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i liked how i could upload pics off my laptop now i can oneal see a url link


also think a donation is in order but cant see a link


i do like the new forum good work people

Edited by dukest

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  Toad said:
Everything changes with love?


Not always changes are good, no offense please. I just loved old forum design, and hate new one.


I still love to be there and if I have no choice back to old view I will get use to new one. Just have no choice.


Really wanted to give you my honest opinion.

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with regards to the Avatars, I am in the edit avatar page but I dont have the choice to enable it only have the "disable" option. I had a quick look in the FAQ and it states that the mod's may not allow avatars or limit them to certain members. could one of the mods confirm if we should all have the option to select on/off the avatars?

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  • Avatars fixed. (Just now)
  • PM box limit increased from 50 to 500. If you exceed this, have a clear-out!
  • Usernames and email addresses were CaSe SeNsItIvE which was causing login issues. Now resolved.
  • Working on fixing attachments not showing thumbnails. (Hopefully)

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Quite like the look of it.. Did really like the old one but I'm sure I'll get used to this! Lol.. Would like the your posts bit back!

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  Philuk said:
Quite like the look of it.. Did really like the old one but I'm sure I'll get used to this! Lol.. Would like the your posts bit back!


Try here

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  Andi said:


  • Avatars fixed. (Just now)
  • PM box limit increased from 50 to 500. If you exceed this, have a clear-out!
  • Usernames and email addresses were CaSe SeNsItIvE which was causing login issues. Now resolved.
  • Working on fixing attachments not showing thumbnails. (Hopefully)


I like how you get sent an email now when you're close to your inbox limit. Before you didnt necessarily now you had an email waiting to be released due to your inbox being full.

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Looks good to me - some of the new features sound cool. I like change, keeps us on our toes. Can't imagine it was easy so well done!


I did like the "View Your Posts" function on the old forum though - was a quick way of getting to see activity in areas of interest especially if you've not logged on for few days or not subscribed.

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You can see recent posts in the "What's new?" button at top.

If you wish to see your posts, click "My Profile" in the top right, then "Find all posts"

Yes, I know it's two clicks, but... ;)

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Like it so far.. seems much quicker?


Is it possible to change the banner link back to 'new posts' rather than index? I didnt realise how much i used it!

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  junkie said:
Whats going on with the threads been missing?


I believe in the importing of 500,000+ threads, about 2,000 were "corrupted" and didn't transfer.

Sorry, but I have a feeling that may have been the very large (and normally therefore a bit broken) threads - so if this has affected you, you can still access the old forum here: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/index.php in a Read-Only fashion. Although the banners, etc are broken - the attachments and posts should all still be there, so you should be able to retrieve any information you still need.


Thanks for all the (mostly) positive feedback. I hope this improves the site a lot for you all.

The donate links are back! Plus you can setup Subscriptions directly in the forum. This doesn't give you anything extra yet - but it will (and will be back-checked if you subscribe now).



I always really appreciate all the donations and support you give, guys. The cost of this software and the server is all paid for by me, so it's only possible by your donations and support. I will be enabling and adding a lot more goodies to the site tomorrow, don't worry!


I've been working on this for 14 hours straight now, so time to give me eyes a rest and get some sleep!!

Please don't break anything... ;)

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  junkie said:
Whats going on with the threads been missing?

It looks like any links that were to the old corrado forum pages are no longer usable, I fixed my sig link by finding the new forum equiv' address

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Can the font size please be changed fir the thread title? It's too small for viewing on mobile devices, and often find I'm clicking the thread starter or another topic by mistake with my clunky fingers :) looking good otherwise, but would appreciate a more friendly theme for us mobile users (iPhone 4 here) keep up the good work



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Sorry to be a PITA Andi :o


Noticed that when you click edit post you cant underline, change font to italics or bold etc. You can only do it when you initially write the post. Oh and Mods need their usernames in orange again, just to highlight them us normal members haha.


I'd understand if you told me to pish off haha, dont mean to pick the new forum apart. :)

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  • Missing threads hopefully a lot better - old posts were being hidden from view. But if you definitely can't find them, then head over to the old site to retrieve what you can.
  • Yes, member titles, etc, will be reintroduced when I figure out where in the Settings.. haha!
  • This is version 4.1.1 and version 4.1.2 (which is currently in beta) includes a full mobile theme with automatic phone-browser detection. It should be final code in a week or two, so will be fixed by that. I will add Tapatalk in shortly, however...


Glass of milk and on a second wind.. haha!

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  Critical_Mass said:
Sorry to be a PITA Andi :o


Noticed that when you click edit post you cant underline, change font to italics or bold etc. You can only do it when you initially write the post. Oh and Mods need their usernames in orange again, just to highlight them us normal members haha.


I'd understand if you told me to pish off haha, dont mean to pick the new forum apart. :)


Click "Go Advanced" for the full editor. The 'Quick Edit' is meant for a "quick" edit inline, spelling, etc.

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donation made my subscribe soon


got a htc desire hd get the same corrado forum page on the phone as ido on the laptop

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Tapatalk has been installed now - so those using that on their iPhone/Android/WindowsPhone7 phones - you may need to remove The CF from your 'Favourites', search for it again, then login.

Should work fine after that.

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Great work Andi! Looks fantastic!


More subscribers needed now the software costs real money! C'mon folks dig deep, get that PayPal subscription created!!

Edited by mattnorgrove

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Sorry, I know this is a recurring question, but.....


Is there any way to look at what threads you've posted in? I know you can go to 'My Profile', 'View All Posts' but this just brings up what you've posted, not the threads.


In the Bible, you could click 'View Your Posts' (I think - it was automatic what I clicked so it may have been different?!) and it would bring the threads that you'd posted in, so it was easy to see if a thread you'd posted in had been replied to.


Does that make sense? Would be great to have it back as I (and by the souds of it a lot of other people too) used it a lot to keep track of my interests.

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Sub setup.


Thank-you for your time, effort and cold hard cash! The forum has answered numerous newbie questions over the last few weeks and once it gets warmer I hope to get the camera out and add some pics to some of the Wikis!



The best bit I've noticed so far: Spell check in the Reply box !




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  mjcp said:
The best bit I've noticed so far: Spell check in the Reply box !

:D thats going to cause some people on here some problems!!!

Edited by dukest

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  mjcp said:
The best bit I've noticed so far: Spell check in the Reply box !


That's just phase one.


Phase two will be a plugin that tries to decipher Corrado_Sunderland.

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