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This is embarrassing... Corrado pedals

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So I'm 5'7" with really short legs ......... so to be able to drive the rado with full compression of the clutch, throttle and brakes I have to be sat on the fing steering wheel!!!


So my question is has anyone move the peddles (which i doubt) if so how...... ?


Thanks for not laughing at me..... :p

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I'm a short arse too, and have no bother. :scratch::scratch:

Edited by Ray1965
Spelling wrong..doh!

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Standard or after market seats? I'd be amazed if something isn't up with your seat adjusters as Wendy on here is about the same height as my wife (5'4 ish) and has no issue getting the loud peddle down to the floor!

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  redborbet said:
Platforms ?


Thanks :p


  VR6 said:
Is your username short (:grin:) for 'Altitude' ... ?


Never thought of that........ lol



After-market seats bucket seats, and honestly I have really short legs and a longer body! just to give an idea I was at a wedding a couple months ago and I had a short leg pair of trousers taken up 2.1/4 inches to be fitted on my shoes!!!!!! however I'm sure the seat sit slightly higher than the standard ones and properly lose a bit of leg extension!


I've heard through the great vine that maybe there is like a box you can set behind the pedals that maybe pro racers use for perfect positing and weight balance ? ( Could just be talking out of my arse! )

Edited by Alty

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Hi, I am Wendy - and really tall at 5.1" and as someone said no problems in getting the loud pedal all the way to the floor !!


I have Standard seats.


Lower the seat part so the front of the seat is as low as it will go and the back part of it then being high.

This should mean you won't even have to have the whole seat to the very front notch.


Hopefully this will help


Early TT's I actually cannot suppress the pedals to the floor- so avoid those !!

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Well I was looking into this more at the weekend and if you imagine a rectangle bracket with the long edge going vertical the hole for the bolt is dead centre of that so I might make up some new brackets and drop the hole down as far as possible and see if this helps!


Thanks for the help even those funny ones ....... you guys! :)

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