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Corradoless for 18 months

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It is a difficult thing for me to accept, but I remain Corrado lacking after 18 months of selling my VR6. It was far from tidy but was mechanically sound and decent to drive. The problem was always what was in the garage, my Mk2 Golf Gti, the start of my love affair with performance VWs so after currently 14 years of ownership I would find it really hard to sell. I suppose the spirit of Corrado lives within this Golf seeing a rotten G60 gave up its engine and Recaro UV interior to reside within the Mk2 shell. Mk2 is now running an unverified estimated 220 bhp so is faster than any Corrado I have owned (there have been many 16v, G60 and VR6 over the years). I really do miss that VR6 noise though, the G60 noise is OK but the unsilenced intake constant drone is not my thing anymore so I run a standard factory spec air box. On the flip side I do like the standard 8v look and sound but with the power to weight ratio of a BMW E46 M3.


So where do I go, 2nd toy? Got it already, a Mk1 Golf Cabriolet, that was used in our wedding and have now owned that car for 8 years! So that won't be allowed to go anywhere either. Future plans of getting rid of the T5 would only see something modern for daily use and then probably the purchase of an early Bay Campervan for family trips away on summer weekends. Still no room for a Corrado!


So unless we move to house with a quadruple garage (unlikely!)I really can't see a Corrado entering my life again soon, a real shame but that is life. I will always be hanging around here though, my interest remains in such a fantastic coupe.

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One bum deal ended my love affair with the Corrado.... or so I thought, enough time has passed now, I think another is on the books... I've loved these cars since my brother had a brand new White H reg Valver

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Guess you've been drinking again Bill!


You'll only buy another, decide it's not what you want and blame the car.

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Guess you've been drinking again Bill!


You'll only buy another, decide it's not what you want and blame the car.





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Guess you've been drinking again Bill!


You'll only buy another, decide it's not what you want and blame the car.


Yes Chris, I did have a few drinks last night.

I assume you had a few yourself as its the first time you've had the balls to post a reply to anything I've said.

The car wasn't to blame for me selling, it was yourself for failing to disclose the faults the car had and offering no help/reimbursement to put it right, your only reply was to say it wasn't like that when I had it... Yeah right :rolleyes:

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I don't want to get into another argument, nor bring down another person's thread, but the car needed geometry doing again, and the new genuine expansion tank was faulty at purchase. (I know as I have the exact same issue with mine). Those are hardly grounds for all this petty squabbling and finger pointing, and the fact that coupled with a strong (justified imo) purchase price, you then went out and spent a grand on a set of wheels that were never even fitted! Your spending habits when under the influence and that your missus probably gave you an ear full for spending your savings, shouldn't lead to this. It's bang out of order, and just makes you look petty and childish. End of.

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Yes Chris, I did have a few drinks last night.

I assume you had a few yourself as its the first time you've had the balls to post a reply to anything I've said.

The car wasn't to blame for me selling, it was yourself for failing to disclose the faults the car had and offering no help/reimbursement to put it right, your only reply was to say it wasn't like that when I had it... Yeah right :rolleyes:


Unfortunately it seems to come with the territory Bill but there will always be little niggles regarding enthusiast owned cars.Not really wanting to become involved in this but I do see your point Bill.

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I don't want to get into another argument, nor bring down another person's thread, but the car needed geometry doing again, and the new genuine expansion tank was faulty at purchase. (I know as I have the exact same issue with mine). Those are hardly grounds for all this petty squabbling and finger pointing, and the fact that coupled with a strong (justified imo) purchase price, you then went out and spent a grand on a set of wheels that were never even fitted! Your spending habits when under the influence and that your missus probably gave you an ear full for spending your savings, shouldn't lead to this. It's bang out of order, and just makes you look petty and childish. End of.


Not quite sure what your implying here, I wasn't under the influence when I bought the car or the rims and if you dont want to get involved, keep your nose out.

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Yes Chris, I did have a few drinks last night.

I assume you had a few yourself as its the first time you've had the balls to post a reply to anything I've said.

The car wasn't to blame for me selling, it was yourself for failing to disclose the faults the car had and offering no help/reimbursement to put it right, your only reply was to say it wasn't like that when I had it... Yeah right :rolleyes:


No, actually I hadn't had a drink. I just thought I wouldn't be childish in getting into an argument on here with you and thought I'd let it lie. Clearly you are to childish to do this as you keep having slight digs at me and I'm starting to get annoyed with it.


Fact 1.

When you decided you wanted the car, I gave you the choice of whether you wanted me here when you came to get it - you said you where fine with my father doing the deal while I took my daughter to Sunderland.


Fact 2.

You had all the time needed to asses the car but chose to drive it less then a mile before my father suggested you take it for a longer run, you then chose to drive it 4 miles down a straight road and even commented to my father on how well it drove!!!


Fact 3.

The only problem with that car was the expansion tank bottle which I told you about.


fact 4.

The car had been stripped completely and the only thing I couldn't do myself was tracking, this was done at a garage and afterwards as far as I was concerned drove perfectly (as you commented in the test drive), to the point where I confidentely drove it at 140mph down bruntingthorpe.


Fact 5.

after you bought the car and got it home you commented that the tyres where old and had cracks in them and I shouldnt have sold it like that. I did notice when it was up for sale recently that the same tyres where still on the car......... Should you not have changed these??


Fact 6.

if the storm hadn't come available I would still have it.


fact 7.

Your a complete cock Bill, I hope you get another corrado so that we can meet at a show and sort this out!!

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Would be nice to have you back Bill :)


Thanks Darren, I see you have another yourself, looks like a good one and will be a cracker once the paints done :thumbleft:

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No, actually I hadn't had a drink. I just thought I wouldn't be childish in getting into an argument on here with you and thought I'd let it lie. Clearly you are to childish to do this as you keep having slight digs at me and I'm starting to get annoyed with it.


Fact 1.

When you decided you wanted the car, I gave you the choice of whether you wanted me here when you came to get it - you said you where fine with my father doing the deal while I took my daughter to Sunderland.


Fact 2.

You had all the time needed to asses the car but chose to drive it less then a mile before my father suggested you take it for a longer run, you then chose to drive it 4 miles down a straight road and even commented to my father on how well it drove!!!


Fact 3.

The only problem with that car was the expansion tank bottle which I told you about.


fact 4.

The car had been stripped completely and the only thing I couldn't do myself was tracking, this was done at a garage and afterwards as far as I was concerned drove perfectly (as you commented in the test drive), to the point where I confidentely drove it at 140mph down bruntingthorpe.


Fact 5.

after you bought the car and got it home you commented that the tyres where old and had cracks in them and I shouldnt have sold it like that. I did notice when it was up for sale recently that the same tyres where still on the car......... Should you not have changed these??


Fact 6.

if the storm hadn't come available I would still have it.


fact 7.

Your a complete cock Bill, I hope you get another corrado so that we can meet at a show and sort this out!!


Chris, if you had had the decency to offer to help pay for the faults that you were clearly aware of, none of this would be getting said.


Fact 1. We had agreed a date for me to come down, I booked a non refundable train ticket, you then told me you wouldn't be there


Fact 2. The car did drive well in a straight line, I also mentioned to your father that it appeared to be pulling to the left a bit when braking, he suggested it was down to the camber on the road which I thought was a fair point at the time


Fact 3. Expansion tank, ABS, No windscreen washers, Broken cigarette lighter housing, Geometry, Wheel balance, Reverse gear selection, its also had a lot more paint that isn't factory


Fact 4. 99% of the work that you carried out was perfect, I have never said otherwise. There were receipts for everything apart from the tracking/set-up, I'm not saying it hadn't been done, but it wasn't right. Driving at 140mph in a straight line wouldn't have been a problem, no vibration as you still had the RS's on at that point.


Fact 5. Two of the tyres were showing signs of age, I pointed this out when the car was at the dealers and they said they were fine. The fact that they have just been sold again on the car is no concern of mine.


Fact 6. Is in fact a fact!!


Fact 7. My wife tells me a cock is a good thing, so I'll take that as a compliment. If you want to meet to "sort" this out, please don't feel you have to wait until I buy another Corrado, because as you know, I may change my mind!!

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Did you miss point 1 I made? The swimming gala change was unfortunate but I offered to stay and my dad go to Sunderland but you weren't bothered and said you were happy to deal with him. If you wanted me to be here, why didn't you say??

If you had any concerns about the handling you could have kept driving and take it around country roads, after all I live in the country and there are plenty of corners. Instead you drove 2 miles down a straight road went round a roundabout and came straight back.

All these problems you say I knew about is complete crap, I had someone coming up from London to buy the car and I turned him away so you could have it. Now answer me this, why would I sell a car with loads of problems to someone that I may keep meeting at shows and frequents the same forum as me when I could have got rid to someone that I didn't have to speak with again?

If I buy a second hand car, I don't get it home before I start looking for faults then get back in touch with the owner and ask for money back!


You had all the time in the world when you came to look at the car, you could have spent hours driving it, hours going over it and making sure you were happy. Fact is, you came and were happy enough to hand over the asking price and drive it away, at any point you could have walked away.... But you didn't.....

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I was not expecting this sort of reply to my thread. However, you both really should learn from this, Chris your demeanor suggests that you knew of minor faults at sale and should have disclosed this at sale. Bill it appears that the car was sold as seen so you should have been aware of these at sale by way of doing a proper test drive and mechanical test. Seriously guys stop bitching at each other and move on, these are old cars that cannot be advertised and bought like they are 2 years old.

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they certainly are a car that once you have owned they are hard to let go of.

By the sound of it you will be back in one some day


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I was not expecting this sort of reply to my thread. However, you both really should learn from this, Chris your demeanor suggests that you knew of minor faults at sale and should have disclosed this at sale. Bill it appears that the car was sold as seen so you should have been aware of these at sale by way of doing a proper test drive and mechanical test. Seriously guys stop bitching at each other and move on, these are old cars that cannot be advertised and bought like they are 2 years old.


Sorry to crash your thread, I managed to bite my tongue for the last 8 months but yesterday was the last straw as they say! seems someone can't miss an opportunity to drag things back up and just can't move on.

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Speaking of Mk1 cabs , why are they cheaper than a hard top ? Sorry if it's a thick question .


I think mk1 gti's in hardtop form are much more desirable then the cabby.

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Can I er.. politely suggest that I trim the crap from this thread and just return it to the spirit with which it was intended, Rustynuts? Cheers.

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I was not expecting this sort of reply to my thread. However, you both really should learn from this, Chris your demeanor suggests that you knew of minor faults at sale and should have disclosed this at sale. Bill it appears that the car was sold as seen so you should have been aware of these at sale by way of doing a proper test drive and mechanical test. Seriously guys stop bitching at each other and move on, these are old cars that cannot be advertised and bought like they are 2 years old.


That's exactly what I was trying to say too rusty well put mate and sorry for spamming your thread

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Mk1 Cabs are not worth as much as the tin tops due to them being built until 1993 and there are still lots about. They don't drive as well either but they are fantastic fun for cruising around on a glorious sunny day.

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Thanks for the info chaps , there does seem to be a lot more cabs around , I know of at least 5 in our small area of Devon .

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I was not expecting this sort of reply to my thread. However, you both really should learn from this, Chris your demeanor suggests that you knew of minor faults at sale and should have disclosed this at sale. Bill it appears that the car was sold as seen so you should have been aware of these at sale by way of doing a proper test drive and mechanical test. Seriously guys stop bitching at each other and move on, these are old cars that cannot be advertised and bought like they are 2 years old.


Apologies for the way this has went Rustynuts, I think you've pretty much hit the nail on the head though and I'll say no more on the matter.

However, I would appreciate if you would allow all the posts to remain on the thread.



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I sold my previous Storm in 2007. I bought my current one last month. So over 7 years waiting for me, but it was worth it!

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All posts to remain, they perhaps should not have been placed but in some way it will have helped both parties even though it was off topic.


A Storm would be my preference if and when i return. I know all the arguments about the perceived value, however there is no doubt the Storm is the most collectable. I would possibly go for a car with factory leather Recaros though.

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