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Fair well Corrado/John Aka Croozin

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Fair well John to your Corrado days! You've been an inspiration to others for your Corrado commitment and all your helpful suggestions. I managed to snap a few shots a short video of the last few minutes of goodbye's


I felt for you tonight whilst you saw me land in like a vulture taking all the last few bits!


John and I will be cleaning and advertising all the bits we took off so a list will be coming soon. Some nice goodies will be up for grabs.


Anyway mate, thanks again and I'm sure a few others will echo my sentiments.

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?massive shame, always enjoyed this car.. remember seeing it at stonor a few years ago when it had literally just been painted..whats the reason for breaking?

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Hey John, very sad to see this going down Bud! I know the past few years have seen numerous troubles with your Corrado, but didn't think she'd become a breaker. Any plans to get another, or is this it for you and Corrado ownership? This must be a rench for you John, as I know how much passion went into your Corrado story. We have shared some great laughs together, 2007 Le Mans trip stands out. Would be good to hear from you. Regards, John.

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Wondered why we'd not seen much of John lately :( bad news Matey, i'll long remember our banter at events and the Scotland trip :)

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Hey guys, Rams mentioned he'd placed a thread on here & that I should make an appearance.


I've been gone a bit longer than some of you think in fact. The bottom end of the grey Nothelle Corrado expired (again) at the end of April last year. After 13 years, three Corrados and six years with what became the grey monster I had to finally admit defeat and give up keeping it going.


The car came to me in early 2006 having been owned previously by a string of guys who would have been familiar to anyone who was around 10 years ago including Kieran J, Guy H and Glenn C. Glenn had started to develop the car into a track weapon but stopped when he realised his Ibiza Turbo would be quicker for less money. Over the space of just 5 years only those closest to me knew that in maintaining, repairing and modifying the car up what I ended up with incurred costs of around £25,000 excluding the fuel and insurance bills.


I know this sounds insane for a car I only paid £3,500 for, but a particularly big chunk of that went on a 3.0 high compression engine which lasted just 14 months before expiring with no oil pressure on the way back from the 2009 CCGB Telford show. That was £7k in one go! I almost cried, but like so many Corrado nutters I took pity on it again and again and kept fixing it hoping for brighter times... no such luck as it turned out. Eventually even I had to admit it was ridiculous and after two head rebuilds, a race engine, a rebuilt bottom end, and another replacement engine I pretty much ran out of money along with the love.


I will admit it sat on my drive for at least 3 months before I finally detached emotionally from the car. I - almost - fixed it again on two or three occasions but fortunately work commitments kept my attention off it. By the time Rams convinced me to scrap the car & pull the investment out of it a few weeks ago I hardly even noticed it parked outside every day.


During the 13 years I owned these cars I've had some extraordinary times with many, many tremendous people. I did lots of shows all over the UK, trips to Le Mans & Scotland, and hammered around track days everywhere in it. It's a cliche but it's the people who made ownership special, and I'm lucky to still be in touch with a number of you (you forgave me for giving up!). I want to thank all of you for those times, which will always be remembered.


Here are a few highlights:

- The 2003 Woburn Show which I put together with help from Martin Hyland, and James & Deb Shillaw. We had 149 cars there that day - the largest ever Corrado gathering in the UK.

- Driving away from the two turbocharged Corrados at Castle Combe trackday in 2009, despite giving away at least 150bhp to both of them. No apologies guys, my car was faster even without the power!

- Losing my way to AmD in Bicester in 2001 whilst leading 13 other cars, into a cul-de-sac. Apologies for that still folks, I know the u-turn was a bit complicated with all of you stuck in the road!

- Watching an Audi Sport Quattro spin off behind me at Quarry Corner (Castle Combe) one year trying to keep up with me. Expensive crash!

- Travelling from Milton Keynes home to Bournemouth one night and managing it in just 1h22m. The distance is 135 miles - do the maths...

- The look on everyone's faces when I arrived with the car repainted in grey at Stoner in 2009. Priceless :)

- Nursing my car home 600 miles from Braemar in Scotland to Bournemouth with a failed front wheel bearing and no front brakes (I made it - just). In fact the whole Scotland tour of 2010 was a blast.


And thanks to a few particular folks who made it extra special; Kip, James S, Wendy, Charlie, Andy, John (16vG60), Guy and 24vRenshaw.


Right, now I've done all that - come and get the bits, LOL. I want your money, haha

Edited by corozin

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Sad day indeed, hope to still see you around tho!



*goes to look in breaking threads*

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John - I'm surprised but then again not. You once did me the very great honor of allowing me to be a passenger with you for a few laps round Castle Coombe a few years ago (can't remember exactly when and can't find the photos but will keep looking) That was an amazing experience and I still clearly remember my instinctive need to try and brake at every corner while I got used to the insane speeds you threw the car in at! I think we had one lap where you were out braking an Audi R8 into Quarry. Still the most fun I've had in a Corrado!


I wish you well in the future and look forward to seeing what you decide to get to fill the gap. Hopefully we will see you at some future meets!


Quick photo of the grey beast (replete with sticking plaster) at some show way back when

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John, it's a shame to see you turn your back on the gray battleship, especially as you spent so much time and money on the beast. I will always remember going to Stoner Park following you and Wendy and thinking that all corrado owners drive this way(very fast, but it brought a smiles to my face). Your car apart from the colour gave me many ideas, and hope that one day you feel the need to buy another Corrado.

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Sad to see it in looking like that John, but i'm sure you'll be back at some point ;)

Here is another picture of the grey machine, this time from the scottish road trip, when you had stopped off at Kames and by chance we got to see a corrado racing :)

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So Mr Munyard - how the devil are you and, what car are you now driving ?


Please do not let it be some boring piece of S...... T !!!


Can't believe you have only just got round to breaking your car, thought that was to be done ages ago !!!

Good luck with selling it all.

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Oh John......


Many fond memories of my passenger ride around Castle Combe... and the Sprinter article that goes with it :) and yes I was one of those VRT's who had no intention of trying to keep up with you... horse power is no substitute for ability.... it would just be tempting a collision with the armco LOL!


A sad day indeed, hopefully we'll still see you about?

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Sorry to hear you eventually fell out of love with your Corrado John. After spending ££££££ like that though, I can kind of see why! As for the demise of the car, what with it being a Nothelle car n'all that, is it not worth selling it complete, in the hope someone else will bring it back to life? Obviously your car and your choice though.

I hope its replacement is equally as fruity!

Nick (I owned the red valver when I met up with you guys near Bournemouth - I remember a lovely yellow G60 in the car park - would that have been Renshaw?)

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Oh no, falling out of love is never good,


It was a few years back but I seem to remember having a beer with John after a trip to the Lotus factory (pre grey VR)

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Oh John......


Many fond memories of my passenger ride around Castle Combe... and the Sprinter article that goes with it :) and yes I was one of those VRT's who had no intention of trying to keep up with you... horse power is no substitute for ability.... it would just be tempting a collision with the armco LOL!


A sad day indeed, hopefully we'll still see you about?


And I believe the other VRT is now owned by me! I was there in the G60 and it was great to see a Corrado being driven like that, and shows just how capable they are in the right hands.


What would of been more interesting is if John had driven one of the VRTs....

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