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Chris Gaskell (RW1) Gathering at 1pm at Stanford Hall to Honour Him

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Sad news he will be sorely missed. Any news on what was the cause of death seemed sudden and out of the blue ?



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It was with great sadness I learned of Chris's premature death this morning. I knew Chris from early on in the life of the Corrado Club and was host for the NW Region when I first met him at the AGM in Nottingham in January 1997. I will never forget his enthusiasm and endless knowledge about cars, let alone his support to me as a Regional Host. When we first decided to arrange the 10th Anniversary do at Gaydon in 1998 Chris was the brains behind it and what he did not know about organising an event was just not worth knowing. I kept in touch with Chris over the years, as I am sure many others did, and even though I no longer own a Corrado, or VW for that matter, I still always referred my (much fewer) car problems to Chris and he'd say "still driving that Jap car? You want to get yourself a new Scirroco" - typical Chris! Chris will be greatly missed and I still can't believe he has gone, a great loss to us all me thinks. Sleep well Chris.

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This is so sad, I first met Chris about 10 years ago at Stanford Hall, he had his Green VR in the concours comp. He took time out to chat to me which was nice.


I've made efforts to say hello to him whenever we've been at the same event and he always has time to chat. He's also helped out with queries at those events and on this forum, a thoroughly nice chap we have all lost.


RIP Chris.

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I had never had the pleaseure of meeting Chris in person but, like many Forum members I'm sure, I had found many of his posts very helpful in sorting out problems with my car. His knowledge and input into obscure problems will be sorely missed.



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I never met Chris, sounds like he was a legend, sorry to hear he's gone.


Why is it all the good people get taken, must be there's only room up stairs for the good.


R I P Chris :salute:

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I had wondered why He had not attended the AGM this year and had noted it.

We always had chats and laughs at the various shows


A sad loss to us, the Corrado Club, The Forum and his family and friends.

I did know he as not so well last year when speaking with him, but this is really sad and so young really.


He will be missed and he would likely say to all of us - Live life to the full while you can.


RIP Chris

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Met him a few times and was even so kind to come round my house to look at a problem I had with Corrado.


Great bloke who will be sadly missed.

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Wow, what a blow. Chris helped both myself and my son with technical queries some years ago. What a "pillar of the community" he was.

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Very sad news - Chris was a great source of information and will be sadly missed by everyone I'm sure

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This is so very sad, I am shocked. I never met Chris but his help and patience with non mechanics like me was much appreciated. When I stupidly sold mine he tried to tried to persuade me otherwise but it was too late, I hope his family get to see all these messages for him on this great forum. RIP.

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Might be nice to setup something we can donate towards.


A member on a different forum i use passed away recently and the forum end up raising quite a sum of money to be donated to an animal shelter (the member used to help raise money for)


Such sad news RIP.

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Might be nice to setup something we can donate towards.


A member on a different forum i use passed away recently and the forum end up raising quite a sum of money to be donated to an animal shelter (the member used to help raise money for)


Such sad news RIP.


I think perhaps when we know the circumstances around what happened (and therefore if there is a suitable charity we could donate to) someone would be happy to set it up.. I know I would be more than happy to organise such a collection.


Alternatively I could suggest, as something a bit leftfield, and knowing that Chris used to work on Vulcan Bombers, that we could donate to the Vulcan To The Skies fund - though not sure if everyone would quite have the same feelings about that, as say someone like Macmillan Cancer or similar.

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Really sad news and I send my condolences to his family and friends. I never met him (I don't think) but I certainly benefited from his knowledge and experience when searching the forum for bits and bobs over the years.

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Sorry to hear this, again never met him, but one of the most knowledgeable and helpful people on here and always popped up with straight-forward, clear and detailed advice.

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Very sad- he'll be a massive loss to the community.He was a thoroughly nice guy + his Corrado knowledge was second to none :(


Some sort of collection is a great idea, but as Jim says, we need to know a little more first.

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really sad news met him once at my first meet when id just got a corrado he took the time to chat to me and fill me in on some corrado history whilst he did a vag com scan on my car made me feel very welcome, he seemed a top guy and as others have said very knowledgeable



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His Funeral will be on the 23rd April in Chorley which is the Northwest Area.


If anyone would like to attend please pm me for details as i'd rather not post up on here.


Thank you.

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I have been avoiding posting on this thread with being a newbie and never actually meeting the gent in question i say gent because from what i have read since kip started the thread it is so obvious that is what this guy was and he is going to be sorely missed by the forum and of course his family and friend's. RIP Chris.

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