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BBC New Top Gear - Thoughts

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Well I thought there would have been a post on this but since there isn't or I can't find it. What did people think? Well they are definitely keeping to the original format which leads you to think how much say did the original cast have in its episodes or why they didn't hold the rights themselves. On the whole I didn't think it was too bad, I think Matt Leblanc did well, not really warmed to Chris as yet. The star in a reasonable car slot was the only real new concept and brought a new spin, and after this first episode I'll continue to watch to see how it develops

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Early days but Leblanc appears to come out shining (apart from the studio). Evans needs to stick to being a compare or warm up act for large events. Better still, on the radio where I can't see him and can switch off the minute he mentions his health.

We'll keep watching as its puerile fun for the worst night of the week!




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I thought Matt LB was ok, quite liked the addition of the rallycross mini.

Otherwise Evans was shouty and annoying and disappointed to see the same old tired format and silly challenges .

Will no doubt watch it again next week but will be hoping it gets better.

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im quite the opposite in regards to evans and MLB , evans is at least showing personality and seems quite at home whilst mlb seems to be kinda boaring and IMO from this first viewing doesn't really suit this show at all, I get the impression he's just filling in for someone else that's off sick!, show format could be a lot better but it is what it is...

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Evans was far too shouty for me,I thought the 2nd half was the better half,I thought MLB should be the main host !

The first segment with the lasers,didn't Clarkson do something very similiar a few years ago



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I honestly thought it wasn't too bad. I can't say I was gripped the whole way through but it seemed OK.


LeBlanc seemed pretty good and his allround demeanour was more the type I would prefer to see. Evans - agree that he was just too shouty and enthusiastic. It's not my kind of thing really - hoping he calms down a bit.


Think they should have changed the format a bit rather than keeping it very similar. And interested to see how the other presenters do - I'm a huge fan of Chris Harris and can't wait to see his segments, but he looked a bit 'deer in the headlights' on the pieces to camera in the studio, for the little 'Extra Gear' advert.


It's early days and I think it's got off to a good start - they just need to settle in and refine it a bit. I will definitely be watching again next week.


And can I just say, I'd donate organs in exchange for that Viper ACR. It was flipping sensational.

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Watched and liked it. I think the problem isn't how good the current presenters are but how good the old ones were.

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Watched and liked it. I think the problem isn't how good the current presenters are but how good the old ones were.


People seem to be expecting a bunch of presenters who've been thrown together, to have the rapport of presenters who've been working together for 13 years. So I think that's a pretty fair assessment!

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Missed it but will do catch up ....


I wanted one of the new presenters to by Guy Martin such a genuine likeable bloke - not really a Chris Evans fan

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I gave it a watch, or attempted to give it a watch but hated it. Chris and Matt just did not work together, and straight from the off Chris Evans was running around like an idiot trying too hard. Just seems like they tried far too hard to start from where clarkson left off rather than starting it their own way.


Did make me chuckle how Evans was trying to get the viper to drift but clearly couldn't, whilst sabine was on half throttle all the way through.

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I enjoyed it on the whole. But then I turned off from Top Gear years ago as I could not stand to watch Clarkson.


I agree Evans is a bit shouty but not as bad as I was expecting.


I think a huge opportunity has been missed here by the BBC to change the Show. I was quite shocked that the same format was kept.


It was actually nice to have some good eye candy - Matt Le Blanc - shame about his accent mind !! lol

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You guys think Evans is shouty, wait until Harris joins the crew. He's a very good driver though, so the road tests should be interesting.


In isolation, I only like Matt as a presenter / actor. As a team on Top Gear with Harris, Evans & Schmidt, nah. Not going to cry if a miss any episodes. Can't wait for the Amazon Prime TG. I don't care what people say about them or what Clarkson did to who and when, those 3 pulled in schitt loads of viewers. Hammond is slightly annoying at times but the 3 of them have a breadth of presenting / narrating talent and audience engagement the current bunch don't (and won't) even get close to, imo.


Maybe it would be better if they changed the format as already said, to give the newbies a chance to forge their own path. I mean, they still had the old lap times from the previous 3 on the board, and still did the same old Stig intro, which was like a lead balloon compared to Clarkson doing it. It really does come across as literally kicking the 3 stooges out and replacing them with someone else, just because of some BBC politics. Pathetic. They put themselves before their audience. A couple of stuffy old gits' morals and principals vs millions of loyal viewers.

Edited by Kevin Bacon

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I watched it and while not the greatest, on the whole, it was alright.


Not a fan of how little screen time Sabine got, the fact harris and the other one weren't even in the opening episode is a bit worrying also.


The ending of the section on the Aerial Nomad ruined the whole feature for me, and i'll admit for most of the reliant 'challenges' i was flicking through a beer recipe book rather than properly watching.


HOWEVER! I have recently found James May: The reassembler on iplayer/youtube, which is brilliant, brilliant TV. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b076nwjz

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I watched it and while not the greatest, on the whole, it was alright.


Not a fan of how little screen time Sabine got, the fact harris and the other one weren't even in the opening episode is a bit worrying also.


The ending of the section on the Aerial Nomad ruined the whole feature for me, and i'll admit for most of the reliant 'challenges' i was flicking through a beer recipe book rather than properly watching.


HOWEVER! I have recently found James May: The reassembler on iplayer/youtube, which is brilliant, brilliant TV. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b076nwjz


Love a bit of May. I downloaded his cars of the people series and a few other things he's done.


Oh and just remembered the unfunny quip from Evans about not mentioning food on the show...... presumably a dig at Clarkson for punching someone because there wasn't any food at a venue. Droll.

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Mr Bacon where have you been lurking!?!? ;) lol


ive not seen the episode yet but this thread has been a good read of what to expect....& probably result in it NOT being added to the 'record list' lol

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Mr Bacon where have you been lurking!?!? ;) lol


ive not seen the episode yet but this thread has been a good read of what to expect....& probably result in it NOT being added to the 'record list' lol


Busy with work and life :)


It's not horrendous on a Hollyoaks level, but you're well aware (and quite sad tbh) that a certain something is missing from the show. It's early days, but they should have redesigned the show to better suit the presenters. They had too big a set of boots to fill by keeping the format exactly the same.

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Busy with work and life :)


It's not horrendous on a Hollyoaks level, but you're well aware (and quite sad tbh) that a certain something is missing from the show. It's early days, but they should have redesigned the show to better suit the presenters. They had too big a set of boots to fill by keeping the format exactly the same.


tidy, hope they are both treating you well :)


as ive mtnioned i have not watched but i would have thought the 'new' version of the show would be completely different to the old one.


reason being that they slated the old one so much when on its way out, ok maybe not the show itself sometimes but definitely the presenters & their style, that the only way to renew it would be to go with a completely new format


i guess it displays the complacency & laziness & completely wrong focus (i could go on lol) that the BBC have - they are about as beneficial to Great Britain as the pompous arses we call politicians

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Well it seems that the consensus so far is; the Cast is ok, we think Chris Evans needs to calm down, we like Matt Leblanc; but he's not British. The biggest problem we have though; they should have re-formatted the show. Can't wait to see what the originals do on Amazon

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