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Well one of the worst kept secret's on here is finally out. Jumped on a train just before 8 this morning and headed off to look at the beast. When James took the cover off I couldnt believe the finish. Ive never seen a Corrado look as good. I'll keep it short but after going for a quick blast I was sold. When we pulled onto the M1 I couldnt believe the rate at which this thing gathered speed and noise of the wastegate etc was amazing.

Deal was done and I drove it the 250+miles home without a hitch. Its a testament to the work that James put into this, Im already trying to find a suitably sized bed sheet to put over it in the garage.


Must say a big thanks to James for keeping the car despite other parties coming along and for meeting me at the station.


Im going to put my Compo's on tomorrow and possibly raise it slightly if the front is still catching on the road. Ive got a cheeky plate to go on as well.

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Well im glad i waited for you Graeme as its gone to a good home and that was important to me,the trip back for you must have been fun,was it a bit warm? :lol:


Think the comp's will look soooooo well on this,happy motoring mate :clap:

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When I get a chance. Not overly fussed with figures TBH, all I know is its bloody quick. It would need to be something special to keep up. Just like a normal VR till 3krpm. I reckon a 24v turbo would be the best of both worlds now.....oh dear.

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you are so lucky, i am so jealous. Congrats on the purchase, i wonder what james will do for his next superduper project - maybe a corrado that flies :)

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Can I book a test drive as a passenger of course. You are not far away form me and I'm very exited to see it in real.

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Congrats mate, lovely car!! Dont raise it up though lol, change the splitter for a 50mm if worst comes to worst!


Can i ask why ur changing the rims? The current rims look pretty damn stunning to me!



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There just not my thing. Im not a bling type person, prefer the functional look. Dont get me wrong they are very nice but not for me.

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congratulations mate, i'm sure this will keep your thirst for speed happy (for a while)



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Been busy already. Introduced greenie to the beast and put the compo's on. They sit just how I want, maybe need slight spacing out but purely for looks. There is a heap of room at the front, I can still get my finger between the caliper and the back face of the wheel.


If the roads dry up I'll take it for a blast to see what the difference is and get some better photos. The Weds were pretty light considering there size.

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Feels much better with these on. Slowly getting used to it, managed to string a good 5miles of corners along a bumpy b-road playing with the throttle. One thing Im learning is hold on with both hands.

Better photo of the wheels on. Will be raising it slightly as I am getting a little bit of rubbing at the back. Front plate is on as the cops go nazi about plates up here, not worth the hassle.

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Wow! Saw the subject title and thought.. wait a minute.. and knowing how few VR6-T's are around and up for sale at the minute, figured it had to be that you'd bought this one.


Looks stunning - you must be thrilled to bits :) Hopefully get to see this car in the metal some day.. but pretty unlikely given the distances! :)

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