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Jim Bowen

Can ditch our tax discs today

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How exicting!


Should make cars look a bit cleaner. Anyone collecting them? I thought about collecting pub ashtrays when they banned smoking but never bothered.

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Removed mine from the car windscreen last night along with my expired work parking permit. Quite weird having no crap cluttering up the edges of the screen any more! :)

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I forecast a lot of people not taxing there cars !

I don't live near any towns or cities,I drive 15 miles to work,and not one camera !

What stops people just leaving non taxed cars on the road ?

There is still ways around not registering a car in your name.

When my mate was a community officer,one of his jobs was checking parked cars for tax,

Just my 2p

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Apparently the system has already gone down with no one being able to tax their car online or over the phone this morning.


I think its a bit cheeky that the DVLA are going to basically score a months tax everytime someone sells a taxed car halfway through a month. Stealth taxing at its very worst.

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I agree. DVLA are apparently saving £40 Mil by doing this. That coupled with all that extra revenue from the sales throughout the month means they're quids in. Tax won't stop going up though, in fact with monthly DD, I think it'll go up quite a lot in the next few years. People just won't notice it as much due to the fact it's not in one big hit, so won't complain.

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I'm going to buy a pre-73 vehicle and save myself the hassle of tax altogether....

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I'm going to buy a pre-73 vehicle and save myself the hassle of tax altogether....


Go the whole Hog,

Buy a pre 60's car and be tax and MOT exempt

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I find it strange people decide to renew on the 1st of October, idiots. Mine also ran out at the end of September but did it a couple of days in advance as usual, had no issues with the site.

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I plan to buy a vanity tax disk for mine in the 1994 style and colour and dated with her registation date and stamped in the original loaction etc. There's a few companie online that do them. I'm not too bothered about the windscreen clutter, if I had her first disk I'd put that in instead.

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Here's my new "tax-disc"




I'm prolly going to change it to some really teeny, tiny writing that says "Yes I have paid my ****ing tax you interfering, nosy old busybody" or summat similar ^_^

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Funny how some people get sentimental about tax discs, but resented paying for them.


What next, framed Council Tax bills when the government update that as well?

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I can't yet bring myself to remove it. I have a folder full of history so am quite tempted to find the earliest one in in the folder and put it back in. Retro baby :)

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I can't yet bring myself to remove it. I have a folder full of history so am quite tempted to find the earliest one in in the folder and put it back in. Retro baby :)


Until I get my vanity disk, I may put in the one I bought on the day I bought her, it is stamped with our "anniversary" date but it's only a few days before her birthday. I'm already planning her 21st birthday "gift" :thumbleft: I'll be broke if I have to get her an anniversary present too :bonk:


Sometimes I query the love I have for that damn car!!!

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Well I won't be burning it, but I'll keep hold of it in the folder. Won't add to the price, but its these little things that add up and show a car has been appreciated by previous owners.


Incidentally, whats gonna happen to the CCGB tax disc holders now? Got one in the folder too, but will they be making expensive beer mats from now on? Worth sticking em on ebay whoever has them all, probably gone up in price as they are almost literally "scene tax holders" now! :lol:

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As previous folk have said when my current tax disc runs out on the Corrado it will be getting replaced with the 1996 version I have. I liked the fact they changed colour every year and of course I was always very careful at separating the perforations. Tears meant tears:)

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