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Everything posted by Andi

  1. Top Tip!! http://twitter.com/#!/corradoforum ;)
  2. Thanks for the offer! I just need to sort out a bit more of a cleverer (sic) Linux script to backup the site locally then mirror it to another server to be sure now really. I did have one before, but it was a bit sporadic and I didn't really trust it.. I may just rsync the whole server.. ;) And the CloudFlare 'backup' was interesting. I like the fact it said the site was having trouble, rather than just giving you a DNS error. Fair play to them ;) And the server is in France - no, I wasn't there personally. vKVM FTW :)
  3. Yeah, quite an ordeal... What turned into a 'simple' Ubuntu (the OS the server runs) upgrade, the server then decided it couldn't see the hard disks..!!! The hosting company weren't much help, so I got some help from a Linux developer, but he got stumped... then I had a contact who actually works for Ubuntu in London as a programmer... he and I were up til 3.30am this morning, trying to bring it back to life. I could access the files, however, in an 'emergency' rescue mode - so I used that to backup the whole site to another server (which, at ~45gb, took a fair few hours!) then we set to try and bring it alive. Alas, we couldn't, so as I set off to bed, I set the server to reinstall itself from fresh. This morning I've then been recovering all the backup, re-setting up the server (adding the webserver, SQL, databases, PHP, caching...) then bringing her back online!! I made an exact copy of the site, so it should be exactly as we left it..... All this paired with me having a stomach bug and really being unwell since Sunday night - AND going to work..!! So yes, welcome back ;) Feeling quite speedy, for me, too... ?
  4. We're more likely to get a time-out or failed upload if you do more than 20 per post. Please just separate them out into multiple posts - maybe categories to help buyers? Thanks.
  5. Upped PDF attachments to 20mb so you should be ok now :)
  6. I've removed the Visitor message. Let me know if you get them again..
  7. You wouldn't need to 'close the advert' if the seller had clicked "Buy it now" ... ;) By deleting the ad, you remove all tracking of the advert, etc. In future, please just get the seller to click the obvious link!!!
  8. No, they "tried" to send you a PM but couldn't because your PM box was full. They would've received an error message telling them to same, so you'll just have to ask them to send it again (since you know who it was).
  9. This is a standard vBulletin site, of which >50% of the Internet's forums are based. There's nothing 'dodgy' about this site- it's one of the most secure server packages out there, and certainly doesn't leave security-hole-laden files on your PC... Even so, the very most it could do is leave a cookie on your machine. No way that would warrant a PC rebuild! It may well be you have something else on your PC which has come from another source, and that is trying to contact your visited websites to grab passwords, or something, and has picked the CF from your Internet history. I have DNS-level firewalls in place that stop these attacks, so they will probably keep trying. This might have alerted your IT bods, and they incorrectly assumed it was the CF doing the dirty, not something on your PC trying to hack into your sites, and failing on mine as it has higher protection than most. I'm theorising here, as it's impossible that this server is the source.
  10. Allows you to "Like" threads, post replies & threads to your wall, and if you're a new user - you can actually sign-up using your Facebook account too. Just a way of spreading the CF word :)
  11. Hi pumbaa, I've investigated this and I don't tolerate abuse of fellow users like that. BadBoyHiggins has been banned for 10 days, and upon his return, is permanently banned from the Classifieds System & the Marketplace.
  12. It's in advanced editor too.... But yes, use the video option and it supports more sites than just YouTube :)
  13. Wasn't a setting, it was adding some extra code to the CSS. Reverted the post/signature setup to a v3 style instead of vB v4 style (apparently...). Locking
  14. That's because only 2 have been submitted on the new system. The old list are still on the site, you just can't add to them: http://the-corrado.net/forumdisplay.php?17-Archive-Cars-for-Sale
  15. Each blob is 10 reps, so might take you a while... ;) I think Tom/VR6's new rep is more appropriate......
  16. Kinda need a bit more to go on... Which browser? Where are you seeing the error? Have you tried the Basic Uploader?
  17. Ok, I've been doing some work on spam prevention this evening. Now, new users (as in when they sign up) are, for the first 6 posts on the forum, subject to a lot more monitoring by the software for 'spam' content of their posts. They are also not able to post to the Blogs or any links until successfully past this milestone. The heuristics used by the spam prevention system are regularly updated, hopefully catching all new types of spammers... time will tell! And Mods, if you do see a spammer, you can use the 'Spam-o-matic' button in Moderation Tools to automatically ban the user, remove all posts/threads, etc... A lot better than before!
  18. There is no post 51..... (doo doo doo doo...) So, I have no idea.. I see 50 pages here and proper pagination. Then your ISP has cached the borked CSS then. You'll have to wait for it clear. Use http://direct.the-corrado.net/forum.php for now.
  19. Ok, seems fine in Firefox and Chrome, but IE throws a wobbley. Settings changed and should all be fine again. (Proof that IE is crap, as it can't handle Javascript and CSS properly!)
  20. Looks fine here. Clear your browser cache.
  21. I'm playing with Javascript acceleration stuff - just tweaked a setting - still erroring?
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