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Vr6 rear break load valve

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So my load valve is away :( have new one here but can't get the fecking old one out. Heated front and back of it till it was red hot and poured water over it tried this a few times hammered the Allen key in nothing ****ed the head have the exhaust and all of it tried drilling the head of the nut took a grinder to it but the fecking thing will not budge are the nuts threaded through the actual load sensor itself or y the hell will it not come of any advice welcome before I burn the car haha


Thanks Mark

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I had exactly the same today (well, my mate did lol). It looked like the bolts are allen headed bolts that go from in from the centre of the car pointing to the outside. The allen heads rounded straight off, drilled the heads off, still stuck, so hacksawed/disc cut between the valve and the bracket and it does look like the bolts are threaded all the way through, but etka/vag-cat show the bolts going in from the other side (ie from the outside of the car pointing in to the middle) but no sign of bolts on the inside of the bracket bit, so what the allen heads are for I don't know.


Hopefully someone with more knowledge will be along soon



Edited by timmaaah

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I replaced mine when I did the axle bushes and glad I did. I ended up taking the face off the valve with an angle grinder....not a fun job...I couldn't have done it without the axle hanging down and other parts swung out the way.


It's one of these jobs that once you start, you might end up having to do everything. Can you get all your brake pipes off the valve? If not, you're probably looking at new brake pipes. I bought mine from the chap on here and they were perfect - a well worth it investment. I fitted, no other bends needed, tightened and never leaked at all.


It might sounds like a lot of work, but actually, you'll get it done in a weekend or two. Piecemeal replacement of pars like the compensator is always hard I'm afraid.

Edited by jamiehamy

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Absolute nightmare - luckily did mine when rear axle was off. Bolts corrode into the valve itself so very unlikely you can get off in situ. Also had to replace brake lines as well 'cos they corrode. Good thing is once done should be ok for years - mind you new one wasn't cheap either!!!

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Thanks for the reply we have grinded half the valve away still no joy had to take exhaust of to the middle section heated the valve and back of nuts till red hot cooled with water and repeated no idea how they are still stuck as heat and water has removed anything we have every come up against does anyone know if Vw still supply new bolts as I'm obv going to need 2 haha if and when I eventually get the b stard of the car

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Yes a completely ****ty job as the bolts just fuse to the alloy, best to just destroy it and replace the pipes as suggested, bit more work but you know it'll be done right in the end.

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The pipes are fine I have them removed and sanded one needed part of it replaced so I made a length of copper it's the actual valve itself lol just will not budge will get another crack at it tomorrow see what can be done I don't want to have to cut the bracket and refab it again :(

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Probably shud start a new thread but do any of you guys know if I can replace this clip CFEF4748-414C-4B85-9A5B-EBC55AC14781_zpshjge6vsf.jpg


Without buying a whole cable as I can't see how ya would take the clip off over the head of the cable also anyone know where I can get one

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Yes. Replace it with an l-shaped bracket with a hole in it for the cable. Just screw this to the handle mounting plate. Mines been like that for about 6 years now with no issues.

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