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New Sprinter

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Received the latest Sprinter today, read it this eve & Chazrad's article is very interesting,quite a bit of pain in your build & a lot of dedication. Good work with great results in the end!

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I thought it was it little lacking in content tbh. I entirely understand its due to members not submitting enough info, and its in no way a dig at Jim who has very little to work with obviously, but I would have liked to have seen a little more on the National Day. Even if it was just bulked out a little with some more photos, that would have made it a little better imho.

A very good write up indeed from Chaz, and Judy's rear beam ditty were really all that was in it apart from the AGM minutes.


Maybe an all members email reminder that content is needed for the next issue?

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It's entirely fair feedback mate and I did expect one or two comments to that effect - I was just really short on content this time around. I did have another article or two in the 'bank' but there's an element of trying to keep stock for future issues as well, rather than just blowing it all on a bumper issue and then having nothing.


I'm not sure how many times I can ask for people to send articles to be honest.. I put a comment to the effect, or some kind of steer in the editorial of virtually every magazine I've produced over the last few years - as well as mentions at every AGM, and at every opportunity I get.


Of course that's not to say I shouldn't write original content myself - and I have done such as a number of articles on the new Scirocco (the IROC presentation in 2006, reviews of the GT/R/BlueMotion rolled into road trips), and the Stealth Turbo VR6 Corrado - but as you can imagine it's quite difficult coming up with new ideas for an old car, if that makes sense?


I have said it many times but if folks have some realistic ideas for features they'd like to see in the magazine, I really am all ears! :)


And as stupid as it sounds - feedback, of any kind, is always useful. Positive or negative. It always hurts to receive criticism but I appreciate it if it's constructive and something I can do something about, or build on.

Edited by Jim

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Totally agree with Sean but then I was parked in between two of probably the top 5 corrado's i have ever seen(i know i am a newbie but have done some digging) and there wasn't a pic regarding any one of the three (though i don't regard mine as anywhere near Goldie's or ChrisL's) the one's that do feature don't show the club in the best light. (so maybe it is time to let someone else do it Jim)

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(so maybe it is time to let someone else do it Jim)


That hurts a bit but.. again, fair point on the lack of pictures.


I guess it's worth mentioning that I attempted to step out of the role at a couple of AGM's now, suggesting I was happy to stay on and cover the role until someone else volunteered. The problem is no-one has ever volunteered at all, in all the years I've been doing the magazine. So we're at the point where I step down, and the club has no magazine. We could outsource production of the magazine to a 3rd party - as I'm currently doing all of the design work and assembling the magazine where it simply just has to be printed but if no-one is writing articles to put in it, what would they be able to produce?

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That hurts a bit but.. again, fair point on the lack of pictures.


I guess it's worth mentioning that I attempted to step out of the role at a couple of AGM's now, suggesting I was happy to stay on and cover the role until someone else volunteered. The problem is no-one has ever volunteered at all, in all the years I've been doing the magazine. So we're at the point where I step down, and the club has no magazine. We could outsource production of the magazine to a 3rd party - as I'm currently doing all of the design work and assembling the magazine where it simply just has to be printed but if no-one is writing articles to put in it, what would they be able to produce?

I know you were a bit under the weather at national day but could we not have had someone taking pic's ie asking in advance on the ccgb/forum if anyone of amateur photoshop took photo's it's not that hard to arrange surely ;) It wasn't meant to be a dig at you Jim the latest sprinter is a good read but could be alot better without too much effort.

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Received my copy a couple of days ago. I noticed it is thinner than usual and also echo the comments regarding the National Day/photos etc. However, I also find it hard to criticise too much when I haven't submitted any articles and also haven't volunteered any other help. I, for one, am glad that we receive the Sprinter at all. Thanks for all your efforts Jim.

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Message received loud and clear on pictures. With the Classic Car Show coming up in November, which I had planned to write about (as it's a full weekend at the show for me) I'll make a real effort on the picture front. Cheers.

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If anybody else is going to this who is a bit of a keen photographer help Jim out as it is for the whole community.

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Totally agree with Sean but then I was parked in between two of probably the top 5 corrado's i have ever seen(i know i am a newbie but have done some digging) and there wasn't a pic regarding any one of the three (though i don't regard mine as anywhere near Goldie's or ChrisL's) the one's that do feature don't show the club in the best light. (so maybe it is time to let someone else do it Jim)


Why not do an article about your national day experience then mate? I mean, I think it was your first one?, you drove all the way from Kilmarnock & back, met/camped with a bunch of (loveable) strangers, you clearly have a view on which cars tick your boxes and you've got a great car yourself etc so I'm sure it'd be an interesting story...


Just a thought.... I'm thinking of doing something about my return to Corrado's and buying my old car back

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Keep that momentum on articles, Jim's standing by :)


Few minutes less on this forum gas-bagging, and you've got an article for the Sprinter :)



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Mmmm, no sprinter for me yet? Best go check I'm up to date fees wise lol


Let us know and we should be able to sort out a copy if you were inadvertently missed off the mailing list!

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Chaps - if you think you're up to date on membership payments but never got a copy, could you please drop the membership secretary a message (PM Gloster Ox on here) and let him know. He has all surplus copies of the magazine and can post out copies to people who should have got one, but didn't for whatever reason :)

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Let us know and we should be able to sort out a copy if you were inadvertently missed off the mailing list!


Seems I've just been missed :)



1 year Active, expiring on 29/04/2014

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Seems I've just been missed :)


Really very sorry about that :( Just human error on our part - no other excuse :( Could you PM me your CCGB number / name so I can see if I can find you on the data I sent to our printers?

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Jim, it's absolutely no stress, I wasn't even sure I was up to date with the club. Also, I never really use the CCGB website, so don't quite know my way around it, so I don't know my number :lol:

Where would I find this?

Again, as I said, no worries, I'm just glad you guys do what you do :shades::notworthy:

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Chaps - if you think you're up to date on membership payments but never got a copy, could you please drop the membership secretary a message (PM Gloster Ox on here) and let him know. He has all surplus copies of the magazine and can post out copies to people who should have got one, but didn't for whatever reason :)


Would these be the surplus ones that were apparently sent to Andy (CazzaVR) rather than me?



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Would these be the surplus ones that were apparently sent to Andy (CazzaVR) rather than me?




I'll PM you Ian - obviously a mistake by the printers as this is the first I've heard about it.

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Jim, it's absolutely no stress, I wasn't even sure I was up to date with the club. Also, I never really use the CCGB website, so don't quite know my way around it, so I don't know my number :lol:

Where would I find this?

Again, as I said, no worries, I'm just glad you guys do what you do :shades::notworthy:


OK - just PM me your name and address :)

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Always welcome to use any of my "snaps". I did post a lot up on here of Stanford Hall, and I have a heap from Castle Coombe. However, I hadn't realised you needed content so badly. My question mark was on the cover photo - the Scirocco that was slap plum in the picture! Still, could have been worse...!

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