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Yes, would very much like to know where he "has a vinyl replica made up" .. magical mystery suppliers known only to those in the trade..


I am guessing that the ABS unit remanufacturing company used in the program is the same one that VW assigned specifically for the UK, otherwise no way they would have a dedicated control box for this specific ABS unit .. ! How does he find this stuff out?!


Stuff I want to know:


Where the feck are ABS sensors £4?

Where the feck are front disks and pads £25?

Edited by dr_mat

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  dr_mat said:
Yes, would very much like to know where he "has a vinyl replica made up" .. magical mystery suppliers known only to those in the trade..


I am guessing that the ABS unit remanufacturing company used in the program is the same one that VW assigned specifically for the UK, otherwise no way they would have a dedicated control box for this specific ABS unit .. ! How does he find this stuff out?!


If you ask most garages they will have heard of BBA Reman, just look at there website and see what they can repair.


VW don't make ABS systems, they adapt systems to the cars thy assemble with the help of the manufacturer, that pump is also used in early mk3 golfs with the square side repeaters on the front wings. It will also be used by other car assemblers around the world and being unreliable it's worthwhile to adapt an emulator for testing purposes - it probably only does what the standard Ecu does on powering up anyway.

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  dr_mat said:
Yes, would very much like to know where he "has a vinyl replica made up" .. magical mystery suppliers known only to those in the trade..


I am guessing that the ABS unit remanufacturing company used in the program is the same one that VW assigned specifically for the UK, otherwise no way they would have a dedicated control box for this specific ABS unit .. ! How does he find this stuff out?!


Stuff I want to know:


Where the feck are ABS sensors £4?

Where the feck are front disks and pads £25?


has anyone called BBA reman to enquire yet?


they do have a way of finding these specialist companies. I recall watching one about a Porsche where they had custom suspension made for it which was rated as per the Porsche originals


as for the parts - im guessing with all the contacts they have & people 'working' for them then they can get pretty much cost prices


I work for a company that provides the software for car part manf's & my friend got me staff rate on some parts for the valver. an example being the brake balance bias valve, normally around £90 they are but I got for £30. the discs & pads were cheap as chips but cant recall how much


mark up on cars parts is huge!!

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  dr_mat said:
Yes, would very much like to know where he "has a vinyl replica made up" .. magical mystery suppliers known only to those in the trade..


I am guessing that the ABS unit remanufacturing company used in the program is the same one that VW assigned specifically for the UK, otherwise no way they would have a dedicated control box for this specific ABS unit .. ! How does he find this stuff out?!


Stuff I want to know:


Where the feck are ABS sensors £4?

Where the feck are front disks and pads £25?




Proper cheap and nasty chinese rip off parts on ebay.


I've seen front sensors for as little as £4 on there.

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  Dox said:
VW don't make ABS systems, they adapt systems to the cars thy assemble with the help of the manufacturer


For sure, I realise that it's a standard shared component. Just doubt that any company will keep an array of model-specific tester units unless they are a well-known national facility that does this all day long for the OEMs too.


FWIW when my ABS unit started doing the same thing about eight years ago I picked up a used one off ebay for twenty quid. Touch wood it's been ok since..

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I can have a word with someone I know who runs his own business , producing grafics for vans . He would be able to run the stickers for the badges off no problem .

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  robrado974 said:
I can have a word with someone I know who runs his own business , producing grafics for vans . He would be able to run the stickers for the badges off no problem .


very interesting rob


do you think they might be able to replicate the brushed effect on the rear corrado badge?


IIRC there has been mention a few times on here of people getting the repro'd but think the finish was an issue

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That could be looked into bud . Yes the problem with the brushed chrome affect is ,there are virtually no machines left that produce this anymore . Maybe vinal could be the answer to both badges? .

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  robrado974 said:
That could be looked into bud . Yes the problem with the brushed chrome affect is ,there are virtually no machines left that produce this anymore . Maybe vinal could be the answer to both badges? .


tidy! that could well present itself as a great option for many of us as im sure most have faded corrado scripts

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Apparently there are bushed metal effect type vinyls available.


However Trimsport promised that this was something they were looking into (front VR6 grille badges with the brushed silver effect) - it was something I was trying to work out how to get done, but they announced they were going to do them, and I figured there was no point trying to compete with their experience so dropped it. It has all gone a bit quiet from them though?

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  dr_mat said:
For sure, I realise that it's a standard shared component. Just doubt that any company will keep an array of model-specific tester units unless they are a well-known national facility that does this all day long for the OEMs too.


FWIW when my ABS unit started doing the same thing about eight years ago I picked up a used one off ebay for twenty quid. Touch wood it's been ok since..


I'd say they keep a TEVES 02 ABS ECU tester in stock because they know the system is crap and has always been! Most early ABS pumps all work on the same principle anyway, so the design and components will be standardized. It's just a bad design.

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  Jim said:
Apparently there are bushed metal effect type vinyls available.


However Trimsport promised that this was something they were looking into (front VR6 grille badges with the brushed silver effect) - it was something I was trying to work out how to get done, but they announced they were going to do them, and I figured there was no point trying to compete with their experience so dropped it. It has all gone a bit quiet from them though?


yeah I remember seeing the various threads Jim


Trimsport have been good at getting rado products done but for them to remanufacture items I guess it takes a lot of time & planning


plus, though I really like many of their products, they are rather on the expensive side. perhaps a vinyl overlay could be a cheaper option which would be better for some

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It's the red badges I'm worried about - I'm terrified they will get robbed at some point and prove impossible to replace. And they look the business with the pearl grey metallic bodywork.

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Teves20 system isn't too expensive, pleased with how my upgrade went, it does involve quite a bit of work though, but the pump is serviceable and more available, plus it gets rid of the crappy brake bias valve on the rear beam. Cost about £300 for everything needed, although have seen some people selling the system a lot cheaper.

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  dr_mat said:
Yes, would very much like to know where he "has a vinyl replica made up" .. magical mystery suppliers known only to those in the trade..


I am guessing that the ABS unit remanufacturing company used in the program is the same one that VW assigned specifically for the UK, otherwise no way they would have a dedicated control box for this specific ABS unit .. ! How does he find this stuff out?!


Stuff I want to know:


Where the feck are ABS sensors £4?

Where the feck are front disks and pads £25?


Well, I guess that box just replicates what the ABS ECU asks the pump unit to do - probably not that complicated compared to modern systems... looks a good setup though and lifetime warranty!


Discs and Pads - he did say £25 a corner and 4 Pagid/ATE Discs and Pads come to just under £100 inc VAT from carparts4less and maybe slightly cheaper from ECP on trade I guess (That doesn't, of course include the rear bearings / abs cages though)

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  Supercharged said:
Well, I guess that box just replicates what the ABS ECU asks the pump unit to do - probably not that complicated compared to modern systems... looks a good setup though and lifetime warranty!


Discs and Pads - he did say £25 a corner and 4 Pagid/ATE Discs and Pads come to just under £100 inc VAT from carparts4less and maybe slightly cheaper from ECP on trade I guess (That doesn't, of course include the rear bearings / abs cages though)


The pump manufacturers would need a similar set up to test the units in the first place, once newer ABS systems are rolled out copies of the emulator would be made available to the aftermarket like BBA who they'd also sell the spares onto.

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FYI everyone - the gf has emailed BBA today to enquire about the rado ABS refurb, availability & options


I will post on here once we have a reply :)

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Excellent. Great to know that such companies exist. Helps us to keep these cars on the roads, as obviously VW have little to no interest.

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When i emailed BBA last year they were really helpful saying they would even organise pick up from my home address.

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  Jon_vr6 said:
When i emailed BBA last year they were really helpful saying they would even organise pick up from my home address.


cool that is reassuring


I think the gf has asked about if they refurb the unit you send them or if they currently have an exchange option, IE they send you a refurb'd one and you send your knackered one to them


I will put their rely up once received

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They test them first to see if the pump can be refurbished if bot they offer an option to buy a refurbed one they have in stock. The above may have changed as it was a while ago.

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Well that was a fairly good show on Wheeler Dealers.

Shame so many bits did seem to be omitted - like the panel repairs.

I also would have liked to have known how you clean all the oil off an engine.

Not that I need to know being one of the lucky few who do not have oil problems, but just intrigued.


As for the Go Kart Track - I would have beaten any 16v round there in my VR, well except Dave Dewson perhaps- unless he started off behind me !!!


As for the Sunroof repair, I know Vince hates doing these, so I have just sent him an email - suggesting he should watch it - as I can't see what the problem is. !!! lol.

He will kill me - when I am in there next with my non VW Zed.


The show was really encouraging too on the price front, after my respray, that has got to make mine £9000 only 2 owners and one lady careful lady owner for the last 14 years !!! Anyone ?

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  fendervg said:
It's the red badges I'm worried about - I'm terrified they will get robbed at some point and prove impossible to replace. And they look the business with the pearl grey metallic bodywork.


I made the executive decision to remove them from the car about six minutes after I got it and they've never gone back on since. To be fair, I think the time that this was a risk has been and gone, these cars aren't even recognised any more by the unwashed masses..

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