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What's the worst kind of bad driving?!

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great thread! All of the above, plus the ones who brake for no reason - the road in front is clear, they're in the outside lane then they slam on the damn anchors. :mad2:

they've suddenly realised that they're doing 73mph and god forbid they should drive sensibly rather than break the law..


when i took my motorcycle test we were told it was perfectly acceptable to accelerate briefly upto say 60 in a 50 zone in order to complete an overtake safely and quickly - that was in the test!!

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lorries drag racing on the dual carriageways?


slow motion overtaking at its very best!

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I hate all road users as they are idiots, but most of the above has hit it right on the head.


My top three must be


1. People not thanking you for letting them through. I give them either the 1 or 2 finger royal wave 8)


2. Middle lane hoggers. MOVE THE F**K OVER :bad-words:


3. Old Drives. I mean the ones who have had the same car for the last 50 years, all ways have the same style hat on, drive at 30mph every where and never I mean never check their blind spot because they have arthritise so physiclly cant. They are 100X more dangerours than any fast driver on the road.



Rant over :grin:

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1. Sub speed limit, on open, road drivers

2. Tailgaters, especially ones on mine where the road ahead prevents me going any faster anyway

3. People who pull out and make me slow down when there is a massive gap behind me that they could have waited for

4. As above but then make it 10x worse by not even driving quickly- almost as if they deliberately wait for someone making good progress and then pull out

5. No indicator drivers (although I give them the benefit of the doubt for thr first time cos we've all done it once haven't we)

6. When you're in traffic jam on a multi lane road and indicate needing to pull in, making the clear first move into a gap some idiot then won't let you because he would lose one car length of distance

7. Lorries who overtake other lorries and take then proceed to take 10 minutes to pass because the speed differential is so small


Enough already .


My missus had some as well but to be honest I couldn't understand any of them :lol:

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My missus had some as well but to be honest I couldn't understand any of them :lol:






The other day i was going down a dual carriage way and it was clear ahead of me and i was plodding along doing about 60-65 (it was safe to do so). A suzuki swift pulled onto the carriageway a good distance ahead of me and continue at about 40 in the left lane. It suddenly pulled into the right lane as i approached without signalling and continued on at 40, despite there being NO reason to pull over to the right lane. I first thought it was some spiteful move to halt my progress, but when i under took (i know i know, but hey i wasnt the one doing the dangerous maneuver) the stupid bint was just yapping away to her mate oblivious of the whole thing!!!! :censored: :bad-words:

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7. Lorries who overtake other lorries and take then proceed to take 10 minutes to pass because the speed differential is so small



I am CONVINCED that this is perhaps the sole reason for holdups and tailbacks on the motorway, especially after you have slowed down for 20 minutes and just cant see the reason for the problem :shrug:

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I drive a Mk2 most days to work and back, but sometimes I drive my better half's 3 series. If I'm in the Mk2, I get waay more people nipping in front of me in the fast lane because they think I might hold them up, that annoys me a bit. So now I just cruise and stay under 4k rpm/80mph.


I think that to many people driving is just a necessity and that having good road sence is the least important thing in there life. They think that the slower they go the safer they are, in all circumstances. Actually putting thought into driving isn't an option for them. :brickwall:

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we have one of those signs that flash different things, had to laugh the other day ,it said torbay welcomes carefull bikers . theres me goin uphill on a duel carridgeway ,another van overtakes me ,and a biker is behind him swirvin in and out gettin his alans in a twist! .then goes between us both givin the other geezer the v sign :cuckoo: , on his way to hospital or what ?

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I get annoyed with most of these but remind myself that an old git doing 40 on a 60 will just hold me up for a bit. The worst drivers are the ones that overtake the old git on a blind bend with a little 1.0 engine. At the end of the day it's the ones who risk killing me and my passengers that really wind me up. Especially tailgating! I can't believe how stupid some people are in fast moving congestion on a motorway. I CANT GO ANY FASTER WE ARE STUCK IN TRAFFIC GET OFF MY ARSE! Pileups wouldn't happen if people just used a bit of common sense and had some patience. :mad2:

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don't think this one has been mentioned yet - queue hoppers, you know the one or two ignorant arses who bypass the long orderly queue of traffic in the lane beside yours, only to surprise surprise stop and indicate into your lane about 30 cars in front... i always wonder why the hell their time is more important than mine :scratch:


my other two;

- tailgaters, particularly on single carriageway and no chance of overtaking roads, relax ffs

- roundabout zombies who spend 30seconds looking at each other waiting for someone else to move.

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People who don't move over to let drivers waiting on slip roads join the carriageway, even when the right lane is empty.


But there is no obligation to - when joining a carriageway, the joinee must give way to traffic already on the carriageway :wink: .


What boils my piss is


People who try and join a (dual) carriageway, but don't indicate. This will guarantee that I will not deviate one jot from my course if I am already on said carriageway.


People who try and join a (dual) carriageway but will only accelerate at the same rate as a dysentery ridden snail.


Poor lane discipline.


That is all :mad2:

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don't think this one has been mentioned yet - queue hoppers, you know the one or two ignorant arses who bypass the long orderly queue of traffic in the lane beside yours, only to surprise surprise stop and indicate into your lane about 30 cars in front... i always wonder why the hell their time is more important than mine :scratch:


AAARRGRGGGHHHHHHH :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:


This ^

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Lol forgot to mention this that happened yesterday too:


I overtook a 1000cc Morris Minor yday who was doing 40 in a 50, only to get stuck behind the car in front of him which was a Toyota MPV thingy (horrible looking :gag: ) doing about the same speed. Anyways, after about 2mins of following behind this guy it then turns into a 40mph zone for a mile, so the guy in front slows down to 35ish, then out of nowhere this Morris Minor blazes (well, I say blaze, more like a continuous breeze) past me doing 50-60, overtaking myself and the Toyota in front! I was actually shocked and laughing to see this happen as it was the last thing I was expecting! :lol:

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People who indicate, manoeuvre look

or worse, manoeuver, indicate, look.


And a new one, people who stop when it is their right of way and try to wave you out of a side road when you can't see the other way very well, or even better, when you can see and someone is coming from the other way.

Although a load of you have said you hate peope not thanking you for giving them right of way when it is actualy yours I would rather make my own decisions on when it is 'safe' to pull out. If you pulled out onto a main road and got side swiped the helpful driver that told you to do is not going to stump up the repair money!

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Full stop.


I'm sorry - it just isn't a sweeping generalisation, but when do bikers (other than old people on ancient Honda's, and yoofs on speed restricted mopeds) EVER do the speed limit. No matter where you are, what you're doing, whatever the road condition as soon as a motorbike appears anywhere in your rear view mirror within seconds they're an inch from your bumper in a position to overtake - and when they do it's usually full throttle off down the road.


Doesn't matter if you're doing the limit, not doing the limit, whatever. And it's the same at traffic lights, almost universally if a biker is at the front he will leave the lights at virtually wide open throttle and be out of sight.


Apologies to any bikers on here but - I'm sure none of you will deny that the throttle is generally treated line an ON/OFF switch rather than something which is variable ;)


My personal peeve I'm afraid.

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Although a load of you have said you hate peope not thanking you for giving them right of way when it is actualy yours I would rather make my own decisions on when it is 'safe' to pull out. If you pulled out onto a main road and got side swiped the helpful driver that told you to do is not going to stump up the repair money!


Im specifically talking about roads where parked vehicles mean there's only room for 1way traffic, or 'priority points' in the road, or letting someone out of a busy junction that traffic is easily viewable from. I completely see your point, when people let me out in that situation I would never do it blind :lol: U should always check for urself that there is no traffic coming, I didn't imply I meant people making that decision for u! :lol:

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Full stop.


I'm sorry - it just isn't a sweeping generalisation, but when do bikers (other than old people on ancient Honda's, and yoofs on speed restricted mopeds) EVER do the speed limit. No matter where you are, what you're doing, whatever the road condition as soon as a motorbike appears anywhere in your rear view mirror within seconds they're an inch from your bumper in a position to overtake - and when they do it's usually full throttle off down the road.


Doesn't matter if you're doing the limit, not doing the limit, whatever. And it's the same at traffic lights, almost universally if a biker is at the front he will leave the lights at virtually wide open throttle and be out of sight.


Apologies to any bikers on here but - I'm sure none of you will deny that the throttle is generally treated line an ON/OFF switch rather than something which is variable ;)


My personal peeve I'm afraid.


:lol: I do agree with u mate!

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Full stop.


I'm sorry - it just isn't a sweeping generalisation,


Apologies to any bikers on here but - I'm sure none of you will deny that the throttle is generally treated line an ON/OFF switch rather than something which is variable ;)

It is a sweeping generalisation! Otherwise you would have said some bikers :lol:

I do stick to most limits on my bike, (except derestricted stretches). Although sometimes I will use the power to get away from a driver I don't like the look of (ie deviating in lane, random braking, not paying attention). Accelerating quickly is the safest way to overtake btw (once all checks have been made).

As for treating the throttle like an on/off device, seriously no way. I'd be on my back in 10 yards, so would a lot of bikes. I'm fairly new to biking and do ride with respect and consideration, I know there are some idiots out there, but there are just as many tw4ts in cars doing stupid things.


Last week whilst driving I was overtaken by a new Ford Fiesta doing I estimate 80 in a pretty twisty 40 limit. I'm quite chilled behind the wheel and eased off to let him slide in front of me as I know there is a corner coming, virtually no stopping distance to speak of btw. I watched in disbelief as he stayed on the rhs of the road and overtook the car in front of me too, all the way round the blind corner, no planning, no escape strategy, death on the road. A closing speed of three figures round a blind bend for anyone coming the other way. Someone will die as a result of idiotic driving like that, I was angry for days about it!

My 2p worth :tongue:

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7. Lorries who overtake other lorries and take then proceed to take 10 minutes to pass because the speed differential is so small



I am CONVINCED that this is perhaps the sole reason for holdups and tailbacks on the motorway, especially after you have slowed down for 20 minutes and just cant see the reason for the problem :shrug:


Yep. They're looking at banning HGVs from overtaking eachother on the A12, but just like most other road laws, it will be ignored.


People who don't move over to let drivers waiting on slip roads join the carriageway, even when the right lane is empty.


But there is no obligation to - when joining a carriageway, the joinee must give way to traffic already on the carriageway :wink: .


Yes I realise that, but that wasn't my point. "Even when the right hand lane is empty" was my point. How much effort does it take to turn the steering wheel an inch and show some feckin consideration?

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people overtaking push bikes, tractors and horses, regardless of the road ahead.

ive lost count of the number of times ive come round a corner to find someone on my side overtaking a bike or a horse.

some people must develop extra sensory perception for overtaking slow vehicles

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How much effort does it take to turn the steering wheel an inch and show some feckin consideration?

Which actually brings me to my main gripe... Ghost drivers!!! Drivers who get into their car, shut the door and enter a world of their own where no other road users exist! The ones that do whatever they please, not to cause annoyance or danger, just because they're in a "world revolves around me" trance. You'll know them when you see them by the blank expression on their faces, no eye contact, no emotion, nothing, absolutely nothing! :mad2:

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when people just stop in a queue of traffic or slightly pull over in a way that wont actually help when there's an emergency vehicle 50ft behind, even though the cars in front have carried on...


IF YOU DONT KEEP GOING THEN THE F&CKING AMBULANCE WONT BE ABLE TO GET PAST THE PEOPLE BEHIND YOU TO GET PAST YOU, YOU MORON!!! oh, yes, and then they give me grief when i point out their stupidity.. :censored:


YES YES YES !!!! What to do when you see blue lights in your mirror should be part of the driving test !!

People stop:

right next to traffic islands forcing us onto the wrong side of the road

On blind corners

Ontop of hills

The first place they can but without any thought for the line of cars behind them who are now stuck out in the Middle of the road

Or they pull over slightly and then keep rolling forward gradually closing the gap we're aiming for.

You'd be amazed how many people suddenly panic when they eventually see us as if we've crept up on them in a huge dayglow yellow truck covered in flashing lights and sirens wailing !!

We used to have fog horns but the powers that be took them off us as we were "using them aggressively". We did refer to them as the f#ck off button though :grin:

Strangely people on the opposite side of the road tend to pull over even when our side is clear too. :shrug:

One more rant would be that if there are 2 lanes (duel carriage way or not), highway code states pull over to the left hand side. Often we face a slalom as cars are dotted on both sides.

Lastly people who pull in behind us and try to follow to cheat the que. I've had to stop on emergency drives before just to get out and tell them off to avoid another accident.

That is all :salute:

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On a dark night when your eyes are nicely adjusted to the dark. The car in front (in a traffic jam) refused to use the handbrake and indicates the whole time. After 10 mins of intense red brake light and constant flashing indicators, i thought i was actually getting a tan :flasingsmile:

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