertainment side then the car reviewing side of the programme, but i enjoyed it.. even enough to have a few giggles through it.


Oh and i'd definately take the R8 over the Corvette :pukeleft:

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Yeah - R8 for me too. Definitely. I've driven the V8 version and it feels very strangely like a Corrado - only quicker, nicer sounding, better handling, better built, etc etc... :)

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Yeah - R8 for me too. Definitely. I've driven the V8 version and it feels very strangely like a Corrado - only quicker, nicer sounding, better handling, better built, etc etc... :)


I'd like to say i dont envy you, but i do! :lol:


Would love to drive one of those babies... they're a sexy motor. Saw a white one today actually and i fell in love with it. Dont normally like white cars, but the right car can look damn good in white and the R8 is one of those cars. 8)


They do a 4.2 V8 Diesel too. That would be strange, driving a diesel supercar :lol:

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That was a pretty crap episode to be fair.. :(

It wasn't the best :( I really didn't enjoy the electric car thing they built, just painful to watch.

Liked the R8 vs Corvette bit though, wouldn't give that flimsy plastic vette thing house room tbh, although it did sound good.

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Yeah - R8 for me too. Definitely. I've driven the V8 version and it feels very strangely like a Corrado - only quicker, nicer sounding, better handling, better built, etc etc... :)


So not like a Corrado at all then! :lol:


I'm not really bothered about the TG content, well, except the star in a schitt car thing. That really is boring now and could do with being canned. I just like the entertainment value of those 3 together more than anything else :D May is brilliant. Can watch anything with him in it all day long :salute:

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As long as you view Top Gear as light entertainment then I think its awesome - great way to round a weekend off.


No R8 diesel as yet, there has been a concept with the 6.0 V12 diesel but absolutely nothing confirmed for production.

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So not like a Corrado at all then! :lol:


Hehe... no, I meant in terms of the driving position and how it felt on the road. I just felt right at home in it after only a few seconds of driving it. It was absolutely stunning in every way!

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Good to watch as usual but it is all feeling a little forced in terms of humour etc now, much the same as last week.

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So not like a Corrado at all then! :lol:


Hehe... no, I meant in terms of the driving position and how it felt on the road. I just felt right at home in it after only a few seconds of driving it. It was absolutely stunning in every way!


Yeah I was just pulling your chain :D You lucky man, didn't realise you'd driven one. I find a lot of german cars have that instant bond with the driver the moment you sit in them, especially VWs. They just seem to get the driving position c0ck on and offer a good range of adjustments. The Focus for instance.... even on the seat's lowest setting, you still feel like you're driving a transit and it just feels unnatural and unhomely.

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I enjoyed this episode much more than last weeks, I found "Geoff" to be particularly amusing, espcially the MIRA tests. But I dunno why they keep saying its a top secret test track, I've been there along with about 500 others from the Coventry Classic Car fest thing. :scratch:

I actually thought the Star in the Car was OK this week, Michael Sheen is a very friendly, easygoing, likeable fellow, unlike the wooden Eric Bana.

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It was ok. I got sick of the guest bit years ago. I'm just not interested in how fast some z list celeb can get a z list car around a track.


If you want my two pence, and you probably don't but I'll write it anyway, I think the current format as a whole has had its day and they should seriously consider quiting whilst they're ahead. I don't want to see the day when it gets so boring and predictable I can't be bothered to watch anymore. That's how I'm starting to feel. The odd episode has me in stitches but they're getting fewer with each series.


I enjoyed James May's scalextric track more than Top Gear.

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I enjoyed James May's scalextric track more than Top Gear.



That was a good one, I'm glad those pompous Scalextric enthusiasts got their butts whooped.

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I enjoyed James May's scalextric track more than Top Gear.



That was a good one, I'm glad those pompous Scalextric enthusiasts got their butts whooped.


You're not gonna start a slot car tuning company then? :lol:


I liked it because I think it's the first one I've seen where the people actually wanted to help him do it.

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I enjoyed James May's scalextric track more than Top Gear.



That was a good one, I'm glad those pompous Scalextric enthusiasts got their butts whooped.


You're not gonna start a slot car tuning company then? :lol:


I liked it because I think it's the first one I've seen where the people actually wanted to help him do it.


I got 2 boxes worth of track in the loft I'm gonna chuck cos I never use it and its well old too! :(


I think the people wanted to help as its a modern toy that is still very popular and actually does something, rather than being a static piece of steel that you need to bolt together.

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I'm pleased to say I thought last night's episode was a lot better than the dreary one they put out last week. The Clarkson piece on the Audi R8 and the hilarious, bonkers, dangerous Corvette ZR1 was classic TG stuff in my opinion.

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I think the current format as a whole has had its day and they should seriously consider quiting whilst they're ahead. I don't want to see the day when it gets so boring and predictable I can't be bothered to watch anymore. That's how I'm starting to feel. The odd episode has me in stitches but they're getting fewer with each series.


i'll second that, the guys have great rapport when they're just chatting or out on their trips, but the links seem to be a little over prepared with little spark, the bit where they all did the comedy 'ignore the electric car as it rolls down the hill' was akin to you've been framed - very hammy


that said, the slow mo crash had me in stitches though :lol:

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For me the whole episode was pretty crap. The Geoff main feature was a complete joke, every part was so staged it wasn't even funny. Pretty disappointed to be honest. May have to start watching some other new programmes on discovery.

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might have to nickname the corrado Geoff due to the L960 plate :D


:lol: My corrado is called Geoff!! Prob shouldn't of owned up to that :cuckoo:

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