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I still love corrados

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Might be 15 years on but I still love them, walking away from parking up and glancing back, winding round the country roads, giving them a good clean inside and out or just a nice cruise home in the afternoon sun today :D

That's all.

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You can for Facebook, and I have. Even if I just liked my own post :lol:

Edited by davidwort

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Never used the facebook function on here before, I now 'Like' as well! lol

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its just one of those special cars. we all have those bad times ! lets face it they run great most of the time its an age thing that we have to keep on top of things like all cars that are getting on in life. the shape is timeless the sound is awsome . near where i live there is a street that when you approach the end and turn the corner you see the front end perfectly in the reflective glass , it always makes me smile to see that .

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I need to read threads like this from time to time. It helps my morale level when my car is sitting on the drive with (yet another) knackered bottom end and facing a rebuild.


When XJRs and E39 M5s are selling online for buttons I need lots of encouragement to fund another engine repair to fix the grey paperweight with wheels sitting on my drive.



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Just think how much a replacement bottom end for an E39 M5 would set you back... that always helps sober me up when my thoughts drift to such cars.

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I know what you mean Jim and as you know I've had the blues with these cars on a number of occasions, so I've just SORN'd it for a few months so I can make a calm decision. The car will be repaired, but the thought of finally moving on seems to grow stronger on each occasion, and it feels very strong right now.


Having already put over £24k into this car in just five years (excluding fuel and insurance - that's just fixing and modifying) I think a stock M5 might be cheaper to run! But this car owes me so much, and the cameraderie of the Corrado & VW scene is great - those are factors which can't be underestimated.


Chances are I'll get the car back and fall in love with it all over again. That's what's happened before. I'm just not feeling the love for it right at this moment. On the other hand I've always fancied an XJR, being an old man & all that :)

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I just don't understand how you've managed to spend so much on the car John, and have nothing but bad luck with the thing! Similar to another discussion thread, it seems the people who have the most misery with the Corrado's are those who spend large amounts of money on trying to turn them into something they're not - it never goes to plan, they end up disillusioned, sell up and move on.


I've no doubt the M5 would cost significantly less to keep on the road over that time - but then so would the Corrado if it'd just been left standard. If you get an M5 you're bound to want to change it.. and I reckon you'll be back in the same boat!


And nothing about being an old man liking performance boats like the XJR... I'd LOVE something like that, or an M5! :)

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i have been considering getting rid of mine recently but also cannot bring myself to do, for the money there isn't much else i'd rather have

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I'm got my Rado SORN, only because I wasn't giving it the attention it deserved what with having the new toy. So it was either sell it or SORN it and NOOOO way could I sell it, no chance!!


So SORN it is, in the hope that one day soon when I have more space and time and money that it will be back on the road, where it rightfully belongs, enjoying the back roads!! Absolutely CANNOT wait!!!

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Having already put over £24k into this car in just five years


I keep on looking at the giant pile of receipts and toying with the idea of adding them all up. Somehow, I don't think I'll like the result!

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My Corrado's been resurrected (new heater matrix fitted) just in time for a few weeks of cruising (and trips to the tip) before it's SORN'd as I move to Brisbane for 2 years. Although I will be 12,000 miles away driving some jap-cr@p given to me by my company as European cars are too expensive I at least can console myself with knowing a future motoring classic is safely tucked away on my return. I'm already budgeting for the £1-2k re-activation work!

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Is that Datsun of yours STILL standard?!?! :D


Lol, yup the Datsun is still standard. Too busy with a lot happening right now, the time and funds are needed elsewhere so just having to "make do" with a bog standard thing haha!

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I keep on looking at the giant pile of receipts and toying with the idea of adding them all up. Somehow, I don't think I'll like the result!


Ignorance is bliss :D


ALL cars are money pits but at least with VRTs you're getting a good performance per £ in return.

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