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Just been egged!

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Driving home tonight **** head kids egged my car. I hope thats all it was because it made a hell of a noise - will check tomorrow in daylight to see if any stones were used too.


My neighbours now probably think I'm a murderer too seeing my hose the back of the car down at 11pm!!!!

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They'll be scrambled if I get my hands on them, or my rear quater is dented! Sounded like a brick hit it.

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I used to hate leaving my car around rough areas,it simple stuff like what just happen to you that shows you that kids dont give a S$%t these days and their parents are twice as bad for letting them away with this stuff.


Have you seen the news article few months ago in germany- a mother was killed by some young kids dropping a small block of wood off a autobahn overpass bridge and went through the windowscreen killing her instantly.Very sad to see stuff like this

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I had a car egged once about 2.5years ago, made a bit of a mess of the paintwork - the egg left a weird stain (am sure it would have come out with some T-cut) and there were tiny tiny pits and chips too. It was only a hire car but I was quite gutted, it was a brand spanking new Passat - it had about 30 miles on it when I picked it up on a long term hire from work. It happened a few times too - I got the impression the eggs had been thrown from a moving car. I started parking elsewhere.


Hope yours is OK - I am sure the rinsing it off quickly will have helped.


Pesky kids.

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Never been egged but had driver wing mirror kicked off once while parked over night......now that is F@%king annoying :mad:

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Yeah, I've had that too - I'd only owned the car a day! And had the egg thing; didn't wash it off straight away though and it was a swine to get it off when I eventually got round to it. And had some drunken (I assume) pollock walk across my car - footprints on bonnet, windscreen, roof..... Grrrrr. This was with my mk4, I don't leave the Rado in town!



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I understand your annoyance, but just think yourself lucky it was egg and not stones! Sure kids can be ar5es but they can be alot more disrespectful then just throwing eggs.

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I once parked my old car up in my garage for a week in bad weather, every night I went out and polished another panel when I was bored. Friday night the weather was lovely so pulled it out to drive to my mates, literally pulled out of my street and a bunch of little sh**s threw a big ball of mud straight on my bonnet, their parents need a good slapping and they need a good beating. Im only 24 but I cannot ever remember thinking... hey you know what would be fun, lets go through mud/eggs on peoples car.


I have to admit however, I have been with someone whilst a car was egged. There was about 7 of us walking down a main road and we just happened to have some eggs, anyway some chav in a riced up corsa came flying past shouting abuse at us all so one egg just happened to be distributed on his windscreen.

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Eggs can cause serious damage to paintwork. Youll find impact chips where it hit.


Yep just seen a couple, seriously annoyed about it! Will be out there today with my toothpicks and touchup paint. I'm absolutely seething!

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Yep just seen a couple, seriously annoyed about it! Will be out there today with my toothpicks and touchup paint. I'm absolutely seething!


Though if that IS that case then i hope your car is undamaged. I didnt think eggs would mark paint work.

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some kid threw a water bomb (didnt know this at the time!) also sounded like a brick hittin the car. i was so angry cos i seen him throw something....thud... then he leged it the other way down the road.

without thinking i spun the car round, grabbed the little sheet and started yellin obsenaties at him (blood was boilin at his point as i thought it were a rock)

the lad (must of only been about 12) sheepishly admited it was just a water bomb and that he was sorry! i turned to see that the car was wet and a middle aged guy walking his dog looking at me, turned back to the young lad and his mate, both look like they had shat themselves. at this point i realised things had got out of hand so swiftly left the scene leaving the lads with some strong words!


on reflection probably over reacted but who throws anything at a car


i was on a train last year (same area) that got cancelled half way home because some low life had chucked a brick through the cab window, luckily nobody was hurt but it took me 2 hours to travel 8 miles!

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agree with Critical_Mass could be a lot worse, had kids throw half a brick at me while doing 70 on the A1 in my mk2 polo and made a hell of a mess of my wing, wish they'd thrown eggs instead / the police actually did something about it

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Just went for a meal at the local pizza place down the road. Some kids loitering outside. Halfway through the meal hear a couple of thuds. Turn to see the b@stards had thrown eggs at the shop window.

The owner was clearly distraught (old man) and some knob of a customer starts having a go at the owner going on about how next time it could be a brick and that he may not come back to the restaurant. As if he thought the owner was to blame somehow for disrespectful kids.

Not sure who i was more annoyed with, the kids who threw the eggs or that customer.


Like mentioned by others, clean the egg off as soon as possible as it becomes difficult to remove the longer it stays.

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I sponged it off at the time last night, have touched up the scratches as best I can and polished it up pretty well. The mental scars and anger will take a little longer to heal lol

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Knowing off someone who had her face completly rearranged and her life ruined, plus her children who were in the car - now having the mental scars - all due to some young lads dropping bricks off a motorway bridge straight through the windscreen of her car - I now always take note when people are on the overhead motorway bridges. Completely mindless stuff - off course they were never found or tried for it.

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the whole motorway thing is shocking, there were some kids hanging fishing weights off the motorway bridges near me some time ago. its just a shame the dont realise the repacutions(spelt wrong?) that they cause from them acting like fooking idiots!


on the whole egg thing, a new family moved on to my brothers street, and its not the nicest street and they arent the nicest family, anyway my brother had just spent a fair bit of time washin his XR3i convertable, finished, gone inside and job done. a lil while later the lil'sh#t kids egged his car, not just his but others to. but the egg had managed to get through inbetween the roof and drop glass going down the inside and seat and dash. he wasnt impressed! i thought it was rather funny though!


a short while later the mother of said family had cleaned the windows on their house, needless to say they didnt stay clean for long!

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The Corrado has gotten off pretty lightly compared to my previous cars I've had at my house.


My old Pug 306 had two massive dents put in the bonnet (on seperate occasions), the wing mirrors were kicked off, and a gang tag was 'etched' into the rear window

My first MK2 Golf had a deep scratch put in it down to the primer on one of the doors

My last MK2 Golf had a scratch put in down to the colour coat from the front of the passenger door, all the way up to the rear light cluster, and another time someone attempted to kick the wing mirror off (fail - they just pushed it back and left a muddy footprint)


All in the space of 3 years


Never managed to catch anyone, though the main ne'r-do-well on the street was kicked out in November and is now in a homeless shelter.


Coincidentally, the last attempted damage (the wing mirror on the Golf) was in... November, nothing since then!


Might be something to do with the fact I got him his criminal record started a couple of years ago for reporting him for kicking the neighbour's fence in and attempting to break into their house.

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I was egged by the Anniesland weegies on the Touran. Didn't stop to find out what it was as it's a fairly major cross roads. Once home and realised it was egg, I made sure it was cleaned off thoroughly. I've seen paint really destroyed by egg. But at the point of impact there is a set of concentric circular scratches which the egg caused as it crumbled. Never tried to remove them but having read a few threads was thinking that detailing clay might do the trick...then again I'd have to do the whole car

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