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Rotrex Charged Storm: She's Gone!

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It was a moment of weakness, personal life seems to have gone up a gear too so it's all becoming well again.


Catch up soon folks once the next steps are under way, the captain has called for more power!



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Hi guys


It's been a while, I've just started a small project and whilst taking a picture of the garden the car was in shot so good excuse to post something and to say I'm still alive and hi really. Haven't been driving the car that much but a few trips to visit my girlfriend in London was a great excuse to take the Corrado.


You guys will love the last few bits I'm having trimmed. Will show you once complete but I should win a prize for most trimmed out car! Surely. Lol


Otherwise hope all are well if reading this...



Edited by Rams

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Stunning as ever Rams. Post some pics when you've trimmed said items. Would love to see your car in the flesh some time.

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Stunning as ever Rams. Post some pics when you've trimmed said items. Would love to see your car in the flesh some time.

It truly is a sight to behold fla first glance it doesn't look anything special but if you are interested in corrado's it soon become's apparent that it is something rather special :cool:

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Thanks chaps, your too kind


Gave the old girl a wash and hand polished the wheels, fixed a boost pipe which had come off, it was missing a hose clamp and wondered why she was misbehaving.


I've got the abs light on since having the obd2 loom fitted the 2nd time round so she's going back next week to investigate. It comes on once you start driving.


Trying to get a date to book the car in for the intercooler and alterations to pipe work.


My all red rears are fading and going cloudy and still show the raised lettering so need to tackle this job soon and find some new headlights to smarten the front end.


Still need to tackle 2 more issues with the annoying, doing my head in aux water pump which only works when the engine is running and why my obd2 reader won't communicate. All wiring related but I've given up trying to do it myself. Hopefully someone out there will offer their services. I would happily drive a couple of hundred miles to someone who knows what they are doing.


I've got an obd2 loom if anyone needs one?




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Car looks very smart, I just realise I was trying to help out then disappeared for a bit whilst I moved into a new house. I too had problems with the auxillary water pump when installing obd2 like I said. Not sure what information I have provided or what you have done to fix get it working whilst the engine is on but I'm pretty sure there is a thread of mine somewhere with pictures of the wires that need connecting.

Can you read a wiring diagram? If so have a look through here: https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B_V9-6xfgGlINzhhM2IyNmItOWRhZS00MzBkLTk2MTEtNGIyZDFmMDg0NWM2.


Have you got the obd2 loom unwrapped?

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Hi, you were very helpful - I took this info along to my guy doing the work and asked them to call me when they got to this part and came back later and he said it's all done... However those 2 plugs were not reconnected that were part of the corrado loom near the fuse box.


Now the pump works but only when engine running so I thought I'm 50 percent closer to getting all working but she's booked in for Saturday for him to have another look. There's some wiring there tapped and I don't think it looks right so hopefully we can resolve it.


At the same time I may have a wire missing from the reader that you plug into when doing diagnostics. Has your plug got 2 or 3 plugs going into it? Vince had to piggy back some wiring he made up and managed to get the reader to work but he should have been able just to plug his part onto my diagnostic reader/connection.


I'm terrible at wiring diagrams but have looked at your link - cheers for that - and am I just looking at Corrado wiring 94 and finding the fan wiring etc as the link brings up lots of different diagrams.


If we really can't sort it this weekend then I have to find a place or someone to do it for me... As the aux pump is assisting the cooling after the engine is turned off which mine isn't doing and it gets hot with that charger...

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Car looks very smart, I just realise I was trying to help out then disappeared for a bit whilst I moved into a new house. I too had problems with the auxillary water pump when installing obd2 like I said. Not sure what information I have provided or what you have done to fix get it working whilst the engine is on but I'm pretty sure there is a thread of mine somewhere with pictures of the wires that need connecting.

Can you read a wiring diagram? If so have a look through here: https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B_V9-6xfgGlINzhhM2IyNmItOWRhZS00MzBkLTk2MTEtNGIyZDFmMDg0NWM2.


Have you got the obd2 loom unwrapped?


Swiftkid? Could you please post a pdf of that attachment - i'll be tackling the OBD2 conversion over the winter so this might be of use and I cant open the link as yet!

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The yellow temp sender is responsible for triggering the aux pump. Do you still have the original OBD1 fan controller box, or did you fit the Golf one?


What happens if you turn the ignition onto stage 2, then off again on yours? The pump should be on all the time the ignition is on and then run for 5 minutes, or thereabouts, when switched off, even if cold.


I think it's pins 1 & 4 of the yellow sender that switch it.


If it's all wired up OK and the sensor is good, it could be the fan controller as that has the after run timer built into it. I've got a spare controller if you need it.


Is the digger your new project? Are you turboing it? :)

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I used the original fan Rado controller, maybe it would be easier to just replace that to an obd2??


Before with the previous obd2 loom the yellow plug by the fuse box, with a few of the plugs that weren't used, if I plugged these into the yellow plug the fan would come on.


Also I had a wire missing from the big multi plug which we traced back to this aux pump so once the new obd2 loom went in, we thought it would work. Which it does but constantly.


Hopefully this weekend we can sort it with minimal interference of the loom, otherwise, if you think I would be better off sourcing an obd2 control module I will find one of them?


Have you used a digger before? My driver made it look so easy, took me about 10 minutes to dig a hole which took him about 40 seconds!

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Hey, no you'll be looking at the golf wiring diagram g3vr6ecu95on, page 7 and g3radfan3speed because you now have the obd2 stuff. You are looking for V50 (coolant circulation pump). I'll have to review my notes to help out more.

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Bough one of those Mothers mop heads for a drill and set about making the wheels shine again.


Not easy keeping on-top of them in this climate but this tool is great. Recommend it and saves fingers.

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Hey, I've still got the D90's maybe I will put them back on or swap them with some 17in wheels?


This horrified me the other day, my new girlfriend of about 3/4 months, said to me that she can't stand my car and she doesn't like one bit of it! I said not even the seats, and she said, not even the seats!


She then said, also, don't be wasting any more money on your stupid car!


So she's not a fan, she appreciates I love it but somehow I've got to change her mind. Do you think I should let her have a drive?


Otherwise she might try and convince me to get rid! I am due to get my new daily very soon and she's dropping hints.

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I'd dump her.. A girl I took out the other day said my wheels look chavy Wtf!! Never saw her again :)

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I want those wheels…


Such a tastefully done car, i was very taken with it earlier in the year at Stanford Hall...

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