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Wheels stolen - Please look

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Hi Guys, i'm depserately trying to track my wheels down from my passat, they was stolen from the workshop that painted my car suspect inside job, they was seen for sale on Edition 38 a month back but dont go on there much anymore and missed them, i spoke with the guy and he said they was sold to someone with a T4 van, i really need to find them as they cost me 3K + and are a one off set, custom made so only set in the country like it, if not Europe, if not the world.



Any info would be great, i will offer a reward to and info that leads to me getting them back



Pic of the wheels





They are 18x9 custome one peice alloy, flat lip with black centres and chrome centre caps, tyres are Falken 452's with 225/35/18



Cheers guys i really hope i can get these back :(




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god i feel for you. seems a lot of this going on in the VW ED38 world... i know of people from Luton who have Bentley wheels etc that they didnt buy put it that way.

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That's a bit rubbish, I'll keep an eye out for you mate.


What did the paintshop say? I assume the police are involved etc?

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Surely by law they have to have insurance??? What happens if they had a fire and your car got roasted - i am sure they would be claiming on the insurance for the loss?


as mentioned by someone else I would get onto trading standards, if not as well as putting in a case to small claims (don't be daunted by this process - i did it and reclaimed thousands from a very well known parts manufacturer/re-seller)


Money Claim Online https://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk


good luck

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every garge has to have insurance so they cant get out of it, if they still wont help get onto the police ASAP. in the meanwhile keep an eye on wheel whores/pistonheads as its used very often by thieving scum.

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Fell out with the paint shop big time, no insurance and the Police was well usefull :censored:


It makes no difference at all if they have insurance or not. Take them to the small claims court for the full amount plus expenses.


Forget the wheels, I doubt if you'll see those again. But ask yourself who might have had access to the workshop to the extent that they would have spotted the wheels and then had the opportunity to steal them. The workshop has a duty of care to protect your property in thier custody. That will be an easy win in court.


p.s. If the wheels were sold on the E38 forum have you contacted the admins there to recover the archived post concerned? I'm sure they would help if you really want to pursue the matter.

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Hi Guys, i'm depserately trying to track my wheels down from my passat, they was stolen from the workshop that painted my car suspect inside job, they was seen for sale on Edition 38 a month back but dont go on there much anymore and missed them, i spoke with the guy and he said they was sold to someone with a T4 van, i really need to find them as they cost me 3K + and are a one off set, custom made so only set in the country like it, if not Europe, if not the world.

Any info would be great, i will offer a reward to and info that leads to me getting them back

They are 18x9 custome one peice alloy, flat lip with black centres and chrome centre caps, tyres are Falken 452's with 225/35/18

Cheers guys i really hope i can get these back :(



Aw mate! That's f**king terrible! I'll keep an eye out for them in the Cardiff and south Wales area. Hope the police manage to recover them for you and in good nick too. :(

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I'm sorry to hear about your loss, how did you find out the guy who bought them had a T4? how did the seller come across them?

To be honest i wouldn't be suprised if they have been exported by now, alot of this stuff going on around East London sides however i'll keep an eye out.

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I'm sure Simon will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the paint shop guy had a mysterious fire and then folded the company.... Not exactly an example for the kids...


Hope the wheels turn up Si and you're able to recover them - will keep an eye out as they're very distinctive. Have you put out any feelers on wheelwhores?



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Cheers for all the comments guys, alot more usefull than over on UKMK4's telling me i was running crap tyres lol


Where to begin to answering some questions.


The paintshop didnt have insuracne no as i found out recently when it got burnt down, as other people in the area are battling with him over it, he's keeping on the low down and im struggling to get hold of him now too as he owes me 4K in my eyes for not completing the car and know not having anywhere to finish it, thats a whole different story though.


I would never have allowed my car to go in there knowing this although it may be covered under my insuracne anyhow not sure while its in a 3dr party's possesion though, i may even be able to claim on the wheels but trouble is out insurance due to the nature of my business carries a heavy excess, i would be better off finding the wheels and offfering the guy what he paid back.


I founf out they was sold to a T4 as i rung the guy selling them, i rang him again yesterday and got more info, i might even get a contact number today. I think they have gone to the west country, im hoping newquay way as im down there alot.


I've just had my account on T4 forum activated so will be on there today starting a simular thread as its someone on there thats now got them.


Cheers guys im very gratefull :)

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Cheers for all the comments guys, alot more usefull than over on UKMK4's telling me i was running crap tyres lol

I would never have allowed my car to go in there knowing this although it may be covered under my insuracne anyhow not sure while its in a 3dr party's possesion though, i may even be able to claim on the wheels but trouble is out insurance due to the nature of my business carries a heavy excess, i would be better off finding the wheels and offfering the guy what he paid back.


I'm pretty sure I'm correct in saying that for most comprehensive insurance policies, you are covered all the time the policy is in force. Where a car is in the possession of a trader, you would also be covered by thier insurance first but in cases where that does not apply you can still proceed through your own company. Of course the downside to this is it may affect your no-claims position.


Companies have legal teams for the purposes of recovering third party claims. If your insurer pays you then they may well then go after the trader for the money they've paid you.


I'm bound to say the precise circumstances of this theft aren't clear to me, but in circumstances where a unique set of wheels has been 'stolen' from a workshop, which were then sold on a forum, and where the workshop subsequently had a fire or was closed - the Police should definately be notified and investigating your case. (You will need a police report to claim on your insurance anyway).


For example whoever sold the wheels on is knowlingly selling stolen goods. The workshop owner may be investigated for a number of offences, including assisting the theft, fraud, and/or criminal damage. All serious stuff.


Don't forget if the company was a sole trader (as opposed to a Ltd company) you still have the ability to take the the owner to Small Claims Court. Still worth considering since the amount is under £5,000. You should be able to obtain the workshop owner's details from Companies House (online).




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Cheers for all the comments guys, alot more usefull than over on UKMK4's telling me i was running crap tyres lol


:lol: Very helpful!


Are you still around at your usual place mate? I need to pop down and grab a few bits and bobs at some point. Your ebay shop no longer exists apparently, so I wasn't sure if you're still trading or not.


Good luck with the wheel hunt. Hopefully who ever has them will slide off the road because of the 'crap' tyres :lol:

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You know, like i need thier comments :confused4:


Yes mate still here, not doing as much car work now but we are still doing it, let me know what your after mate i'll sort you out.


GOOD NEWS : i have just found the guy who brought the wheels on T$ forum, he has contacted me and will be calling him when he finishes work, its a step in the right direction :)

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You know, like i need thier comments :confused4:


Yes mate still here, not doing as much car work now but we are still doing it, let me know what your after mate i'll sort you out.


GOOD NEWS : i have just found the guy who brought the wheels on T$ forum, he has contacted me and will be calling him when he finishes work, its a step in the right direction :)


Awesome news!! :clap:

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so you are going to buy them back?


Wait till i speak to him first, i would be willing but not for 1k but then he may have only paid £670 which they sold on ebay for i dont know yet, if it makes it hassle free i would rather buy them off him so he dont loose out then go looking for who took them in the first place as that will relate to the guy who ripped me off on the paintwork too :)

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