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Help! Made an enemy :(

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Ok so I need a bit of advice, kinda just made an enemy....driving to the gym and some guy was sat right up my asre and decided to try and speed to overtake really close to me so I swerved a bit and stopped him over taking which got him angry obviously and he was beeping his horn and flashing his lights at me to pull over and followed me. I stopped because he kept pulling in front of me and he got out his car and started shouting and swearing at me and I yelled back 'theres a speed limit for a reason' which ****ed him off even more so he ran at my car at which point I sped off...oops...think if he sees my car it might end up with some broken windows or worse. I know I shouldn't have done it and im not that type of person, at all, I don't even know why I did it. I juat wasn't in the mood....I'm sure we've all been there. Juat a bit concerned now as to what will happen as he was a big skinhead and the VR isn't exactly a car to be missed....ideas please I really don't want my car beaten or me for that matter it was a stupid moment and I regret it 100%

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Garage for a few days would be my best suggestion if that's an option. Other wise car cover is the next best.



Beat one of all is dont do it in the first place :p ! Although I know where your coming from as it happens in the heat of the moment. Plus if you think the VR stands out you should try driving my polo! All ways have to be on my bet behaviour whilst driving that!

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You'll be suprised how quickly not only the kind of car it was you were in but the whole incident. But as above just keep its head down for a few days.


Besides he was probably that focused on you he wasnt pay much attention to the car anyway.

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Yeah I know. It just happened and believe me I'm not that type of person. Garage is not an option but I could put a car cover on during the night. The place I work is on a farm so thats not an issue. Although it wasn't that close to my house but that doesn't mean he won't remember when or if he sees my car again...I'll just keep it covered for a while and hope it goes away. Thanks, watch this space though....

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I wouldn't worry mate, these things always seem worse straight after the event.


In the next couple of days it will blow over and you both will have forgotten about it by the weekend.

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Quelle surprise it was a no neck shaven headed thug. I bet he had a right angry wasp chewing face on him when was up your chuff? Plenty of his sort bullying motorists around my area. I hate blokes like that but eventually they pick on the wrong person and get a good clobbering. I once saw a bloke like this shouting at a truck driver in a traffic jam, trying to climb up into the cab. The truck driver must have kicked the door open into his face or something as he fell back down onto the floor pretty sharpish and then scampered off. Oh how I lol'd :D


As said already, try and keep your head down for a bit. He's probably destroyed his memory with drug abuse ;)

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Hmmm probably but unfortunately idiots and bullys like that you rarely see getting their commpunance...I'll just lay low for a few days and hope it blows over

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Mong driving? I'm not even sure if I've seen you around...


Rofl not a surprise seeing how much time my car has spent off the road in the last 24 months.

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Well traveling to close to someone is a bit silly and the sort of thing that causes accidents however the same can also be said for deliberately swerving into the path of an overtaking vehicle to prevent them overtaking, wouldn't you say? I would think he would have every reason to be ****ed at you, and on balance what you did was probably far more dangerous.

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^^^^^^agree with this^^^^^^^^^^^ but we have ALL been there in way way or another at one time or another. Get your skinny ass to the gym so next time you drive like a tool you will at least be man enough to stand and argue the toss rather than run away like a girl in your car. :o


Ha..ha... you gave me a giggle anyway mate. As for the car, I'm sure it will blow over in a week or so as he will have moved on to a newer you as his target. Best advice, drive better when in such a recognisable car.


You have earned my 'Hero of the day award', unfortunately not presented for bravery this time around ;)

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This will in all probability blow over. If you do encounter the chap again be preemptive and apologise. Despite what he looks like, he may just have been having a bad day. Most people are quite reasonable most of the time. Though, I would espouse the virtues of a Car Cover in general. They help protect the car from weather and bird poo, they also deter random acts of vandalism as well as hiding your P&J from the criminal element who would try to have it away. I bought a reasonable £60 cover from Halfords which is 99% waterproof and also has locking straps to go under car, think I got a Large size. I think it's a good compromise but it isn't soft lined-if I was doing it again I would spend that bit more and get a proper tailored one with a soft lining and padlocks.

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I can see why he was ****ed off that you swang out in to the road to stop him overtaking , but ii can see your side aswell and he should never of been tailgating in the first place ,


A couple of weeks ago i was sat doing about 40 in a 30 zone that was quiet so already speeding and some knob was about an inch of my bumper in an astra waving his arms about , so i just slowed down to about 15 to 20 mph and just sat a tad closer to the middle line markers , funny thing is we was already speeding but because of his dickhead'ish driving we ended up going about 20 mph for a good few miles , even better was the fact he dearnt overtake me on a single lane like your mate wanted to lol


If you got his reg i would probably report him to the coppers just for peace of mind that they have a record of him and if anything was to happen it would have been pre meditated , even though coppers are **** they will log it down


Either that or next time ancher on throw your seat belt of and go chin him before he chins you

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Well traveling to close to someone is a bit silly and the sort of thing that causes accidents however the same can also be said for deliberately swerving into the path of an overtaking vehicle to prevent them overtaking, wouldn't you say? I would think he would have every reason to be ****ed at you, and on balance what you did was probably far more dangerous.


Agreed but does that justify this bloke potentially turning a simple motoring misdemeanor into violence? I think not. The OP unfortunately did that to someone who has anger issues and was clearly spoiling for a fight. Best thing to do, as hard as it is, is to ignore them, let them get on with it and let Karma take it's natural course.

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Agreed but does that justify this bloke potentially turning a simple motoring misdemeanor into violence? I think not. The OP unfortunately did that to someone who has anger issues and was clearly spoiling for a fight. Best thing to do, as hard as it is, is to ignore them, let them get on with it and let Karma take it's natural course.


Mostly I would agree karma is a great thing and seems to work better than anything else, however (theres always an however lol) firstly there was no actual phyisical violence just verbals, although admitidly the behavior was of the threatining kind. Secondly the phrase 'simple motoring misdemeanor' ... that I might attribute to tailgating but to deliberately swerve in front of an overtaking car? I certainly would not call that a simple motoring misdemeanor, I would categorize that as a far more serious and potentially far more dangerous maneuver than tailgating and although the other driver has quite obviousley got a really bad attitude to driving by tailgating in the first place the swerving shows up an equally bad attitude to other road users and had there been any kind of accident due to that action 'but he was tailgating me' would not wash with anyone.


I'd say live and learn you can just about always let tailgaters past and by the very fact they are tailgating should tell you that you do not want to get involved with them in the first place, playing games and doing silly things is not the right aproach.

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sounds familiar, done the same thing many times myself, I had one w*$%er that I flashed and veered towards when he was doing 60 outside our school do a u-turn and tailgate me all the way to the police station! Thing about this sort of person is they'll have a fight about something else within a short space of time so will have moved on to another thing pretty quickly, like the other's have said, I doubt he'll remember the car or you after a few days, if at all.

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I don't understand who these idiots are on the road. They must have very, very messed up lives to go around trying to actually pick fights with other motorists. Often think about keeping something like a full size maglight in the car just in case I end up in an encounter with one of these knuckle draggers!!

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Agreed but does that justify this bloke potentially turning a simple motoring misdemeanor into violence? I think not.


Read this thread with interest, so let's try a little variation.


Turn it round a wee bit and I can see the post on here. :- "I was following a car which was holding me up. I tried to overtake but he swerved out in front of me. Had to slam on the anchors. If I had the chance I'd have put him in his place."


Or even :- "I was following a car which was holding me up. I tried to overtake but he swerved out in front of me. Had to slam on the anchors, hit a patch of oil or something and took out a bus stop full of kids."


I'm a reasonable guy but can't find any sympathy for the OP's predicament.

Edited by Wullie

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Well I've been in this situation, but the other way around. Although I had good reason! A lad in an old shape vectra was proper on my arse, in a low gear etc obviously wanting to provoke on the motorway as I was taking my 3 yr old boy for an operation. He overtook and then pulled away a bit and sat in the inside lane, I went past him soon after and just thought 'Pillock' while shaking my head at him.


But he booted it right up my ar$e again and just wouldn't go away! Fortunately for me (Not for him) we both pulled off at the same junction up to a roundabout.


​I got out and started throwing some pretty angry words about my son being in the car, taking him to hospital and the fact that I was not looking for a 'race' or anything. He looked pretty shocked while leaning back away from the window. Didn't say a word! and I just got back in the car. I was stressed enough at the time with the situation and other things...Didn't need to be dealing with idiots.


If I saw him again...I wouldn't give him any grief. What's done is done, water under the bridge. If I spoke to him I'd certainly tell him what an idiot he was I suppose...But not in such an angry manner.


I'd just be on the cautious lookout for a short while, but I'm sure he will let it go once time has passed.

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Read this thread with interest, so let's try a little variation.


Turn it round a wee bit and I can see the post on here. :- "I was following a car which was holding me up. I tried to overtake but he swerved out in front of me. Had to slam on the anchors. If I had the chance I'd have put him in his place."


Or even :- "I was following a car which was holding me up. I tried to overtake but he swerved out in front of me. Had to slam on the anchors, hit a patch of oil or something and took out a bus stop full of kids."


I'm a reasonable guy but can't find any sympathy for the OP's predicament.


I wasn't holding him up, I was doing the limit and I know what I did was stupid, i regret it, but thankfully no-one got hurt and what he did (and did next) was just as stupid. To say i swerved out directly in front of him isn't true, i was still in my lane, he was sat up my arse and i flicked the steering to show him i was there, true it stopped him overtaking, but i could have been swerving for any number of reasons (things in the road, the same oil patch you just mentioned....) yes the reasons weren't that but if he wasn't so close it wouldn't have mattered.....don't you agree? He then proceeded to slam his anchors in front of me, whilst overtaking, in the wrong lane at the next roundabout, swerving in front of me as we came off (from the 2 lane roundabout to 1 lane)....he took what i did and made it much worse.


So you're saying that if you'd been driving like an idiot, and i annoyed you in some variation and then we met you'd beat me up and smash up my car and think it an appropriate way to 'put me in my place'


There are lots of variations that can make what either of us did seem worse.

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I don't understand who these idiots are on the road. They must have very, very messed up lives to go around trying to actually pick fights with other motorists. Often think about keeping something like a full size maglight in the car just in case I end up in an encounter with one of these knuckle draggers!!


Always keep a full size Maglight in the car, a multitude of uses

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