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Everything posted by Blown

  1. Took me bloody ages to figure out what you were on about. :lol: :lol: Corrected now.
  2. Not again. :roll: Gawd,you just don't know when to stop do you..... Coat,over there>>.Now get out!! :lol:
  3. Farming,fishing(although it's not that big a business these days) and the biggest employer is tourism. At the moment,we're experiencing something of a small building boom,due to people in the south selling up and heading for the peace and quiet and relative safety that's on offer here. One of the problems is the time and expense of getting here-it's costly to fly,and a hell of a long drive to Aberdeen or Thurso to catch a ferry.
  4. :roll: :lol: Your coats on the peg,over there......
  5. Offer accepted,but we'll go behind the bike sheds so your reputation will be safe... :lol: LOL had one as a hire car at Inters when it was at the airfield near Marlborough,a few years ago.Drove all the way from Aberdeen with delivery mileage and ran it in for them. :twisted: Nick48480 and Henny,thanks for the invites.Depending on when Ed38 is I may take you up on it. Ironically,I work for British Airways at the airport here.So I can get fairly cheap flights off the island whenever I can get time off. It does give me the chance to transfer to London Heathrow or Gatwick,Manchester,Birmingham,Glasgow etc but I like living here-if I told you what the local weekly rag reports in the Sherriff court page,most of you would laugh.Crime isn't really a big issue-just some minor anti-social behaviour. As I've probably mentioned before,there is also a distinct lack of speed cameras and you usually get to know where the cops are hiding with the speed gun before they actually get out of their car. If I lived on mainland Britain,I probably couldn't afford to run a Corrado. It is a good place for a night out and in the summer you can go off hillwalking or mountainbiking etc till very late-it just refuses to get dark till around 3am-and even then the sun just dips below the horizon. 8) :) Winter sucks though.4 hours of daylight in mid december. What I need to do,is organize a mid summer VW festival here. :lol: :lol:
  6. Blown

    G-lader rebuild

    How difficult is it? Trying to weigh up the pros and cons of having to rebuild my charger by either stumping up and sending it off to somewhere for repair,or,as I think is the case,getting a kit and just taking it apart and replacing all the oil seals and apex strips myself. As it's already been stage 4'd by Jabba,I won't be looking for any mod work to be done,so,back to the qeustion,how difficult/whats involved? Cheers.
  7. I'm beginning to feel that(due to my,somewhat external, geographical location) I am missing out on all the fun to be had at shows and the like. The last show I got to was Inters,two years ago. I have to take at least four days off work to get somewhere further than Aberdeen. :roll: Also add in the factor that my car is back in the shed with the charger off waiting to get sent somewhere for treatment,I'm getting kind of deppressed. I've also thinking about getting rid of both the C and the Goof for somtime now and getting something different-cos I just can't be bothered with the hassle of fixing two 14 year old cars every couple of months. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  8. Ah,but are they exactly the same as mine? :lol:
  9. Uh,couple of exclusive body mods to the drivers door,care of some muppet in the supermarket carpark.
  10. Okay enough, now. Or that Haywire bloke'll be wandering around forum,hiring the largest bodyguards he can find and ordering for a bowl of M+M's with all the yellow ones taken out and punching the nearest paparazzi........ I await the Hello! interview with baited breath. :lol: :twisted:
  11. Made space in the garage,put the car in and started stripping bits out to prepare for charger removal.So far the altenator is out along with the filter and associated piping,belt let go and some of the bolts removed. Now may be a good time to order the toothed belt kit too. :twisted:
  12. Blown

    interior felt

    Have you had your interior felt? :twisted: Try a craft shop.They somtimes have strips of the stuff.
  13. Blown

    R1 or Lysholm?

    Okay,seeing as I'll probably have to get my charger rebuilt anyway,I was wondering if there was much difference between the stage 4(which is what I got) and the R1? What are the performance gains? Or would I be better of chucking the G-lader over my shoulder and get busy with the BBM/Lysholm unit as it appears to be more reliable? If I do,is it a straight bolt in or is there a bit of fettling with the ECU to be done/belt change/bracketry work to be done as well? At the moment,due to a temporary restriction on cash,of the foreign travelling kind,the R1 is looking the more favourable of the two. Answers on a postcard or the back of a stuck down envelope to the usual address please. 8)
  14. Hmmm,methinks it's time to upgrade to a BBM...... It hasn't gone critical(yet) as everything is still in one piece,but there is an ominous clicking noise coming from somewhere under the bonnet. Looks like it's time to cancel the insurance and reclaim the unused tax and put it back in the box until I can afford to do something with. :cry:
  15. Rebuild time??! I took it to Star performance,around 3-4 years ago,who removed the charger and sent it to Jabba for a stage 4 rebuild... Surely it won't need it so soon? :( :shock:
  16. Cheers. I'll do that tomorrow. If thats the case,what's involved in replacing the seal?
  17. Cheers. I'll do that tomorrow.
  18. Thanks G-man. :thumb right: Do you mean a seal in the charger or elsewhere in the engine?
  19. Was out for a spin today and felt that the G60 was underpowered compared to when I first took it on the road in May. As I reversed out of a parking bay,the car stalled and took a bit to get started again-it was what I'd describe as "wheezy". Got it home okay,everything seemed fine as I pulled up outside the house and turned it off. As it had been playing up I treid to restart it and the same thing happened-wheezed into life after I applied a bit of throttle. Left it for a whil to cool down and went to start it again-fired without too much hesitation. Just driven it 5mins down the road to my garage and the same thing happened-only this time on sdtart up I noticed a large cloud of blue smoke from the exhaust :oops: and when I got to the garage,it didn't wamt to restart. Popped the bonnet and immediately saw vapour coming out from around the airflow sensor in the inlet boost pipe,so I took the sensor out and it was covered in oil along with the inside of the pipe. This would explain the starting problem then. But where is the oil coming from? Could it be the charger outlet,which means it going thru the I/C? Ther's also oil droplets on the rocker cover,water hose outlet from the blue sensor and also on the inside of the inlet hose to the thermostat.It's coming from somewhere-just dont know where though. Oil pressure appears to be ok,but could this be indicative of an oil pump failure? :(
  20. Like this? :lol: (carbon fibre effect grill on this one!)
  21. Very nice Rado. But why is it that those front grill spiolers always seem to appear to sag in the middle?
  22. Sounds like someone fitted a Passat wishbone to one side.These are longer and are used by some to widen the track on Golfs. IIRC the Corrado ones are the same as the mk2 Golf.
  23. If anyone else gets these bloody wheels they'll be more common than Jordan! :lol: 9x16 et20 at the rear with a 10mm spacer to clear the beam. 7.5x16 at the front,bolted on no problem. 8)
  24. Sorry Dinkus. :oops: Should've done a search. But couldn't be arsed,really. :) Cos,wcichever option I go with,means selling the other bits.
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