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Everything posted by Andi

  1. Hullo! I am adminstrator of forum of Corrado! Good day! Please, provide bank details and 3-digit code for good health for your car!
  2. All done in Quick Links -> Forum Subscriptions or when replying to a thread, "Go Advanced" then you can choose from there.
  3. What a stupid great idea! ;) Done, just for you! Just use 'strike' in [ ] brackets, as the other BB codes.
  4. You had 149 messages - well below the threshold, so not sure why it was being funny. I've had to clear out all of your messages, apologies, but hopefully that will fix it. If there's anything you need to refer to, you can get to the old site here: http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/
  5. It would appear as a second entry on this page: http://the-corrado.net/blog.php?4395-quicky1980 The comments span off from each entry - that's the point. Therefore perfect for How-Tos, Builds, etc.
  6. On the old site.. ahem! That's a phpBB feature which could not be imported to vB. There is full social bookmarking on this site though which syncs with deli.cio.us, Google, stumbleupon, etc...
  7. I know, not something I can mass-change, very annoyingly. Just clear your DoB year or select Hide from your Profile to remove. Correct, because it looks messy! :) You can multi-quote using the "+ button though. Rather neat...
  8. Thanks, Matt! :) Not quite in the same way as phpBB - but I think vB has an even better way, you just have to use it! With phpBB, when you subscribed to threads, you HAD to receive emails, or you weren't subscribing to the thread. With vB, you can subscribe to threads and decide which threads you receive an instant, daily, weekly email - or no email at all - yet you can view all these threads by clicking on Quick Links -> Subscribed Threads. I intend to do a "Website tips" section with all this info in it when I've finished setting everything up, so watch this space!
  9. What Toad said - instead of a massive thread of 100 pages on a, say, VR Turbo conversion 'how-to', you post up each stage as a blog entry - so they can be viewed easily in sucession - but also allow people to comment to each section. Plus, you can subscribe to the blog and receive updates of a new entry - instead of an update for every comment made by everyone else on the site.
  10. Tapatalk has been installed now - so those using that on their iPhone/Android/WindowsPhone7 phones - you may need to remove The CF from your 'Favourites', search for it again, then login. Should work fine after that.
  11. Click "Go Advanced" for the full editor. The 'Quick Edit' is meant for a "quick" edit inline, spelling, etc.
  12. Update: Missing threads hopefully a lot better - old posts were being hidden from view. But if you definitely can't find them, then head over to the old site to retrieve what you can. Yes, member titles, etc, will be reintroduced when I figure out where in the Settings.. haha! This is version 4.1.1 and version 4.1.2 (which is currently in beta) includes a full mobile theme with automatic phone-browser detection. It should be final code in a week or two, so will be fixed by that. I will add Tapatalk in shortly, however... Glass of milk and on a second wind.. haha!
  13. I believe in the importing of 500,000+ threads, about 2,000 were "corrupted" and didn't transfer. Sorry, but I have a feeling that may have been the very large (and normally therefore a bit broken) threads - so if this has affected you, you can still access the old forum here: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/index.php in a Read-Only fashion. Although the banners, etc are broken - the attachments and posts should all still be there, so you should be able to retrieve any information you still need. Thanks for all the (mostly) positive feedback. I hope this improves the site a lot for you all. The donate links are back! Plus you can setup Subscriptions directly in the forum. This doesn't give you anything extra yet - but it will (and will be back-checked if you subscribe now). [donate][/donate] I always really appreciate all the donations and support you give, guys. The cost of this software and the server is all paid for by me, so it's only possible by your donations and support. I will be enabling and adding a lot more goodies to the site tomorrow, don't worry! I've been working on this for 14 hours straight now, so time to give me eyes a rest and get some sleep!! Please don't break anything... ;)
  14. You can see recent posts in the "What's new?" button at top. If you wish to see your posts, click "My Profile" in the top right, then "Find all posts" Yes, I know it's two clicks, but... ;)
  15. Update: Avatars fixed. (Just now) PM box limit increased from 50 to 500. If you exceed this, have a clear-out! Usernames and email addresses were CaSe SeNsItIvE which was causing login issues. Now resolved. Working on fixing attachments not showing thumbnails. (Hopefully)
  16. Forum Actions -> Edit Profile -> Edit Avatar (on the left hand side, half way down)
  17. I know - lemme get it working properly in normal browsers first ;)
  18. You should have "Moderation Tools" in the bottom right... I hope.. lol
  19. Hi all, and welcome to THE Corrado Forum 2.0 :) What's happened?!?! I hear you cry. Well, we've changed forum software from phpBB (a free forum bit of kit, nice, but a bit lacking in features now) to vBulletin - a very comprehensive forum / site software suite that will allow us to give users a much greater experience (but sadly, isn't free!). One of the cons of this process is that, I'm sorry to say, your Avatars have been lost (please don't cry) but also you had to reset your password. This is due to the software not being able to copy the encrypted passwords from phpBB to vB. It's done pretty much everything else though. There are a couple of 'faults' at the moment which Dom (dinkus) and I are working on: The banner - yeah, work in progress! Attachments from the old software aren't being shown inline of posts Smilies from the old software not correctly copied There's a couple of other quirks too - if you had a font size change in your post or signature - it's gone a bit crazy now! You'll have to change that manually. But, to the pros - this is where this software will help the CF community become great: Blogs! You can create your own Blog - perfect for Builds, How-Tos Reputation - don't recognise someone by their username, or are you new to the site yourself? With this, other members can vote up or down your reputation - making you a saint, or a sinner, of the forum Coming Soon: Front Page site. A news portal highlighting great threads, VW news, and anything and everything that will interest users Coming Soon: Facebook Connect - login using just your Facebook ID, and 'Like' posts, threads, pictures, plus have links posted on your FB wall to share to your friends outside of the CF community plus much much more in the background which makes this site so much better for the Moderators and Users. So, have a look around, have a play - and please feel free to post back any issues you may have in this thread. Thanks!
  20. 1. I run the largest Corrado web site in the world, yet haven't owned a Corrado in over 5 years. 2. In September, I said something on Twitter which made me the 4th most retweeted person on the planet. I nearly lost my job over it though. 3. I have bilateral optic nerve hypoplasia resulting in nystagmus which freaks people out when they look at my eyes (they wobble, basically! It's the same thing that most blind people have which is why they wear dark glasses). My vision is poor enough that the government now pays for my eye tests, but I can read the line needed to drive, and wear contacts, so you can't really tell ;) 4. (Cos I'm the admin), 2010 has been the worst year of my life. Really..!
  21. The Leaf is massively flawed, especially in European electric circuits. Let me explain. They promote "30 mins to charge 80% of the battery" but that uses a 50kW charger - something that would blow all the fuses in your house on a 240V circuit (generally 3kW is the max in the UK). So Nissan also provide a 220V plug-in charger, however, presuming it uses the maximum 3kW from our electric circuits, the batteries in the Leaf at 24kW - so that's 8 hours to charge... Then also think what 3kW is - that's 3000W. That's like leaving a fast-boil kettle on for a full 8 hours. So, presuming you're in the higher-usage electricity charge at home, then 24kW @ 10p/kW = £2.40 to charge. If you're a light user, that will jump to £5.76. Not quite the €1.20 they quote. Then how far does that get you? £2.40 for a maximum of 100 miles. At today's prices that's an equivalent of 50miles per litre of petrol: quite impressive. Now, next week I take collection of an Audi which will do 70mpg. That's 18.4miles per litre. Ok, not quite what the Leaf will do, but I can do that 70mpg in the wet, with wipers on, headlights on, stereo on, heater on, for nearly 900 miles before having to stop and refuel. I'm sure with the extra drain on the battery, you'd be nearer the same 'mpg' in the Leaf as a TDIe Audi - don't forget what country we live in. Wet, dark, cold.. lol And with no engine, the leaf would have to run heating elements to warm you up in the winter... So, in the wet, dark, cold, UK winter - what do you reckon, 50 miles on a charge in the Leaf? Yeah, sounds great..
  22. Ah no, that was a loaner from the company supplying the next car.. ;)
  23. Silver. 1.6, 120k miles on the clock. Modified a bit: Recaro seats, blue roll cage, rear spoiler, side skirts, lowered suspension, custom nose cone, twin headlights, induction kit. It's a Mohair roof and in good nick, and great runner. Oh, and a big noisey exhaust. Hehe. I was 19.. ;) http://twitpic.com/15v38f I also swapped the side lights and indicators around.... It was the first car I bought myself, and modded ;) Was from this I bought my C, and started the forum... aah. And the new car? Now that would be telling. I'm coming back to the VAG fold, though... (And if you research me enough via clues on the above link, you could find out.. lol)
  24. I'm driving an MX5 (Mk1, import) at the moment - which actually used to be my car 10 years ago! Still going well, and will be up for sale in just under a month when my new car arrives.....
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