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Corrado Short Shifter

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  vagstuff said:
I recently had the privilege of sorting some mods & upgrades with Dave's excellent bespoke parts, as well as paying him for his fitting care & expertise.



The parts were :

short shifter
just great & decisive now :dance:


2] handbrake tunnel bracket
no more sqeaks or rattling


door handle repair kit
now solid 'actions' again, and great preventative maintenance



The high quality of his design & fabrication of each of these bespoke updgrade solutions is already well documented by other such highly satisfied Members, and I just want to respectfully add my own appreciative endorsement to those...

...my own privilege enbraced all aspects of the arrangement, from my initial enquiry through to his fitting expertise & care :


:salute: Dave is a very cheery & affable 'Top Man' in terms of his communications, his encyclopedic knowlegde of our beloved steeds and his 'kid gloves' care of one's car with his fitting



The totality of the whole experience culminated in a very enjoyable trip across Nottingham, and an then an ongoing, perpetual :cheers: :dance: :cheers: feeling of 'proper jobs' well done every time I'm near the car.



So, it's a big "Thank You" from me, Dave, and I hope my very positive experience can help other would-be Members who are contemplating any/all of these upgrades to decide to go ahead with any/all of these 'proper job' enhancements.



Wishing you a happy & spirited 2014, and "Good Luck" with your work your own steed,






I don't know how I managed to miss this, only just found it.


Your feedback is very much appreciated and it was a pleasure meeting and chatting to you.



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  Goldie said:
How easy is it to for one of these from under the car to avoid cutting the floor?




Sorry for the very late reply. You have to drop the exhaust off to get to the shifter box then remove the box and cables in one.



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Daft question time..... Would the shifter from a mk3 vr6 be any good? ie, would it be a straight fit back into my Corrado? Only asking as I have an old mk3 vr that is heading for scrap soon :)

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  easypops said:
Daft question time..... Would the shifter from a mk3 vr6 be any good? ie, would it be a straight fit back into my Corrado? Only asking as I have an old mk3 vr that is heading for scrap soon :)


Not a daft question, infact I'm glad you asked it. There are small differences between the Golf and Corrado shifters which doesn't make them interchangeable I'm afraid. I know this because I've started supplying Golf Mk3 short shifters and have spent time comparing the two. I'll take the Golf VR shifter off you though, PM me price and payment details please.



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  iain stevenson said:
Hi Dave do you still make these shifters







I'd like to say yes but at the rate I'm getting these returned I'll have to shut shop. I've got 1 in stock, first come first served, drop me a PM if you want it. I should have another late next week.



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  diarmaid16 said:


I'd be interested in one and I have a shifter off the car that I can send you.


Yes please send it and I'll modify it but can you make sure you put your forum name on it somewhere either inside or outside the package. I'll drop you a PM with my postal address.

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  Hofmiester said:
Hi Dave, I have just fitted mine and so have one to return. Can you pm my the address details please?


PM sent.

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Can you PM me your address and details too please Dave, I'll whip mine off at the weekend and send it up to you to mod if that's ok. No real rush to return if you have a bit of a back log now!

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  seanl82 said:
Can you PM me your address and details too please Dave, I'll whip mine off at the weekend and send it up to you to mod if that's ok. No real rush to return if you have a bit of a back log now!


Yep will do. It will take about a week to mod it once I receive it.

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  sankysvr6 said:
Dave, if you have one going spare can I have it please.


Not at the moment, maybe end of next week.

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  kevinbowe2000 said:
Hi Dave. Just wondering if you are still making these and have one available?


Yes I have one available, PM me if you want it.



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  Hofmiester said:
Hi Dave, I have just fitted mine and so have one to return. Can you pm my the address details please?


Will you be sending it back?

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  daves16v said:
Not at the moment, maybe end of next week.


Hi, have I missed you out? I seem to lose track occasionally.

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  iain stevenson said:
Hi Dave do I have any shifters left







Not at the moment but I think what I'll do is ask for a £10 deposit to secure the next one, that way I won't miss anyone out. Let me know if this is acceptable?

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