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Explain, Is CCGB the same as CF? same people? this is what confuses me? it seems they are the same? yet different? i dont get it. why not just have one?

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It's difficult :)


The club existed way back before.. since the mid 90's in fact. As times moved on, and as the internet and forums got popular, the Corrado Club remained a more traditional club with offline mailings, a limited online presence, regional meets, etc. I believe that Andi, who setup this place, offered to the club to setup a more modern forum for them but they basically told him they were not interested. In fact I remember they were quite rude about it. Being shunned is always a good motivator, so, he decided to go it alone and make this place. Since then people involved in club have changed, and of course members of one, are members of the other. For example I am a moderator here and I produce the Corrado Club magazine - so am involved on both sides.


There has been discussion a few times over the years on some way to amalgamate the two but, understandably, neither side wants to relinquish what they already have. The forum is Andi's... he is, understandably, not interested in giving up control of it. The CCGB has been long established and does not want to change what it is. So that's how we got here.

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I have to admit I like the forum but I not being that technical find myself as more of a reader than post'er, in the early days I seemed to be replying for replying sake then slowly but surely I stopped unless I thought it was pertinent to the thread. I always pay my £10 suscription to the CCGB and believe its good value but chatting with Cazza at the highjacked pistonheads meet (which is a very good venue) about the two lists, this would be tops and allow the stands to be filled each time.

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I remember the old Corrado Club e-group 'forum' and how gloomy and argumentative it was. Andi's Corrado Forum was a ray of sunshine by comparison and clearly the kind of atmosphere Corrado owners wanted, judginy by the massive uptake of new members after it opened for business.


I'm sorry but I always found the CCGB to be a stuffy picnic blanket affair and wanted nothing to do with it.

Edited by Kevin Bacon

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cheers man, makes alot of sense now. stuck between a rock and a hard place then really.


The Divide seems to complicate things. but i see exactly what you are saying.


i just cant justify paying money to go on a website. especially when owning a corrado on its own is not the cheapest.


maybe alot of the lack of go in the forum mights just be down to a ****ty wet summer making a poo show season/ car enthusiast year. I duno man, all i know is i would just love to spend more time jaming with loads of corrado's going to shows and stuff. and i feel like unless i spend 4 hours a day inspecting CCGB and CF i miss it all. maybe do like a Notice board on the page as a home page? upcoming events and meets? might be an idea? i think once you get everyone together and meeting each other, will give the site a bit more of a personality and less of a corrado wikipedia appeal?

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I think the divide is there if you leave it there to be honest. It's easy to be part of both. I like the organisation that a club gives at shows/meets and also the magazine, car stickers etc. The Forum is a great, erm forum for all things Corrado. It's a relaxed, helpful and friendly place to chat all things Corrado. They actually compliment each other... if you let them.


Kev, the club has changed so much since those days. I remember the reaction Andi got from the old guard. It was ridiculous. However, pretty much all of those people have moved on now, and as I said earlier, the CCGB is pretty much the same crowd as on here. The club has worked so hard to improve things- with good success IMHO. It's not easy to run a club of any sort of magnitude, but the CCGB is now a very well run club which offers a lot to it's members for very little money.


Again, as I said earlier- last year's National Day was a brilliant day out from start to finish. We had a convoy of over 10 cars heading down there- excellent fun. Then the event was superb and was rounded off with another convoy home. We had our photo on Brooklands free of charge as the club paid (a substantial amount!) for the privilage. You need a club to pull this sort of event off to be honest. It was a huge success! 8)

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I remember the reaction Andi got from the old guard. It was ridiculous. However, pretty much all of those people have moved on now,




I remember the old forum and the mere mention of the word: "K&N" would spark a furious debate from the stuffy old sorts. God only knows what kind of outrage a "Forced induction VR6" thread would have created back then :lol:

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Explain, Is CCGB the same as CF? same people? this is what confuses me? it seems they are the same? yet different? i dont get it. why not just have one?


We are the same,

I spent the whole time at the Nationals just talking to people from here,people I've never met !

Had a brilliant day,but it just wasn't long enough to talk to everybody !

Join and come along,you won't regret it

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I might drop into the next show nearby in the 205 and meet you lot,id have another corrado but i need something faster and 1.8 rados are £££££££ for a quick one.


Id love my jet back now i have cash and its been rewired, id have it a flying machine :lol:

Edited by corrado_sunderland

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I know I dont post anything like I used to, but doesnt mean Im any less interested in the forum. I visit it every day without fail.


I know the reason I havent been posting much recently is I just need some time away from my corrado after a very busy and expensive year with it. Now that the SORN will take effect from the 1st of November I probably wont have much input on the forum in that respects. Need to focuse my time on something else and those who have seen the link to my current daily for sale thread can see what I've been busy with (shameless plug). Most probably be the same with its replacement. But as its a TDI will mean I will have some extra pocket money to spend on the rado when its back on the road.



I for one think this is one of the friendliest and best foums I have ever been on. The only other forum that comes close is the Rat-look forum, thats because we are all bonkers on there :D I have made some good friends through this forum and I'm looking forward to making many more. As a side note if I have spoken to you at meets/shows and seamed odd like I didnt know you thats because Im shocking with names and wasnt intentionally being rude :D


This year has been very quiet for get together. I can remember when I first joined the forum we must of had at least 8 meets in the Gloucestershire area alone, where as this year we have only had 1. Thats probably down to a few reasons but we all have lives away from the forum and other priorities. Although I think we all need to pull our fingers out and give some input into getting meets sorted and not relying on other people to do it!


As for the whole Forum vs CCGB stuff. They both compliment each other. The forum is a great community an a wealth of knowledge. Where as the CCGB is a orginisation which can make the most of its powers. For example organising stands at well known shows, Club discount and sorting stuff out like the National day this year at brooklands. What is £10 at the end of the day. I get 10% discount from my local VW dealer and even if I buy 10 things at £10 I have pretty much earned my £10 fee back.


Just my 2p


Did some one mention Ham???? :cool:

Edited by Swompy

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I'm puzzled at this mate! I think it may have been the case to a certain degree around 10 years ago, but it really isn't like that anymore. Myself, Jim and Yandards are all club commitee members + mods on here. The vast majority of CCGB members are actually regular users on here- it's pretty much the same crowd! I think if you'd have come along to the last CCGB National Day, you'd have changed your mind ;)


As Lucasz says, you get a very good deal for a tenner 8)


My opinion is purely based on "image" in other words what the ccgb looks like to me. I am not doubting they are a good bunch of people, as you say there is a lot of overlap, and im not trying to say they do a bad job, i tried to say it without being too obtuse is that the forum is enough for me thats all. Cant knock, wont knock, and dont want to look like im knocking someone elses good work, tis not for me thats all.


In an egg.


Plus a bag.



Edited by daleyboy

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I think this place does alright meself. In fact I'd say here along with cgti and of course Volksdevil are the best Vw forums around.


One thing that bugs me is when people moan about repeated posts, even though questions may have been answered in the past, some of the info such as part numbers or general ways of doing things may have changed, so it's good to start new/fresh topics.


On top of that, it's posts that actually keep a forum buzzing whether they are repeated or not...New members will get more involved as they learn and try to help others, so they will tend to answer the age old common questions which is a good thing. Like I say, keeps the place buzzing and helps others learn.


I think facebook has a lot to answer for as well, these days a lot tend to post random car pictures on there rather than have a progress thread on a forum which for me is so much better!

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I don't think mobile devices help, i find myself using my phone to read and check threads, but i can never be arsed to do any typing on it. I think to myself "i'll just reply later when the pc is on"

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The club existed way back before.. since the mid 90's in fact. As times moved on, and as the internet and forums got popular, the Corrado Club remained a more traditional club with offline mailings, a limited online presence, regional meets, etc. I believe that Andi, who setup this place, offered to the club to setup a more modern forum for them but they basically told him they were not interested. In fact I remember they were quite rude about it. Being shunned is always a good motivator, so, he decided to go it alone and make this place.


Andi’s resignation as webmaster is unwelcome from my perspective as I thought the early criticisms that some people (not all of whom were club members) have levelled at him had been dealt with. I for one thought the new website was excellent, and we’d had a few offline exchanges to that effect.


I think Andi’s critism of the Committee is a little unwarranted, as I have been in contact with most of them in the last couple of weeks and they are all easily contactable by phone


I seem to remember at that time the main focus for the committee was arresting the almost total loss of Club funds. It certainly was occupying 3 (committee) of us including myself for much of our spare time. The archive file is very much that activity around the above extract time point. The Club website was not the number one priority but I do not remember a single committee member having a bad word for Andi. Exactly the opposite was being said.


Carry on ........ nice ephemeral fairy story by some here, what the www is all about. On its 3rd time round on here isn’t it for this??? I find it sad after 9 years this forum has not learned to stand on its own two feet yet.


Popcorn anyone?



Edited by RW1

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Its just a car, dunno why we get so serious about it, just enjoy it and if you can help someone else then help someone else.


I've never been to a meet so can't comment on that side of things., but i get help from the forum and try to offer advice back and i like other peoples views on here, on some forums i go on everyone is just a sheep and just "likes" everything, which gets a bit meaningless and tedious after a while.

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On its 3rd time round on here isn’t it for this??? I find it sad after 9 years this forum has not learned to stand on its own two feet yet.


Popcorn anyone?




I'm not sure if these comments are tongue in cheek. So at the risk of rising to the bait, if the forum is not standing on its own two feet, what/who are we reliant on ... ?

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i just paid the tenner and now it says im waiting for approval one shal not be best pleased if i get denied!

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It appears evident to anyone reading this that the deep divisions remain, its up to the members on here to keep this forum going, i will gladly increase my contribution to keep it going so that this forum can "stand on its own two feet"


Do we get lottery funding or something, or do we have a multi-millionare backing us ? Or is it just people like me a donator thats keeps us afloat ?


Im confused.

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That's why I'm a bit confused by RW1's comments.


Show me a club that doesn't rely on funding from its members to 'stand on its own two feet'. By their very nature, very few forums or clubs will ever be self-sufficient, and the CCGB is not one of them either.


Andi has bank-rolled the forum for many years, when donations have been outweighed by server costs. However, he has never wanted to implement a mandatory payment/contribution system for using the forum.


It's a free resource but, in answer to your question, it is largely now funded by donations and subscriptions. To the point where there is no, or very little, shortfall.


---------- Post added at 1:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 1:29 PM ----------


i just paid the tenner and now it says im waiting for approval one shal not be best pleased if i get denied!




It has two chances ....

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I'm not sure if these comments are tongue in cheek. So at the risk of rising to the bait, if the forum is not standing on its own two feet, what/who are we reliant on ... ?


Indeed. As I see it, both are scratching each-others backs. The CCGB arranges events, but uses the Corrado Forum as a place to advertise events and lure in new members as the majority of people seem to find their way here before they find the CCGB.


I seem to remember at that time the main focus for the committee was arresting the almost total loss of Club funds. It certainly was occupying 3 (committee) of us including myself for much of our spare time. The Club website was not the number one priority but I do not remember a single committee member having a bad word for Andi. Exactly the opposite was being said.


I'm not organised enough to keep emails going back 10 years so I can't defend my comments with actual fact. The work you guys did on getting club funds back that were stolen was great work and firstly I want to say it wasn't my intention to undermine that..


But I can clearly remember having discussions with Andi back at the time, seeing emails / messages from certain long departed CCGB members (I didn't say the committee specifically!) who were incredibly snotty to him and rude. Hell, old CCGB members were very rude to me as well on the subject of the forum purely by association with it.


Yet again this feels like one of those threads I wish I'd never even replied to in the first place. It brings back depressing memories of club politics and things.

Edited by Jim

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I'm not on here as frequently as I once was, but still visit fairly regularly and will continue to do so.


As has already been mentioned, less people are buying Corrados as sporty fast cars to modify, so that side of things has become quieter.


I have thought the corrado forum and CCGB should join forces for many years.

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Indeed. As I see it, both are scratching each-others backs. The CCGB arranges events, but uses the Corrado Forum as a place to advertise events and lure in new members as the majority of people seem to find their way here before they find the CCGB.


That sounds like just one back getting scratched ;)



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That sounds like just one back getting scratched ;)




Speaking of which, you owe me a massage. A full body one, with that special oil we like :D

Edited by Kevin Bacon

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