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Everything posted by Blown

  1. No wonder people are leaving the stadium. It's finally happened-All the rules and reg in F1 have turned it into a global joke. It had to happen in the States too.
  2. Just had one of those random thoughts stray into my head. What does BBS stand for? Boredom rules! :brickwall:
  3. My drivers side rear light won't illuminate. The brake light works along with all the other rear lights and if I swap bulbs with the passenger side,the bulb lights up ,so it's not a blown bulb. Have checked the connector and theres no corrosion,so it seems to be somewhere in the wiring. Any ideas :?:
  4. It's the usual story. Some of them are fine and others tend to represent the Hitler youth. But being in a small town,you tend to get to know one or two of them outside thier working capacity.
  5. Me? Well it started off well enough.Watched a bit of Lock,stock then got bored and went out in the car. Driving around the town centre,I got stopped by a girl in a viking costume standing in the middle of the road,who then proceeded to bend over my bonnet and demand a pound off me for her hen-night "list". I didn't have a pound. Around 1130ish,I decided to head home. As some muppet in a Focus was hanging on to my rear end like piles,I decided to floor it along the main street-2nd-3rd snatched and BANG! No gear selector.The gear stick was flolloping all over the place. Managed to coast to a halt,uphill on the narrowest section of one of the busiest parts of the town centre.Hazards on unable to go anywhere. :roll: So I pulled off the gear surround and,by using the 2candle power interior light,I managed to see that the selector cable had worked loose from the shifter and had jammed istself under the reverse bar. :mad: Eventually,the local PD arrived in the paddywagon and asked me what was the problem-somewhat sheepishly I told them. "Can you move it?" PC asks. "Er,no.I cant get any gear to move either forwards or back.The only way I can shift is to roll backwards down the hill and park it." "Okay,we'll stop the traffic and you can do that." So traffic was stopped and I rolled down the hill,backwards for around 30odd feet and managed to get enough momentum to get it into a parking space. The officer came over to me(it was by this time starting to rain quite heavily) and asked if I wanted a lift home.I said that would be a fine idea. He then said "Don't see many of these about.Looks in good nick for the age." To which I replied"oh,er ta.Spent a load on it to keep it that way." Ended up getting a lift home in the police van,so I could get the Golf and tools and go and fix the Corrado. :oops: I then spent the next 40 mins trying to reattach the gear cable,with much swearing and scraping of knuckles.Eventually got it back together at around 25 to 1 this morning. :cry: I then had to drive back to the house,got the other half out of her bed,so she could drive me back to where the C was and get it home. Not in the good books today then. :twisted: So thats the first time EVER that I've been taken home by the coppers on a saturday night and I hadn't even been near a pub. :roll: :lol:
  6. Airlock in the ABS pump,if it has one? May shift with bleeding whilst the engine's running......
  7. :?: Dunno if this'll help,(not very clued up about mk4's tbh)but I remember someone with a very similar problem on their mk4,which turned out to be something along the lines of a rubber grommet at the top of the brake pedal getting a hole in it-whether it was a hydraulic unit or something,I don't know,but the VAG dealers said that it was a common problem on MK4's and that they were replaced with an uprated one.
  8. Yes it is. :oops: I have a replacement VW one to go in-just needing to colour-code it. Thought I had blanked it-obviously didn't save the work before submitting. :oops: Spoiler is up cos it won't go down.Have put it down manually,but it still has a tendency to raise of it's own accord.Probably an electrical glitch somewhere. Satisfied? :D
  9. Okay,hands up,which would you prefer?
  10. If he wanted a Megane coupe,why didn't he got and buy one?
  11. Wouldn't look out of place if it had a big wooden box in the back and was being driven at 5mph at the head of a long line of cars. Otherwise,it's pap. :2gunfire: What's with the rear wheels? Is he planning on taking to the rails with it?
  12. Blown


    Sorry,didn't realise you were using a pumper. Take a tip-If you have to jack up the rear,use the trolley jack under the rear beam. This will save the underseal on the rear and is quite handy for working around due to no jack in the way(using axle stands too of course! :wink: ) Also,it's best to try and lift the car evenly on both sides if your going to work at it for any length of time,as having it jacked up on one corner can put strain on the bodyshell.
  13. Blown


    A question for those of you who have Corrado's with aftermarket alloys and suspension,which,I suspect,is pretty much everyone on here. :lol: Does your car suffer from tramlining problems? If you go to overtake on a two way road,does the car twitch as you go over the white lines? Does it try to track in the camber of the road surface and tend to follow surface cracks and blisters? If your answer is yes,please tell me if and how you overcame the problem. :-P
  14. Blown


    Look in the manual!! Should be a small indentation in the sill that the jack goes under.Make sure that it is positioned in far enough so that the slot in the jack fits into the rail where the sill meets the floorpan. There's a reinforced joint there that will take the strain of the car being lifted. :)
  15. Blown


    Certainly sounds like loose wheel bolts. I had this problem on the rear when I put on my new wheels-17>16inch and the left rear hadn't seated properly.The bolts felt tight when I put them on,but after running for a while there was a thunk-thunk noise from the back and found that three of the bolts were almost right out and the wheel was being held on by only one! :oops: Got it into a car park and all tightened properly. So,even though they may have tightened in the initial fitting,make sure the wheel was aligned and all the bolts have seated properly.
  16. Have you had your car,or how long do you intend on keeping it? Seeing as most Corrado's are getting on for 10-14+ years old now and the expense of keeping cars like these,are making me think that I will sell the Corrado and the Gti and buy something newer and less prone to having bits fall off and the advance of the tinworm. :( But would I be able to find a car as much fun as either the Golf or Rado,without having to spend 15-20k for something new,or buying a 2-5 year old car and getting more power out of it with a specialist tuner?(Revo'd mk4 TDIGT maybe?) The main reason for this,is that I got,for no apparent reason,brochures from VW for the mk5 Golf and Bora including price lists,which has got me thinking. The GTtdi 4motion was one that caught my eye..... :?:
  17. Blown

    Heat shielding

    Does anyone know of a company that makes aftermarket cut&shape type heatshielding? I need some as my Stainless exhaust now has the capacity to cook my ankles through the transmission tunnel. Be good in the winter for heating the cabin quickly,though. :)
  18. Got my Corrado back together today (new water pump pulley c/o G-werks :thumbleft: ) and took it out for a drive. Now I know that I've done a fair bit to it and want to look after the thing,but does this really warrant me to drive like a granny? I mean,I stick rigidly to 30mph in town and maybe creep up to 50 if I go out of town.I don't rag the nuts off it,I let the neds in the chavved up Pugs and Saxo's the satisfaction of going past at warp speed and think to myself "Bloody young hooligans" when the C is capable of making their silly french tin look like 2CV's going uphill. Meantime,I'll go out in the Golf and cane it to buggery.Understeering round corners,sliding it around roundabouts and generally being a "boy racer"(ugh,Hate that term ) and not really caring or even thinking much about doing it.I'll even take on cars that make the USS Enterprise look like a snail stuck in tar on a hot day. What the phuck is wrong with me? It's just not right. :(
  19. Yeah,I've already ordered the pulley,which was supposed to be here today but it's now gone on back-order which means it'll be here next week at the earliest.... :roll:
  20. Thats just it. The local VAG dealer can find the part no for the pulley on thier system but not for the other two parts. The "big weight from the middle" is the two pieces on the right,which bolts onto the pump through the pulley and also bolts to the smaller bit on the left which is whats left of the ring that is bolted on the back of the pulley by three bolts on the outer rim of the weight. I've just read that back to myself and it still makes no sense.... :? :oops: Why couldn't VW design it as one piece-it would probably have been easier and cheaper....
  21. C'mon,I know your out there......... :lol:
  22. From anyone with ETKA. Can you please hava a look at the water pump pulley for a 91J G60 and tell me if it has three part no's or one. The no's should be 037 121 033(adjuster ring) 037 121 034(balance casting) 037 121 034B(pulley) Mine has grenaded and I need to know if they all come as one unit or will I have to order three seperate parts? :?
  23. :notworthy: :notworthy: Although you can't see it,I'm doffing my cap to you Renshaw. :notworthy: :notworthy: I thought I had done a fair bit to my G60 to get more power,but yourself and PhatVR6 have taken it to a whole new level. 8) 8) Just wish that I had the time,effort and inclination to build something that good., I reckon you should call it a Corrado EVO2. :lol: So the next incarnation( EVO3) will be a shoehorned in RS6 engine and 4wd system....... :roll: :lol:
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