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Seanl82's ringer Storm

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Well, just got to Bristol ready to drop the kids off at the folks place in preparation for National day. Not best pleased to say the least! Dropped into maccy d's before leaving, and set off. I'd spent all afternoon washing, polishing, and waxing the car ready for the event, and we stopped off at he services half way here. Stood back admiring the car after a toilet break, and noticed this!
















:censored: :mad: :bad-words: :(


It obviously happened in macdonalds car park. What ****es me off most is the fact the offender didn't have the common decency to ask around who's it was, or leave a note.

I also noticed that both outer cv boots have failed! I've got cv grease on the inside of both wheels. It's the first time since its been back on the road that I've spent any length of time at speed, which has obviously caused it to show itself. I supported both drive shafts, but obviously not well,enough! :(

Not a great day!

The only plus is that it ran perfectly well all the way here. :rolleyes:

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Now that is a real bummer Sean . Gutting really , sums up most drivers I'm afraid . On the other hand there are those out there on the roads , that would not even know they had hit someone's car ! . I know it's not much , but at least it happened now .....rather than after you have had it painted .


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That's crap mate I know you have kid's so you are not going to park on the far side of the car park but that's where I park as far away from the idiot's as possible. Upside it ran well you are getting it painted soon anyway "message to self" after respray choose parking wisely

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I did park at the far end too! The missus even said for me to park rubbish so no-one could get beside me, as it was only a two bay slot! I ignored her this time, not again!

As said though, at least it's before paint. I've just been over it with a bit of AG Srp that my mum's husband had in the garage, and it's took the worst off. It was mostly paint transfer, but it has took a fair bit of paint off too. I probably saw it happen as well! It was a white bloody fiesta. I saw it really close, but didn't think much of it, as it carried on and the guy got out. He made a quick exit after ordering his scran anyway obviously!

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I did park at the far end too! The missus even said for me to park rubbish so no-one could get beside me, as it was only a two bay slot! I ignored her this time, not again!

As said though, at least it's before paint. I've just been over it with a bit of AG Srp that my mum's husband had in the garage, and it's took the worst off. It was mostly paint transfer, but it has took a fair bit of paint off too. I probably saw it happen as well! It was a white bloody fiesta. I saw it really close, but didn't think much of it, as it carried on and the guy got out. He made a quick exit after ordering his scran anyway obviously!

And here was me thinking the opposite respect to your missus mate most women don't get it you are lucky to have one like that. Like roger said you may be able to get a no plate. Me even with the burnabout Vectra I park in the middle of 2 parking spot bay's all the time

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Having been the victim of people damaging my car and not leaving a note or anything, I share your pain.. it's a horrible feeling :(

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I may well ask when I get back Tuesday actually. It's not so much the scuff as I know it'll be painted soon anyway. It's the principle, that they would rather do a bunk and hope not to be found out! That and the fact I'd just spent about 4 hours trying to make it look nice!

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Hi Sean , I've got my car back from the paint shop and I had to have the lips of the front arches done again as rust was beginning to show it's ugly head . I'm not teaching you to suck eggs but please make sure that when the arch liners are removed , that you ask them to do the usual stone chip , and then spray the inside as well as the lip and not just the lip . So it's sealed all in one and not stopping at the edge of the lip that you see . Some body shops do this and some don't . If your clued up , all well n good , just a heads up bud .

Before she goes for paint


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Its a good job paint gets rubbed down James , otherwise my car would be longer n fatter than everbody elses !

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Thanks for the tip Rob, I wouldn't have thought of that tbh. Although I was planning on removing both wings for them to Treat a bit of rust, and some minor welding on both arches, and one of the inner arches as well. :thumbleft:

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Not really about my car, although still going perfectly with the exception of the coolant warning light having come on today, even though the level is perfect. That's a brand new genuine expansion tank too. :rolleyes:

Anyway, back to the reason for posting. My missus has just got a new client who she visits at home once a month. Her first visit on Friday, and there was a sherry pearl sat on axle stands in the garden! Did a drive by last night, and it's obviously been there a while. No idea what flavour or year it is as it has a reiger grill, and weeds had grown up so high they were obscuring the number plate. Missus reckons the bodywork is actually very straight though and seemed to be in decent nick, but it's obvious it's been sat quite a while. Next time she is there she's going to enquire as to whether it's for sale, so I may have a new addition! :cool:

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Have you told your therapist?



That would be the wife too Sean! Her idea, so I'll hopefully be a happy boy! Although there is a nice little blackberry just popped up. May be a bit out of my budget though!

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Probably still out of budget! If we could get another dozen or so people, I'm in mate! :lol:

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Well, just got back, and I'm very excited!! Car now booked in for full windows out respray on the 1st August. :dance:


It came down to two garages after having recommendations, and reading online reviews on both. Both priced around the same, but the one I went with seemed a little more professional. Their workshop was in a cleaner state, and the fact they had a Ferrari F430, Aston Martin DBS, Volvo P1800, and a BMW Isetta Bubble as well as a few other in kind of sealed it. The Isetta and a T2 camper were back to bare metal, so they do lots of proper restos which is good. I need to strip the exterior plastics and trim, but other than that I'm good to go. Cant wait! :smug:

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Sounds awesome! Looking forward to seeing the pics in a couple of months. Hope that I'll get to this point with mine someday...

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