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ever thought that you have been stupid

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have you ever thought why the hell you bought a corrado,they are so unreliable.i seem to fix something on mine every week and spend a fortune on parts.ive thought do i sell it and buy a golf 20v turbo,but i bet if i did that would fall to bits.

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I always see it as you buy it with your heart and not your brain.

Growing up i always walked past my neighbours mk1 golf gti on my way to school and thought hmm i love it, by the time i was old enough to drive it was nothing but a rusted out shed but i would have still had it if he had offered it... :lol:

When i saw a corrado for the first time and heard a vr on full chat i pretty much made up my mind there and then IM GETTING ONE.... :nuts:

Yes over the years its cost loads to maintain, being part of this forum can be alot like being a kid in a candy shop aswel as there is always something that u tell yourself you need :lol:

Everyone thinks im nuts for plowing money into my corrado, but they dont drive one to get the grin factor (when its running right)

AND as i see it - if its not raping you financially whats the point of working your ass off if your not having something you enjoy. :shrug:



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After having spent over a grand on mine in the last six months on a full suspension and brake refurb/upgrade, pulled the dash out and did the heater matrix, de-rattled everything, removed alarm etc. Thought all was good, then headlight bulbs blowing every 5 mins so just replaced the alternator (problematic, but another story). Then oil temp sensor failed, ignition switch failed, its just started holding back on power.....I can feel the door handle getting worse everytime I open it... On top of that my other halfs corrado needed a new wiper motor and ignition switch in the last 10 days, its never ending! Mega money, mega time spent fixing things, but when they're good, they're really good!

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I always see it as you buy it with your heart and not your brain.

Growing up i always walked past my neighbours mk1 golf gti on my way to school and thought hmm i love it, by the time i was old enough to drive it was nothing but a rusted out shed but i would have still had it if he had offered it... :lol:

When i saw a corrado for the first time and heard a vr on full chat i pretty much made up my mind there and then IM GETTING ONE.... :nuts:

Yes over the years its cost loads to maintain, being part of this forum can be alot like being a kid in a candy shop aswel as there is always something that u tell yourself you need :lol:

Everyone thinks im nuts for plowing money into my corrado, but they dont drive one to get the grin factor (when its running right)

AND as i see it - if its not raping you financially whats the point of working your ass off if your not having something you enjoy. :shrug:




This is the reason I have kept mine for the last 5 years.


It is a love hate relationship. but never before has my apreciation for a car increased with length of ownership. As you said, When it is running on song, and I have just dusted someone on an a road, or nailed it round a roundabout, then steamed up a dual carriageway there is no better car on the road as far as I am concerned. The VR roar is awesome.


When something breaks tho, I want to sell it.......... until it is fixed again. The Missus hates me when it wont work.


viscious cycle.

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i have bee very lucky that the Corrado, to date, has never let me down. I do spend a lot on her, but always balance it with the thought that it's my hobby, as well as daily car. If i wasn't spending money on the Corrado, i'd be spending it on...a car of some sorts!


My friends look at me strangely when i tell them i'd rather buy a balljoint than jeans or other consumerist rubbish! :-)


though, when she's runnin poorly, as my other half says, i'm like a bear with a sore head!

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i think there are very few members on here that dont feel the same at one time or another . i have been lucky with mine , the problems i have ,have been caused by having to take things apart for a respray , it never seems to go back the way it should :lol: poxy sunroof :censored: , then theres the temp senders that i have to do ,slight leaks on the engine , n other bits , but i can still jump in her fire her up n give it the beans and love the loud roar the vr gives out .i hate the bleedin thing sometimes and loose the love , but i walk away and curse at her , a week later i open the garage n think ooooooh look at that fantastic car , n start to sort the problems out one by one .

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I've been rather lucky with mine as i've probably said on here before. :lol:


Bought it with no service history and its been great. :) Spent around 100 quid on necessities in the last year and a half. :grin:


Its just the luck of the draw, as it is with every car. You'll get some that need more maintenance than others.

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completely agree with these comments! I've owned mine for 7 months and in that time i've drove it for 4 months and spent 3 months under it restoring, repairing or improving it. I see it as a hobby so do mot mind spending every penny i have on it, and its worth it for all the times you are driving around in it and can honestly say you would not swap for any other cars around you on the roads! :)

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Yup a few times. Got mine and immediately had to replace the engine. So i cant get rid until ive got a good few miles out of it :lol:


Plus, ive learnt more about car mechanics and such like since owning a corrado, then i ever had before owning one. You have to dont you.


Lets be honest guys, i for one know that if i got rid of the corrado for something else id be craving to get the corrado back. The girlfriend has been driving it to work and back whilst her car is off the road and i do miss driving it. Its also a novelty to be in the passenger seat too, which is still fun :D

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I've been so pleased to have bought mine, I love it (even in pieces!). Its the best car I've owned, I've thought about what modern cars I would choose over it and to be honest there's very few and they are starting to get expensive :pale: .


When I was in a position to buy this one, I knew I wanted and needed to be able to work on it myself. So I see the problems that come up as a test and I have to say I've been very lucky with it so far.

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went to a+e today with a smashed bone in my fingertip and bad slice in my finger from a little accident in the garage. all stitched up and back home now and i'm already getting annoyed that i wont be able to get anything done to the rado for a while lol.

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My car has literally had me crying with frustration since the start of 2011, just seems to be one thing after another at the moment! Girly I know, but I get so fed up when it does break and my family etc are 'buy a new car!' why?! You can spend 80k on a new car and it still breaks!


Anyway all is well at the moment *fingers crossed*


Drove it today after the latest thing was fixed! Big smile on my face!!


But yes we are all stupid!!

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I know the feeling Laura, you fix one thing and just as you think all is well with it, something else breaks or plays up.


But makes it all worth will when you drive it :D

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Unfortunately i bought mine with my heart instead of my head. Not enough research resulted in head gasket going on the first day i picked her up. spent £1k on her only to find the underside was not in good shape. Another £1200 to sort that out (new bushes, suspension etc) and she drives better than alot of newer cars out there.

Have the same issue, with family and friends telling me to get rid, but a) ive put alot of money into her so need to get some use out of her and b) the noise and smile it puts on my face is well worth it.

Try explaining that to them but they just don't get it :cuckoo:

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The only time my Corrado's have truly given me grief is when problems occur due to previous bodges. Namely Dealer Alarms and radio systems. Everything else is just standard maintenance.


For me, I love the way they drive and I love driving something special that people look at and you can see them comment on when you drive past. Think how utterly dreary your car life would be if you drove a Ford Focus or a MK4 Golf.


Thinking of getting my 3rd one if I can't sort out this bloody electrical gremlin!

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I liked my Focus when I had it...


I agree with the electrical demon issues. Mine has a badly installed 3rd party alarm, badly installed retrofit electric windows, and a badly installed audio setup. Paid a grand, probably spend triple that, and still not even started on the electrical gremlins... thinking with the heart is expensive.

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I gave up stressing about things breaking on the Rado a long time ago. You tend to relax a bit after you've used one every day for 8 years :lol:


I used to get a real panic on every time my VR6 started misfiring and always fear the worst - bore wear! Now I just think, C'est la vie, just stick a new engine in it and move on :D It's only metal. Not worth the stress.


I've just recently done our bathroom out. My first attempt at tiling, under-floor heating and plumbing etc and my god....I thought cars were annoying and expensive! To the members among us thinking of buying a house.....just you wait, ha ha!! You'll wish for simple and cheap corrado problems again :lol:


Anyway, cars are cars. None of them, not one single one, is free of problems.


Don't forget Corrados were high performance cars back in the day and no high performance car has EVER been cheap or easy to maintain. There are far crumblier and worse cars to look after than Corrados out there.


I used to have an BMW 325i Tourer (E30) and I loved it, but if you think Corrados are expensive to maintain....you haven't seen nothing yet. They have just as many problems (if not more) and all the parts have a BMW tax attached, which is a lot more than VW's tax. And if that isn't bad enough, it was NO WHERE NEAR as good to drive as a Corrado!! At least the money we put into Rados is for a good cause - the pleasure of driving it. I feel sorry for the mugs sinking 1000s into dull old Audis and things which are bland as sand to drive....

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My 'sensible' time to sell mine was Oct 08.. The car was in great condition, well specced & I needed the money to buy my first house. I didn't sell it, I sold everything else I owned so I could keep it.


Since then the house has taken most of my disposible income so the car has done lots of waiting in the garage to be loved. It's payed my back by always needing a little bit more spent on it every time I drive it.. but i'm now past the point of no return. I wont get back what I would have done 2 years ago and since then I've spent more on it.. so it may as well stay - forever? :nuts:


Hopefully it will be out this summer, but who knows..

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