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woke up to this...

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Not happy does'nt even come close,






If anyone knows where i can get a new door in diamond silver and in good condition that would be great. :sad:



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'FU#K' and 'THAT'.


Sat here with hand over mouth in shock :pale:


Can't belive the pr!ck that did this is walking round breathing our air.

I was thinking may be a druggy looking for a quick buzz and assumed prob no alarm as it's an old car?? :shrug:

Can't (well don't want to) imagine it was a possible steal for parts to flog later on ebay??

Tom, absolutly gutted for you. Fingers crossed you get the new door quick sharp and get back on the road.

As for justice...can't see plod being too fussed unfortunatly

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The police turned up suprisingly quick, about 5-10 minutes after i made the call!


I'm so angry, i want to sit out with the C tonight with a baseball bat and see if they return. you can't see it, but theres footprints on the door, so they had both feet off the ground trying to open it. suprised the old girl stood up to it really, at least they did'nt get in...or worse.



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Bad news there dude hope you manage to find a door you could settle for one a different colour to get you by till you find the right colour. Have you the opportunity to get the car moved to a safer place while the door is currently like this I hope so.


Best of luck

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Managed to bend the door back enough so it shuts and locks but its off to my mums garage tonight any door will do right now can always have it sprayed.

fingers crossed they catch the f*ckers

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Dirty thieving scumbag, needs a bullet in the head. Sorry to hear this, I will have a word with my mate, hes breaking a silver corrado. It was rolled but the door might be ok.

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Scum that do this should be put in stocks and beaten by the genral public within a inch of their lives with bamboo sticks, then passed onto the courts.. :2gunfire:


Did they steal much?

P*****d me off when mine got broken into lastyear by smashing the rear quarter glass , the only night i parked it on the road and not on my drive in a year and half living there...-

They took cds my oakleys, Vag com lead and went through the whole car for goodies

What annoyed me most was them taking a lever to my dash to remove the stereo :bad-words: they failed to remove the stereo just smashed the center consul to s**t.


Hope you get it sorted soon

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that looks bad :sad: hope you get it sorted without to much bother. bet you would love to bring down that baseball bat on his kneecaps!!

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Nothing stolen as the lock never gave in (thank god) they just bent the door trying to get in theres no stereo in the car..on my list of things to do just a carseat. police think they wanted to joyride it more than steal things from it.


i need a diamond silver door although any silver door will do, really dont want another colour as round here it will only cause attention to it.

If anyone heres of a silver door please let me know


cheers Tom

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fair play on the police getting stuck in so quick - shut me up :ignore:


Funny how, reading back through above, the amount of times the scum will just revert to thrashing the car, rather then really trying to take it.


Mate had is VR completed kick in and the interior torn to shreds. They'd tried to start it, but battery was flat as pancake, so they must've got p!ssed and took it out on the car.


I couldn't belive the damage. You could tell they'd just thought 'f#ck this, we're gonna tear this to bits'

F#CKING ANIMALS :censored:


Again, hope you get the new door soon and make sure these pr!cks don't win....if you know what I mean :scratch:

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what a shiter! feel for you tom! it would of knocked me sick.


i know its the wrong colour but im not a million miles away and i think i may have a black door (i have two doors and one is fooked but cant remember which) if you get stuck? i could get someone to give it a quick lick of silver or you could bang it on unitl you find a silver one


like i say i may have one so dont hold me to it


i always worry bout some one trying to have mine off but what are you gonna do!

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Its almost comical how much they've damaged to do and still not actually got in the car. They must have been the worst thieves ever. It is absolutely awful when anything like this happens though so feel dead sorry for you. In the last two or three months we've a wing mirror kicked off and had the rear quarter keyed (on opposite sides of the country).



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Not a violent person - NORMALY, but I would like to see some broken knee caps for this fu****.


Hopefully (for sure :) ) you'l get it sorted out though, nice to see they wheren't able to get in.

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The cops did dust the car, but they were wearing gloves so no fingerprints, they were however able to get the shoe prints off the door. I've decided i'm going to get a really decent alarm system and fit delocked door handles(i'm hoping the lack of an obvious barrel may act as a future deterrent?)


Simon- might take you up on that door mate if its in good shape, disadvantage of owning a C in a rare colour i suppose!



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No worries I will check on Monday and let you know which side I have.


Car thevies just don't take pride in there work anymore. Back in the day this would of been a mark free job. Now they just want to rip the shiz out of your car so they can get there next fix

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