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Kevin Bacon

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Posts posted by Kevin Bacon

  1. im not keen on the shape but holy cow im keen on the 2.53 0-62mph time!! :D


    If that's a trap time up a drag strip I'll be super impressed, but I reckon it was done with an iphone app :lol:

  2. Is that how the floor mat comes from the factory?


    Yeah they are mucky (odd when you're asking £25K ffs - clean them!) but I bet the reason he's taken the original 'R' carpet mats out is because idiots pay £250 for them on forums / ebay.


    Paid £7K for mine with 56K on it which I thought was a fair price for a fair car. Almost 4 x that is bonkers.

  3. Supersprint only make headers for LHD cars and they cost a fortune! Nice though, and they work....cause they've been flow optimised and designed / made properly, unlike the majority of the cheap shat out there.


    One thing I will say though is 24Vs are quite sensitive to headers & cats. I think the best result would be to do what KipVR did and use the whole lot, inc the cats, from the donor car. You can lose quite a bit of bottom end torque if the headers aren't quite right.

  4. Yeah that's doable as Fusion can 'talk' to the USB port in Windows mode, thanks to Macs finally going with Intel hardware.


    As for DTA, it was sold to a new owner this year and it just so happens he developed an Android app for it...... but as it currently stands, it's still serial port comms only, so you'll either need a legacy laptop with RS232, or you can get a USB > RS232 adapter which works well in Windows, but I reckon it will be a ******* via Fusion / Mac.

  5. Had that problem on my KWs and other brands of c'overs in the past. Life's too short for hours of faff, so I just cut the seized spring perches off and bought new ones, and as Stuey B said, wire brush the f'ck out of the threads before putting the new perches on! Gaffer tape the exposed threads, which works well.


    Liking Borachris's idea too!

  6. Just bung VMware Fusion onto OS X if you can't live without Windoze. It's very good and only about 60 quid. You'll need a licensed (or bent, your choice) copy of Windoze too.


    Check your employer's staff benefits scheme as we get discount on Apple products at our place. You can / could also buy from Apple's University stores and get a discount, despite not being a student, but they might have closed that back door now.

  7. You can be up to 2 teeth off before things start clouting each other, but it won't misfire. It just feels a bit flat until you reach the higher rpms. It wouldn't hurt to double check it though. There's an excellent chain replacement guide on here, which shows the all important timing procedures.


    Maybe the misfire is caused by a dodgy HT lead or a fouled spark plug?

  8. yeah there wasnt much clearance on the T trailer thing but no the VR has the later smaller one, the valver has the 90mm i believe.


    not sure how tight it was for the stealth rollers, vince didnt mention it


    ahh yeah, forgive my ailing brain id forgotten you now had the ED30. lol joy rides seem to be very common with rado owners! i always go the long way to the local shop ;)


    is the ED30 not giving you an itch elsewhere if it really is just a work horse?


    Yeah I used to do that all the time when I was tuning the VRT. "Just popping out for some fags dear...." 3 hours later...... :lol:


    I don't know what it is mate. I loved MK5s when I owned the Corrado and always wanted an ED30, but now I have one, it's like "meh". Must just be my age (bored of cars), or I've got a case of the 'the next greatest thing' syndrome or something! It's certainly quick, handles really well, practical, very reliable.....but somehow isn't "giving me the fizz", to coin Mr May.

  9. I used the 12V PAS pump with the 24V pulley on it, but there should be no reason why the 24V pump wouldn't work. Is it just making a loud racket? Should quieten down once you can drive it around for a bit.


    Good stuff though, you're getting there!


    The first drive of mine after putting the R32 in it was like,"hmmm, this a bit boring really" :lol:

  10. hello m8!! been a while since ive seen you pop up, hope you're well :)


    lol i think i had a sensitive moment about the pics i posted as i know how limited exhaust options are - thanks for your reply ;)


    it was a touch & go moment with the RAC as with the height i run it at it literally just about cleared the T trailer thing they drop out the back of the vans. if anyone is interested i run the '2 finger' gap mentioned on the suspension thread quite a lot


    hows the R32 Kev?


    Blimey, even the 2 finger gap is tight? You've got the 90mm front spoiler yeah? They are low cars though. 2 fingers just about gets a Corrado on Stealth's rollers too!


    Got rid of the R32 ages ago mate :) Got an Edition 30 now. Had it mapped and that's about it. I just drive it to and from work. Certainly no joy rides like I used to do all the time in the Corrado! Having said that, my old favourite blasting road has just had average speed cameras slapped up on it :(

  11. thanks chuggs! I was beginning to feel unloved here as they had been up for an hour & not one comment :(


    Bless ya :) I reckon of my 26,000 posts, 25,000 of them were ignored, you get used to it :lol: The forum is definitely a lot quieter these days though, which may explain the lack of traffic in your thread!


    Pleased to hear the exhaust is quiet. I HATE droney systems and he looks to have used a decent sized resonator, which is cool!


    Having a Corrado collected by the RAC / AA is a right of passage that all Corrado owners should go through!

  12. Another option is to do what NS Racing / VF Engineering did years ago on MK5s. They ran a driveshaft from the water pump side of the engine (as they don't have a PAS pump) and mounted the charger above the gearbox. Very neat!


    And as you can see, the charger fires straight into a chargecooler and into the throttle for an ultra short boost path. I like!



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