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Bruce Reads legendary RS500 was nicked last night!!


The car was taken from outside the "Blacksmith Arms" in Wisbech on Tuesday 27/01/04 sometime between 7.00pm and 7.55pm.


Bruce's mobile is 07703 220 422.



keep your eyes peeled guys!


any help posting on other forums appreciated!

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i know, its unbelievable aint it!! The boys on the Ford forum have had a rough couple of weeks with a members car going up in flames after muchos money spent on it, 2 legendary 3drs going walkies and a host of other problems.


It is nice to see most forums clubbing together as car enthusiasts at times like these though to help in the return of cars that go walkies. (bar a couple of arsey ones though, namely BMW forum who objected to a ford post on there precious web space - dicks)


lets hope this one gets returned soon :!:

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Tell me about it or rather my mate who had all the glass on his focus smashed so they could get locking wheel nut which was in the boot and then took off with his new alloys only been on the car a week :mad: :(

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Just read about this on the Saxo forum, and the general consensus is that Wisbech is already a dodgy as hell area, so god knows how thats got a C rating.


Apparently one street has got CCTV cameras at each end watching it all the time as its a hot spot just about every crime going.. and Coventry with its E rating has some roads I wouldn't go down in DAY TIME that have no camera or anything.


So something amiss somewhere. But as for the cossie.. well i'm gutted for him. I don't understand how these scumbags just don't have any respect for peoples posessions these days. Disgusting :(

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couple of scoobies and an evoVI went walkies inthe area over the last couple of days as well. I know that one of them was done by masked armed robbers - seems to be very organized round there at the moment. not a good state of affairs . The evo was recovered a mile or so down the road due to the security cutting all the power!! there is still no sign of Bruces 500 though. :( just hope they havent got it stripped yet. hopefully the weather has them pinned down somewhere!! just have to keep on looking!

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Yep I used to live in Wisbech and it's a complete sh*t hole. It's the sort of place where if you look at someone the wrong way, you'll get stabbed.


The only good thing about that place is Franks Fish & Chips.....if it's still there!



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My mate lives in wisbeach and i went there for a weekend and had to take what had at the time my mint escort RS turbo and let me tell you......

you couldnt get me away from the curtains i was worried all night!!! as next to his house was a burnt out escort rs turbo!!!!


I hope bruce gets his car back as i know hes had it a long time and has spent much cash on it.... thieving little buuggers just cos there to lazy to go to work make an honest living to build one themselves!

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I wonder if it's because they are so well known, well "advertised" if you like, that these crims are just typing "modified Sierra RS500" in google and finding them to order :shock: or trawling the forums looking for cars to nick... they must be after stripping it down (lots of juicy modified bits to sell on? or export it?), as it is so well known that surely no one would touch it in this country?

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yeah there is lots of discussion going on at the moment on other forums relating to this. It does seem strange that two very well known highly modified 3drs go missing in the same week along with other scoobs and evos. and also the fact that they were well executed robberies. I reckon most likely gone for export :( hopefully its not on a boat as we speak , but you never know! :mad:


The security on these cars was top notch as well, so joyriders would seem out of the question.

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Its like something out of gone in 60 seconds at the moment!!!


Well ive got no chance of some stealing my beast at the moment as i dont have anything worth taking unless they like volvo 740 gle with almost 200k on th clock!!! and no mods what so ever!!!! its a serious passion wagon!!!


still ill have a nice motor again as soon as i can find one thats round long enough to me go and view!

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It does make you wonder a little bit indeed, about giving your car too much exposure.


These are probably quite organised professionals.. what annoys me is that all the security on them doesn't seem to be stopping these cars from going walkies.


Though there seems to be a real crime epidemic at the minute.. not good at all :(

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These are probably quite organised professionals.. what annoys me is that all the security on them doesn't seem to be stopping these cars from going walkies.


That's because they're too easy to bypass. At the end of the day, if a thief really wants your car, he'll take it regardless, even if it's surrounded by 809 starving Rottweilers and 10 ft electric fences. People like that don't give a dam and have nothing to lose, having undoubtedley done time for similar things already. Just a walk in the park to them....


Remember that program a few years ago about organised car theft? The program crew pulled up outside a house at night with a low-loader and put the car on it and drove off to check public reaction. NOBODY, questioned it. They even did it again in broad daylight with the same result. People just have a "it's not my problem" attitude.


And remember, laws are put in place for the 5% of the population that don't give a feck.



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This sort of car should have tracker fitted....all the money they spend on mods they could at least fit a tracker with all these hijackings going on....its appalling.

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heard last night that jeff seddon(big dub)had his new r32 golf pinched,he came out of his house and was confronted by 2 masked men,and threatened him with a stung gun so he just handed his keys over :mad:

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The stories I'm hearing from all over the UK makes me kinda glad that I live on fraggle rock.


It really is quite depressing the state of this country :cry:

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This sort of car should have tracker fitted....all the money they spend on mods they could at least fit a tracker with all these hijackings going on....its appalling.



even then thats not infallible......i seem to remember a programme sometime last year saying that if the thieves have time to store it in some sort of "sheilded" container-box the tracker wont be able to communicate with the satelite :cry:

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This sort of car should have tracker fitted....all the money they spend on mods they could at least fit a tracker with all these hijackings going on....its appalling.


agreed, however its difficult to hide on a totally stripped out car :wink: it did however have one.

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heard last night that jeff seddon(big dub)had his new r32 golf pinched,he came out of his and was confronted by 2 masked men,and threatened him with a stung gun so he just handed his keys over :mad:


I'd of been on my toes!!! :shocked!:

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