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worse job to do on the c?

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I've never done an ignition switch, but I think I'd sooner tackle that than doing a gearbox on my back again, muscles I didn't know existed ached for days after that.

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Worst one I've done is the matrix. Sunroof is much easier than I thought it would be + ignition switch is easy- just fiddly. I did mine a few months ago from the top, and used cable ties instead of replacing that bugger of a screw.


I would absolutely hate to do things like the ball joints, gearbox, chains, clutch etc- things that you really need a ramp for.

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Refurbishing the heat control bowden cable - easy to get off, but just you wait til you try and get it back on to the control arm in the duct box - buried so you can't see it, cramped so you can't reach it and made awkward due to the fact you can't arrange yourself to easily access the area. You will swear and swear and swear trying to get it back on. I did :shock: :shock: :shock:


Not a fun job. At all.

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Never had to do it but I reckon the worst job ever would be undoing the first bolt when breaking a Corrado.

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thank god my matrix is fairly new! talking of nuts n screws you cant see ,how bout the dashboard nuts under the metal frame where scuttle panel is?.they must come high on the list to cause you to curse ,sweat n swear :lol:



done four heater matrix's so i can do that with my eyes closed, i took my dash out toady and it seriously took me no more than 20 minutes.


20mins :shock: , I might have to pick your brains as I need to change my dash soon, if that's ok?

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ahaha sort me out with that information too please want to try and re trim my dash as it looks wa*k.


Bloody grey... pfff....


Same for all the rest of it, done my roof lining today put it in (Forgetting to do the sun roof cover before i put it back, so its going to have to come out again.....


And its pretty awkward,ended up with all 4's in the air holding it in place whilst trying to bodge it in the front gap thing.... must have looked insane.


Looks smart though appart from i creased it putting it in cus it bent evrytime i let it go.... :mad2:


Worst job is polishing wheels by hand, least heater matrix doesnt take 4 days to still not be finished (On one wheel)


Has anyone seen any sun visor re trims, need to do them but they look hard, given them an attempt but i cant sew for beans.


And sort us some info on the dash please on what the annoying bits are, im asuming it wont be too hard i jsut cba to spend 3 hours working out how to get it out.



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ok so mabe sunroof isnt that bad :lol: have to say it was put back in after working on the c for two long hard days ,it was one of the last jobs we did and tempers were starting to rise a bit!, shame realy ,it should be fun working on your project, perhaps i tried to do to much in a short space of time,not to mention it was slightly out of line and scratched my brand new paint work :( when the motor slid it back. worse things can happen i spose .

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now bricking it about scratching my roof....




And nah wernt to hard just awkward and tbh i also spend abour 3 days cleaninf the headlining then waiting for the glue to dry, so all in all it was a bit of work but nothing too hectic.


Cheers for that also mate.

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Getting the servo out then figuring out which plugs go where while doing an OBD2 conversion was the hardest job I've found.


I've done the heater matrix and ignition switch and they weren't easy but not as bad as the servo :lol:


Try changing the cambelt and waterpump on a Vauxhall-converted Mini Clubman with the engine in place, then you'll know the meaning of the word difficult! (totally irrelevant I know but kind of along the same lines)

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Dont know why everyone complains about the heater matrix so much... I mean its not a nice job but its fairly straight forward... Dash out, old one out - new one in, dash back in.


Takes about 4 hours first time round...


Worst job ive done is clutch master and slaves, not through difficulty - but because you have to bend at stupid angles to get the master out, and then bleed... bleed... bleed... bleed... bleed...


I hate bleeding.

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Worst job, so far - tracking down an 'earth' somewhere that has knocked out my central locking and power windows.


Currently I'm trying to track where a particular 'suspected' wire is going - way up behind the fuse/relay box. What a rats nest of wires up there !!!

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I still cant work out why the wise old German engineers made the ignition switch the way it is... I ended up breaking the old white and yellow switch out after 2 hours of going through every screwdriver and tool in my garage, swearing, sweating, growling and almost crying with frustration. The new black one seemed to click in and was pretty tight so aint bothered with the screw thing... been in 2 months, checked it a week ago and it was still as tight so until it breaks I aint gonna try and fix it!


Everything else I've done had been pretty straight forward. I dread anything electrical going tits up though... I hate car electrics with a passion.

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I'm going to be changing a subframe, at the road side with the engine sitting on axle stands, i think this might be the 2nd worst job i'll do. But the worst doesn't count coz that was on a mk2 golf.

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Actually, it should be said that tracing and replacing the loom and headlight switch when it catches fire is quite amusing. But having it happen when you're driving along in the dark and filling the car with smoke is less so..

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I think the main reason things take me a while is due to several things.


1) I have my tools in a bag, pretty sure i could halve the time of some jobs if i had a cabinet on wheels with everything in its right place

2) Fitness. After an hour or so of bending over the engine bay it starts to take its toll, i generally move around alot slower

3) I tend to congratulate myself when ive completed a difficult part of a job with a cuppa and a fag, which on the rado is usually after every bolt i manage to undo with the aid of a hammer and a can of WD40.

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I will officially withdraw the ignition switch as it's not a big deal - if you have Irwins - or don't have to deal with the "rounded of bolts".....:)


I will however add one other thing and that's "navigating" the bolt close to firewall - that holds the "cover" for the ABS-central on some VR6's - not sure if it's common shield as it doesn't show up in etka - it's only one of thos fiddly things.......lol

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